A Day in the Life Of

Diving all in Repentance

Eve Miller

Join Payden and Eve as they dive into repentance and talk through what God can do in your life when you declare the power of his name over your life!

Hey, what's up. Y'all welcome. Back to the day. And the life of podcasts. It's Ian Payden. And we're so excited today. Um, we have some good stuff for ya. We've covered. Slacked this week, it's been a rough week. Um, I've been very busy. Very, you started back with school and I'm like, Two weeks out from my wedding. Yeah. This is what. Six hours in lecture looks like. I'm sorry for my appearance this week. Because I look like I'm jumped out on brush Paul. Yeah. But that being said, um, it was. Perfect week for us to have some, uh, ministries on repentance. That was one of the themes for one of the sermons that we watched. So. Um, This week, we kind of wanted to talk a little bit about. Ministry and repentance and all sorts of different things. But, um, one of the main things that stuck out to me this week was just that you don't earn God's love it's unconditional. Yeah. And I feel like that's a good thing to remember. Whenever. We're doing stuff like this challenge, you know, like. We get really upset whenever we're not standing up. We're not up to par. You know what I mean? Yeah. We get frustrated with ourselves and we think that God's disappointed in us, but. Your, you may have to earn other people's love, but God loves you. No matter what. And all you have to do is repent and apologize and like promise to work harder next time. Like his love. Is automatic. It was some, I can't remember exactly what I said. I think that, or what it said, but it was on, um, Long hollows. Sermon. And he was, it was like baptism week there. And so they were talking about how God's love is the only love that's instant. Like yeah. The second that you repent and you accept him. That's it. But with other people, you have to work at it and you have to. Work towards that, or maybe it was, maybe it was cross points. I don't know. They all run. They all are about the same. Honestly, they kind of hit on the same stuff each week, which is crazy, but yeah, I love that. Like, I've I've said this before, too. Like people are going to hurt you, but God got well, like, I think that's, what's wrong with some people when they get the on like what Christianity is and they have church hurt and all this stuff. And. Me and Elena, you were actually talking yesterday and they were like explaining to some girls, like why they don't believe in like how Christians are so judgmental, but in the end, like. It's not really about, you know, other people it's about God is what glorified God, I know we're gonna mess up and sin because we're broke a flash, like right. We shouldn't hold. Christianity to the people, because we're going to mess up every single day, but like having that relationship with God and knowing that God. God's looking at her fails and he's always going to forgive you. It's just, so it gives you a sense of peace, but also it's like an encouragement to others. Like, yes, I'm so sorry that people have hurt you. But listen, this is what my God is. And this is who like, this is what he does. And. He'll always love you. Even when people don't. Yeah, I think that reminded me of the point that I have. And I know that this one was on the long haul of service, but it says the flesh does not lead you to a bay Christ. That is the holy spirit. Um, So, if you ever feel. Like you're about to do anything. Good. Like anything that comes from the Bible or is a long, the words with the Bible. That's from the holy spirit. I feel like we've talked about this. Before, but it's just important to reiterate that. The holy spirit is what's good in you. And that is. The Lord trying to give you discernment, or you even talked about how, like, sometimes if you get anxiety or fear, you know that that's not of the Lord. Yeah. Yeah. Anything that has a spirit of fear or. You know, Anything that is like not good in the sense does not come from the holy spirit. Like if it doesn't give you a peace or. Yeah. Or satisfaction. It's not from the Lord. And that's a great way to kind of determine like the holy spirit it's the holy spirit, or if it's something else that gives a spirit of fear, that's not of God, God will give you fear. He'll give you different directions to go rather than instilling you with fear. But we always want to hold on to those things. You know, I feel like whenever you're fearful, you're trying to like grip onto it. Whether it's like somebody breaking up with you and you like, feel terrible, you're trying to like grasp at it. Even if you have a pit in your stomach that it's not right and it's not good and you don't want it. Or if it's like being around a person, if that person makes you feel anxious all the time or doesn't make you feel good. Then that's like D that's the spirit of discernment. That's the. The Lord gives us gifts and it's through the holy spirit that he uses those things and that's showing you what to do. It's it's the safety course, you know, that we always talk about. And, you know, not to say that any of the things that we go through, aren't scary sometimes because they are. But, you know, God, it's really encouraging that