A Day in the Life Of

Diving all in the Ultimate Truth

Eve Miller

Dive in with Payden and Eve as they discuss new goals and talk about God's ultimate Truth! 

Hey, y'all welcome back to the day in the life of podcasts. It's E and Peyton, and we are. Starting off today with, um, giving y'all our five day things we've thought about them and takeaways and the add more additions. And we're excited to tell you all about it. I think this is a little more difficult but a little more insightful because it's more difficult because you're thinking about what you need to take out, but obviously you don't want to take out any of your habits. Yeah. Yeah. It's so hard to. You know, break. Uh, proceeding habit than, rather than adding a new one. And I think that's kind of what we were trying to focus on this time was, you know, Reevaluate and regrow. Yeah. And. Trying to just do what we can do. I don't know if you're going to start with yours. So two things. I want to focus on taking away from this week. And one that's just really been sticking out to me lately is, and I don't do it often, but when I do, I'm like, Ooh, So I want to take out no cussing and no, like. Saying, oh my God. Or OMG or things like that because. Yeah, it's bad. You're not supposed to do that. Like you're not supposed to say OMG and you're not supposed to. I mean, it's. That is just like, The Lord's name in vain, but then cussing it's also, I don't want to say like, dang it. I don't want to save darn. I don't want to do any of that because it's the same as doing it's about the intention behind it. And we always talk about like the intention behind your heart. So if you're trying to cuss at someone, or if you're saying it's about the intention and you're purposely using that as a nasty word. Yeah. So I don't want it to be coming out of my mouth. So taking out social media altogether was going to be really hard because it's a lot of one real estate to podcasts like advertising. Obviously social media has its disadvantages, but it also has its advantages. So I have just limited it to no scrolling on social media. So, I mean, like. Absent minded entertainment. Like if I'm sitting down and actually have time to be scrolling, I'm not going to be scrolling. I'm going to either be on a YouTube video. Um, learning something or listening to a podcast and learning something. Or another one of my goals is to read at least one book every two weeks. Yeah. So I'm either going to be doing one of those. I'm not going to be sitting there for entertainment purposes, but if it's for like business or podcast, then I can get on social media. Um, and then I have that. I want to pick up my clothes from my room daily. That's good. Cause that. If y'all have ever seen my roommate now. Um, and then I have recently just finished my marriage counseling because the wedding is a month away. And one of the things that we did was we read a book called, um, love languages. I don't know exactly what it's called. It's Gary Chapman is the author. And so. That really has opened mine and killed eyes as to how we're treating our relationship before and how I want to treat it going forward. And so Caleb's love language is words of affirmation and his is his main one. So one of my goals is to give Caleb at least three compliments or affirmations a day. Yeah. That's really good. So those are my five. That's good. I love that. Um, I kind of stole one from her too. Because I thought it was so good. Um, so my first thing is I want to pray in the morning before I touched my phone. Like, no matter what it is good. Um, before I get on my phone to text or just do anything, I want to prayer for us heart. And I think that would really kinda set my mindset towards, to. Just give your body towards the Lord. And, um, my second thing is I want to read a devotional with my husband three times a week. It's been really, really, really hard for us to see each other every single day. He works night shift and not work. We're late on complete opposite as schedules when he's on night shift. So I'm trying to shoot three times a week. And then, um, Tanner. If you're watching this. Just like. Just so you can get ready. Now let's come in. Yeah. Also like how you're saying, like you're a things it's words of affirmation. Or his thing is words of oppression. Peter just acts of service. So. Get in the kitchen. Yeah. He expects. Um, No. Um, This thing is laundry and I'm very bad at it. And so I think. I'm going to dedicate one day a week to do laundry as I should be probably doing anyways. But. I really struggle. And so I really want to do laundry. One day. We both have, our laundry is one day a week. So. He's that's all he's getting right now. It will be one day a week. Um, I also want to get up every day at six 30, except for weekends. I can't. Get away on weekends just yet. But, um, during the week I do want to wake up at six 30 before school. And it might, it might be earlier than that once I started school back. So yeah. That's kind of what I want to do. That's a good, and again, we just wanted to segue into reminding you guys why we're doing this, we're doing this because. We kind of just wanted to think about like where we want to be in our lives, you know, and like, Where we are now. And so reaping what you sow is such a big part of that, because you're going to reap what you sow. So if you're giving that's what you're going to get out of it. Um, and a good point that I had seen on a sermon this morning was that. You're always gonna reap more than what you so. And it's so true because if you think about it, if you plant an apple seed that starts off with one seed, it's just one seed. But. Putting time into it and like, Watering it, the soil, you put all the things. Are going to make it turn into a huge tree. And from that tree, You're going to have, who knows how many apples that are going to spawn from that. So, yeah. You don't, if you give a seed, you don't just get a seed, you get a whole tree full of more apples. Yeah. So. It goes even more into good fruits and bad fruits. Like if you, once you get in the Bible, you can just see all of it. You can start comparing all of it. Um, and so what's your you're reaping what you sow and you're selling more or you're reaping more than what you so. So you need to pay attention to what you're sewing to make sure that you're going to enjoy the benefits or the consequences of it. Because if it's not good things, Then you're not going to, you're going to be like, oh no. Yeah. I love that a lot. I love kind of like how, like, you know, You will. Like good example would be, um, you know, how you're trying to like stop cussing, like every time. That you think about cussing, maybe you just say a little prayer and like not only will that make you rely on God, more like it'll make you rely on God more, um, on other aspects of your life too. Like if every time you hit in a heart inner a heart situation, you could think of God first instead of, you know, going over things. So like, I think that's really, really cool that you brought that up because not only is this one small action going to change that thing, it'll change so many other things about your life as well. And that's really important. Um, I know you said that you wanted to read. The parable of that. I'm going to read this because Jesus can explain it better than I can. Um, this is in mark four and it is. The parable of the sower. And it says, again, Jesus began to teach by the lake. The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it, out