God will walk with us every step of the way. Like he's always going to be a part of your journey. You just kind of have to put faith in him. And kind of just know that whatever you go through, like God's with you and he's got your back. Even though it may not be what you want to do. Right. It's got always has your best interests in mind. And we always just need to remember that and just rely on the holy spirit and. Rely on what God has for us, because in the end. It's always for his glory and always for his plan and everything's going to be good in the end. Speaking of being for his glory. We were also talking about how. Every single one of you have a ministry, whether we think we do or not. Like it's easy to think that even I have a ministry since we have a day in the life of, and we post on it and we're doing a podcast. Right now every week, but. Every single one of us on this earth has influence over people over things. Everything. Like if we're living life, then we're having an influence over something. Whether that's passing somebody in smiling and like brightening their day or making them smile back, it, it can boost people's mood and you don't even have to be a Christian to like, Be ministering something you're going to be reflecting and influencing something. It's just, what do you want that to be? Like, how far do you want to take it? You're going to be influencing people no matter what you do, but what do you want to be influencing them of? Yeah, I think that's so important because like you said, we all have a ministry everybody's ministry just looks different. But in the end, our overall goal is civil war by God, and to spread his love and to show his kindness. And even when we fall short, His glory is always good. And it's just so important that you don't, that you guys know that you don't have to have. A quote on quote platform, I guess. In a way, but you have your own platform. You have your own ways of sharing the love of God, but we sometimes think about it as having a big social media influencer. Or, you know, having a podcast, having a blog or whatever, like you can do those things too, and that's wonderful and awesome, but you also have so much power in your everyday life that you have to use. I think that sometimes. We don't see it that way. And we also, like, we think that we need to be posting or doing other things to show, you know, our ministry or to show God's glory, but that's not true. Like we literally can show it every single day. And, and do the other things as well. Like. Yeah. You're everybody's, ministry's going to look different. Well, I think it's also because we it's so like, Such a big deal in our society nowadays to have a platform. Like, I feel like there's so many people at so many followers because it's so easy to, I don't want to say it's so easy to get followers because we don't have that many followers. It's not that it's easy to get followers, but it's like, Your, your stuff's much more out there. Yeah. You know, and so it's, it's easier in this generation to be famous without being like a social light. You know what I mean? It's easier to be famous without being an actor or a musician. You can just be famous for being yourself. Or being cute or anything nowadays. And so I feel like sometimes it's easier to be discouraged if you don't have as many followers, because no matter how many followers you have, you're never going to have more than everyone else. You know what I mean? Yeah. And that's, that's a really good point that you bring up like. Also the reason that we think that way is because we're an instant generation. At we say this all the time. Like we are very instant gratification. I want this now. Yeah. And so when we think that. When we try to do something that doesn't blow up instantly, we're like, well, that's not what God had for me. Like, no, that's, that's not to say that's not what God had for you, but like, maybe it's just not that time. Maybe it's not your time to shine. Per se, but like, I kind of go back to the story that we have this. So you click Joseph. Oh, it was so it goes hand in hand kind of like with that. Like he went through so many things in like 70 trials. And. Like he didn't know really what God had for him There was a part where pastor Kevin from Crosspoint this week was explaining. He was explaining the story of Joseph and he was doing such a good job because he did it so quickly. But he was saying like Joseph had 11 brothers. That's good. But he was the favorite of all of his brothers. And so they were jealous of him. That's bad. And then he was saying, but his father saw this. So he gave him a special robe. That's good. No, because it made his brothers even more jealous. That's bad. And then it goes on to talk about how. Brothers sold him into slavery and they're like, oh, well that's bad. And then they're like, no, it's actually good because this is what God did. And so it just goes back and forth of showing things that we think are bad, but how God used them for good. But it's that instant, like. If we don't see the results instantly, then we think it's bad. But when you look at the huge picture, like if you look at the long run, Of your life. Sometimes it's these bad things that God ends up using. To impact, not even just your life, like it might not even just be making your life better. Think about how many people have read this story and how many people that has impacted. It changes the trajectory of everyone's life. And so these little things that you could be doing, you could give up early and you might cut yourself off and you're going to sell yourself short and you're going to be stuck in one of these bad periods, because if Joseph. Would have. Given up on God. And if he would have been like, no, I don't trust God when he was in jail. And the Pharisee pulled them out to have him prophesize his dream. If he wouldn't have given the glory to God, because when that was happening, the king was like, can you, um, I hear that you can prophesize dreams. Can you tell me what my dream means? And Joseph said, I can't, but God can. Yeah. And if he wouldn't have done that, if he would've trusted himself and if he would've just tried to guess, like, if he would've, because. If we were in that situation, it would be very easy to give up on God and be like, there is no, God, God doesn't love me. He threw me in jail. I mean, my brothers turned against me. How can it get worse than this? Yeah. You know, But he never did. He didn't give up on God and he continued to give glory to God because he knew that without him, he was nothing. And I feel like a lot of times we don't wait for that. Yeah. We, well, we talked about this last week. Like we want to fix things ourselves. Like, we always seem to rely ourselves rather than what God has for us. And that's just such a slippery slope because we do that. We kind of. I think we know better than God and we don't. And so just giving that, that trust back to him is what we have to learn to do, because we should know in our hearts and our mind that the overall goal is going to be good, which you can't see it right now, or is that our Tom. Yeah. I think that's so important. Like I think. That. We're all in different seasons of life and everybody will have a season and you'll be in a waiting season. You'll be in a. Uh, you know, a hurtful season, you'll be in a happy season, but when we're in those waiting seasons, sometimes it feels like. It'll never end. I think I might've said a little bit about this last week, but. We just don't trust God. We give up because we just think it's not meant for us, but we're in reality, it made us not be Tom for us to do this. These certain things. And, you know, To lead a certain way, but you can always be doing little things to inch toward your goal. And that kind of just kind of goes back to what this whole season was about, like inching towards our goal. How have we had bumps in the road? Of course. But over the overall goal is to get closer with the Lord and to have a routine every day that glorifies him. And even though we, we slack off and. We've we fall apart sometimes. We're we're. The flush we're going to do that, but we just need to know that we have an overall goal in mind. And to give it back to God and that he can handle it. I think that it also. Really shows about just how much we want things instantly, because we just. Never want to. Actually stick with things you. You know, like we're always wanting to. Just change them. But, um, one of the things that I had for the ending of this story about Joseph was when his brothers, so originally Joseph had had a dream and it was saying that he came out basically for breakfast. One morning, I was like, guys, I had a dream that one day you would all be balanced before me and the brothers were like, Say what? No. And so they didn't like Joseph, cause they thought that he was cocky and they just knew that he was favored. And so that caused jealousy and pastor Kevin was explaining that like jealousy started here and then once other people were together complaining about the jealousy, then the jealousy turned to hatred. And then once there's a bunch of people with hatred, you de-humanize the person. Yeah. You know, and so they didn't even see them as their brother anymore. They just saw him as the enemy. And so they ended up selling him to slavery. Joseph went through so many terrible things. Um, things that weren't even his fault because he was just, he was following the Lord and he was thrown in prison, falsely accused of all kinds of things. But in the end, his prophecy ended up coming true because all of his brothers come back. And Joseph at this point is in a place of power. And they don't realize that this is his brother or this is their brother. And he, they are all kneeling before him asking for food. And Joseph knows that this is all of his brothers. And then he's like, I'm Joseph and they're like, Don't kill me pretty much. Yeah. And Joseph says in Genesis 50 19. But Joseph said to them, don't be afraid. I'm in place. I am in the place of God. You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is being done and saving many lives. So then don't be afraid I will provide for you and your children and be reassured. And he reassured and spoke kindly to them. That's. I mean, that's crazy. Not only the fact like. Did he forgive his brothers, but he trusted God through the entire process. Yeah. And I think if we were ingestive shoes, we wouldn't know, because you think about, he went 22 years. He was sold on slavery when he was 17. He went 22 years of being enslaved, going through all this, all this horrible thing, always horrible things. And then his brothers showed back up begging for food. And he forgives them. And he actually, I think it's as he weeps, like. Because he's. So he was over the. Another room at first. Cause he was, he was so overwhelmed with, you know, just compassion and love because he hadn't seen his brothers in so long. And he wasn't worried about. Everything that they had done for him or everything that had done to him, but he was more worried about welcoming them in and just seeing them again and being altogether. Yeah, I, and I know that. It would be really hard for a lot of us to be the same way, but, um, One of the. Things that I had written down was from, I think it was from this sermon. And it said that it's hard to hate the person that you're praying for. And he was like, Tying that into how they were dehumanizing him because they were all getting together and they were picking him apart and it ends up turning that person. It's you're not thinking of that person as a person. You're just thinking of them as the enemy. And it's like objectifying them. But if you're talking to God about this person, and we've talked about it before, like if your first phone call is to God, then you're not actually going to complain about the things you're complaining about. But if your first phone call is to call God and talk about this person and talk about how much you like have compassion for them, or just asking for compassion, because. Honestly for me, it's really hard to have compassion for people because I just try to hold people to like a high standard, because I just feel like I'm always, like, that's not what I would do. Like. I know that I wouldn't do that. So why are you doing that? And so I struggle a lot with having compassion for people. So I would have to just pray that God would give me the compassion to be able to forgive that person. Not even that that person has to apologize or has to do anything to me, but I would have to work on my own heart to just be able to. Forgive that person or acknowledge that I even need to forgive that person. You think. It's really important that we recognize, you know, our own faults. And we asked Laura to soften our heart, because like you said, like they, it started off a small thing of jealousy, but then it turned into hatred and then it turned into them almost murdering their brother. And then they did sell them off to slavery because they thought murderings was. Too far. Yeah. But like you just think about how small something is that just grows and grows and grows. We talk about it all the time with like building a brick wall. It can be applied to many different things. It can be applied to hatred, to jealousy, to whatever you want to categorize it in, but that's why we really need to open up to God and give it back to him because he can soften your heart and he can take that. Heat. When you feel like you can't. Come most. Yeah. Pastor stuff or. Pastor. Kevin also said good fruit can't grow on bare tree. Or bitter trees. And we always talk about good fruits and we talk about reaping what you sow and reaping more than what you sow. And that really put into perspective for me, because it's like, if that's your fertilizer, yeah. Then that's not, it's not going to, it's not going to get anywhere. Um, I was listening to Sadie's podcast this morning, and I told you earlier that. There was a girl on there and she said that she had writer's block and like, she couldn't like. She was a gospel worship leader and she like. Couldn't get the words out. Like she couldn't write. And then somebody asked her like, have you. You never painted lately. Like, is there something in your heart that you need to let go of? And she was like, well, That might just be it. And so she like prayed for penance and then all of a sudden she was like, fine. But I think a lot of the times that's what holds us back from. You know, moving on from those things too is because we have to let go in our heart and give it to God and repent. And then, and then we can move on for what. Then we can move on to bigger and better things, because if we're having something that's holding us back. It's going to prevent us from growing and having those good roots and having those good. Um, Having those good fruits being produced. Yeah, I think a lot of times too, I will. Just want people to stop talking and they'll be like, well, have you given it to God? I'm like, yes. Yeah. I've given it to God. Like, yeah. And I think that like I had in my brain, I'm like, yeah, God knows about it. Obviously God knows about it. God's in my brain. But like God knowing about it and you actually giving it to God are two different things. Like if you, you actually having the conversation, like we talked about last week of making God personable, like the same way we make people unhuman, we need to make God personable. We need to actually see him as. Yes, our friend, our best friend that we can go talk to because. God's going to help you if you ask for it. And if he fully knows what's going on, but your heart has to be in the right place because we have free will. So if I'm deciding that I want to be better and I still want to be mad about something, God's going to allow that to happen. Yeah. So until I take them. Step forward of asking God to help me with something. Even if it's like just something at work or if we feel like we've done bad with some of our tasks that we're supposed to do, or if it's at a person, if we ask God for help, then he's going to help us. Yeah. But if we're just. He's going to stay in his own lane. Like, you know what I mean? He's going to stay in his own lane unless there's a huge cliff coming up and then he's gonna be like, And kind of your us back on track, but he's going to let you hit speed bumps that you want to hit. Like, if you want to do that by yourself, that's whatever, that's why he gives us free will. Yeah. And then we experience those things and that's why we feel that hurt. But that's why it's so. Like, that's why it's so good to speak things out loud over your life. And like saying prayers out loud and, you know, speaking scripture over your life, because once you do that, it's spoken and loud. Like, though you declare it like in your heart, when you speak things out loud. And so like the Lord knows, like it's different to say things in your mom than it is out loud. And so when you actually give it to God out loud, then you see more of a difference. You feel more of a difference. You speak things over your life and you speak it into existence. Almost. I feel like it makes you more vulnerable when you say it out loud, because it's like, it takes so much more because. If you're not used to it, there's still that element of like being embarrassed to say something out loud, because you're like I'm in my head. I don't have to say that out loud. Nobody's here. Who am I talking to? God can hear me in my head, but it's something about making him. Personal, you know, Like. Proving that you know, that God's there with you to say it out loud, because if you're saying it, like, I don't know, it just, it feels different. There's more intimacy. I feel like if you're saying it out loud and you're declaring it well, it's like you're surrendering at all. Like you're surrendering all to him because once you declare that out loud, it's not just in your brain anymore. You hear it with your own ears? You, you speak that it comes out of your tongue out of your mouth and you mean it it's comes from your heart. And so when you say that the Lord sees compassion and. He wants to glorify that he's going to, like we said, last week, he's going to plus those things. When you do things for him. Like, he's not just gonna throw you to the wolves, but when you speak that crying out for help. He's going to see that as compassion as vulnerability. As you wanting to seek that relationship with him because you were done on your knees, praying out loud for whatever you need. That's that's like a surrendering it all moment. Like. You fully want to live your life for Christ. So you're speaking things out loud. Yeah. Um, I feel like it also reminds me just of how we always talk about how we start off super good. And we're like the first time that you. Declare your love for Jesus. You're on a high and we had a Bible verse. Um, For how. When we talked about the ministry, I also had the point that it's easy to fall in love with your ministry and out of love with Jesus. Of your ministry. Yeah. And. The Bible verse that I have for that is in revelations two. And it says yet I hold this against you. You have forsaken the love you had at first consider how far you have fallen, repent and do the things you did at first. And so he's telling us to repent and. A lot of times, I feel like we actually need to say those things out loud. You know, like repenting in your head and knowing that you messed up is completely different than actually surrendering everything to God. Yeah, I think that's also why it's so important to when we talk about all the time having. Uh, notebook and writing things down and like running your pairs down and running what you're going through down, because you'll see God how he works and you can script, you can like flip back your pages and. You know, he answered your prayer, then he got you through then. What makes you think you still can't do it now, also, even with your, you know, your sense and being your pin full, like, you could also write that down and you can look at your progress down the road. Like it's just. It's very visual and it's something that I need to work on myself because I think it keeps me more accountable. Not only, you know, in my mind, but like when I'm writing things down, I can actually visually see it. And it's a lot easier for me to follow along. When I read it for myself, rather than just keeping it in my thoughts. Right. One thing that always weirds me out, though. When I think about saying things out loud is just that we know that the enemy isn't in our head. But he can hear things out loud. So I'm always like, If I say something, is that going to make. Saying, like, know how to get me. But it was also just talking about how he such a good reader of like your body language and how you react to things that like. The enemy knows what's going on anyway. But. He's going to flee if you're talking to God, like if you're talking to God and if you're saying Jesus, his name out loud. The enemy cannot be around you. Like he cannot be trying to interfere with you because you're putting up that wall against him. And you're building closer to God. That's why they, that's why they say, you know, these names so powerful. Like even the demon shuttered his name. That's why it's so powerful for you to speak scripture over your life. Like. That's why they tell you to repent and, you know, review things in the name of Jesus. Like it's just, it's powerful and you all might think we're crazy, but we're not because. It's if SU like when you do it, you just, you just know you have a sizzle piece of your mind. You have a sense of peace over your life. At that point, like, I would just encourage you to like, truly speak things over your life, speak scripture over your life, and you will definitely see a change. And I've been seeing a lot of stuff too, about how people who, um, We're not even necessarily, they didn't even necessarily think that they were like far from God. It could either be like, People that were doing yoga, or it could be as far as to people that were practicing witchcraft and none of them felt comfortable when people would bring up God, Lord or Jesus. Like if, when people would say that, they said that they just like instantly felt angry and wanted to leave the room. Like people that were, their friends would bring up Jesus. This one girl was saying that she was like practicing spells and that she thought that she was a star seed or something. And that she thought she had light angels that were communicating with her and all of these things. And that when her, when her friend that she had had for a very long time had found Jesus and started to talk about Jesus. She wouldn't want to be around her friend. She would want to be as far away from her friend as possible. And that is like the enemy having a hold on people and the enemy not wanting to be around. Yeah. Conversations with the Lord because he's not supposed to be there. Yeah. I could kind of goes back to. Oh, I was reading something the other day. Like. About how we can't really be like, like God sent the holy spirit because God can't really come down because he's in pure. Like we, we couldn't stand in his holiness because we're in pre. Because we're in pure, like, just thinking about, you know, all the demons and the devil and what. What goes on. Like they cannot even. Be in the same room with God, like. There's no room for him. Because God is just amazing and he's just almighty and he has so much power and I just, I think that's so encouraging. It's also really hopeful for where we will go one day. Yeah. We'll just spend eternity with him, but we'll be in all of his glory and all of his power. That's really cool to think about. And it does offer a lot of encouragement because we go through things. Every day, we kind of like wonder, like, Is there anything else that I'm supposed to be doing and I'm always messing up and I feel like I can never keep going. And it's hard. It's really hard to, you know, find your flush every single day. And it just offers a lot of insight because kind of going back to like you don't earn, God's love, God loves you. And so we can always try to be better. And it's great when we do, because we will live such better logs. We're going to mess up a day, but that's, what's so great about our God is because he does forget when he gives her Pinto or we have to repent, but we have to repent. And to hear from our ways. Um, I also have the note that. God doesn't need you to explain. He just needs you to obey. And that I feel like wraps around everything that we've talked today about just one repenting, because repentance is obeying, he's told us to repent, and it means that you know, that you weren't obeying. And then it also goes in with him always having a greater plan in mind, like. Even when you're struggling, the holy spirit is going to tell you what to do, and he's going to give you wisdom. I feel like that's one of the big things that I want to pray for lately is just praying for wisdom, because I've also seen things where I can't remember who it was. In the Bible that. Um, It was like, do you want to be rich or do you want wisdom? And it was like, he could have prayed to just be king, but he didn't want to be king. He wanted wisdom. And with wisdom, he became a king. Like, if you get wisdom. You'll have everything for the rest of your life, but if you just want worldly things, then. You'll never have anything because. You know, God also says that it's really hard for a rich man to get to heaven because you're holding onto your earthly possessions. Um, So it's just very important to. Obey God and ask for the wisdom to be able to know. What you're supposed to do and what is obeying him because he has a plan for everything. And you may think that you don't have a ministry, but just living life is having a ministry. Yeah. And. What you may have already left this world by the time you impact people. Like it could be later on once you're not here anymore, that you're impacting people, but you're always going to leave some sort of impact on people and it could change their lives. They could change where their soul ends up. It could change everything about their life. Yeah. I think we've talked about this before, but like, You plant a seed in everybody's life. Like. No matter who you talk to, who you encounter throughout the day, it's all about how you react with them. And you plant a seed in somebody's life. Whether you, you know, mentioned that you're going to church or you're just nicer than like you said, or just giving him a sweet, small, or on the opposite hand, you could be, you know, ugly and leave that seed. Like it kind of just all depends on, you know, how you carry yourself that day and what you're feeling. And so that's why it's so important that. You know, you have the spirit of God in you and you live for him day by day, because you want to bring as many people as you can with, with you to heaven. And that's the overall goal of this kingdom is to bring everybody home. Yeah, I think that's such an accountability thing for me, especially now that we have the podcast and we're openly trying to profess our love for Jesus and try and set the standard because I sit there and I think about. Like when we're thinking about how do you interact during the day? And I start thinking about all the conversations I've had today. And I'm like, did I like, did I leave that conversation? And that person thinks, yeah, I believe she has a Christian podcast. Like, she, she represents everything that I think Jesus is about. Yeah. Like, or do people have a negative thought about Jesus and then meet you and think. Well, the church has hurt me in the past, but there's no way that somebody, that, that, that is that sweet could ever stand for anything bad. What is her Jesus about, you know, Yeah, it's really it's convicting because you do and you, you reflect and you sit back. But that's why we have to, you know, ask for forgiveness and repent and then turn to. Pursue those things. So you know that yes, she follows Jesus. Yes. She is a light in this world. And no matter if you're professing your faith. Through public ways like we are, or if you're just going to church every day. And you're a leader in your small group or whatever it is like, you're an example to somebody you're always being an example to somebody. You may have a younger sister, younger brother, but you're always. You always have somebody that looks up to you. And so just don't think like you don't have an impact cause you always will, no matter where you are, what you do, you will leave a seed in someone's life, whether good or bad. And so we really want to turn our hearts and turn our minds to, you know, really be aware of what we're doing, how we're acting. Living like we have the holy spirit in us because we do. We just have to, you know, turn from the flush, turn from our flesh and really ask. The holy spirit for guidance. Yeah, I think with all this ministry talk, I would really like to end this episode with challenging everyone that's watching too. Either have one gospel conversation a day. Or post something. Gospel related, whether it's a scripture or whether it's you talking about going to church, you're talking about something or if you just say something to somebody, I don't know, maybe like God loves you or Jesus loves you or ask if you could pray for somebody, just reach out to somebody in some form at least once a day, this week. Yeah. It's like, that could be a good add on to that should be good. And you could go take it just as this little, as, you know, having a conversation with somebody that you don't normally have a conversation with your shield, still showing the kindness of God. Like just being more aware of how you carry yourself each day. And I think that could really impact. Your own mental health and somebody's self mental health and their day, and just how they see themselves. Like, even if it's a compliment. Like, oh, you look great today. Like, Just something that, you know, just shows that you're thinking of them. And, you know, you have the light of God in you. Yeah. I think that's good. It's really good. How do we have any other. Closing remarks. I don't think so. I just want everyone to realize how important they are. In the kingdom of God and that we're all here for a reason and that God put us all here. Because he knows that in some shape or form, we can bring glory to him. Yeah. Um, I kind of wanted to add too. I had this note and I really good that you kind of said that, um, even though we messed up every single day, like God still uses every situation good or bad. And I've said that a million times before, but I just, I just think that's so important because sometimes we get hung up on. You know, messing up and we're not, we're not worthy and we're not, we can never, you know, have a platform or share the love of God because we have a history. We have a past that wasn't so great. And I just want to encourage you that, you know, God uses every situation for his glory and you're never too far gone. And you can always ask for forgiveness and start where you are. Yeah. But we love you guys so much. We're so excited. We only have one week. Yeah, I think, yeah. When week, one more back, I'll be married. Yeah. That is that next? Week's our last episode for a month. But we'll be that. Um, Sometime in October. I don't know when. Yeah, not yet. But, but we love you guys. And we want you to remember that you're more precious than rubies NIO.