on the lake while all the people were along the shore at the water's edge, he taught them many things by parables and his teaching said, listen, a farmer went out to sow his seed as he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path and the bird came and ate it up. Some fell on Rocky places where it did not have much soil it spring up quickly because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched and they withered because they had no root, other seeds fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants so that they did not bear grain. Still other seeds fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying 30 some 60, some hundred times. Okay. So that's explaining that you're going to get more. Yeah. And not everything you put out is going to produce more because it might not be that wasn't meant to happen. You know, like those seeds that you were trying to sow weren't meant to. So yeah. Um, and so it continues and it says, then Jesus said, however, whoever has ears to hear, let them hear when he was alone, the 12 and others around him asked him about the parables. He told them the secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But those on the outside, everything is said in parables so that they may ever, maybe, ever seeing, but never perceiving. And ever hearing, but never understanding otherwise they might turn and be forgiven. And then Jesus said to them, Don't you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable? The father sows, the word. Some people are like seeds along the path. Where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. Others like seed sown on rock places. Hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time when trouble or persecution comes because of the word they quickly fall. Still others like seed sown among thorns. Hear the word, but the worries of this life or the deceitful of wealth or the deceitfulness of wealth and desires for other things come and choke the word, making it unfruitful. Others like seed sown on good soil. Hear the word, accept it. And produce a crop, some 30, some 60, some a hundred times. What was some. That's that gave me chills. So good. So it it's telling you all the possible ways that you could fall. Yeah. Yeah. I love like. I love the one that falls on rocks. I think that's, um, a lot of us, yeah, you start out on a high for Jesus. We talk about it all the time, but then the second. That Satan comes to attack you and he will, or things get hard, or you just go back to your own ways because you don't have those deep roots. Yeah. Or, you know, Especially in our Tom things come up on, you know, social media platforms and people get canceled for doing certain things. A lot of the time, we kind of go along with what the world says and what God has to say. Because when we have shallow roots and having roots is so important, but also like, you know, how do we get those roots? We really have to stay in the word. And it's so important because a lot of Christians don't get in the word, even though it sounds so weird, like you're a Christian, but you don't read your Bible and get. I was guilty before. And like before I started actually reading my Bible. But like we have such shallow roots and we just call ourselves Christians. And we think we know it's in the Bible, but we don't know everything because we're not reading it. And that's, what's so important. That's why it says like, if you have, if you have shallow roots, Then you don't know any better when another thing comes along and you uproot them. It's like a weed. If you can pull it out and pluck it, like run out because you're not, you're not in it. You're not in the, you're not in the word. You're not solid planted in the ground. Um, and you've said this earlier, and I think it was from Sadie's book that it said that you need to be, or it said that it's a different to like Jesus than to be like Jesus. And that. That's so good because it's the same as what you're saying about how we say that we're Christians and we love Jesus, but then the second that the world, or the enemy does something where like, It's like we're, it's not affecting me. It's it's okay. Um, but if we were like, Jesus, we would be combating it and we would be in the word and we would be talking to God, like when things would happen to Jesus, he would go into the wilderness for three days to talk to him. You know, like we don't do that. We don't sit there and we sit there and we look at other worldly things to comfort us. If something I used to be terrible about, like if something was stressed me out, I would get on my phone and just mindlessly scroll. So that I could put my mind somewhere else. Yeah, but that's not being beneficial to me because I'm still living in a anxiety mode. I'm still panicking about it. I'm just trying to not, and it goes back to last week when we were talking about like, Why do we procrastinate when all it does is cause us more anxiety. Yeah, that is. That's so good. And. Yeah, I've got a lot. I've been reading her book. Who are you following? And. It just has so much like good stuff out of it. And I really. I wanted to add a little more to that. And there was another quote in there and it was like being rooted in God's word. Instead of the world's comments, it creates a true stability in your life. Which is so true because we're rooted into everything like of the world that the world's ever changing, but God's word never changes. And so we have to be rooted in something stable. Like nothing of this earth is stable, but we know God is people can hurt you, but God's promise, never fails. Like God's promise will always come out in the end. I think that's, what's so amazing about the Bible is even every single different chapter connects with all the others and they're all telling the same story and they all agree. And none of it contradicts. Yeah. But then. The world. You can never do enough. Like you can never be right enough. You can never be like, woke enough. You can never be like. You're you will always get canceled no matter what you do, no matter what you believe, there's always going to be someone that's a little bit further ahead than you. There's always going to be somebody that disagrees. There's absolutely nothing you can do to have everyone love you. And yet. We have the Bible and we have Jesus that loves us as we are. I mean, we have to change our ways once we accept him, but that's because we want to it's because you want to live a life to satisfy him. But it's pretty simple stuff, but then we're chasing the world when the world's not giving us anything. Yeah. We it's so crazy to me that we kinda like look at Jesus and you know, God is like a dictatorship, but they're the one that loves us, like loves us the most. And we'd rather, you know, chase the things of this world instead of chasing God when the world doesn't love us back. But God does, God will always love you back. The things of this world. Won't love you back. And that's, what's so important, you know? Because we also, we try and spin it in a way to everything. It's good, but it wasn't always say like Satan comes in and spends gods of light, like. Yeah. It may seem like Shawnee and glory, but in reality, it's not, it goes against what God's word is. And it reminds me of something that I saw the other day and I hate to like ever use hell as like a scare tactic. Yeah. But I saw something the other day that said, if you think about it, Earth is the closest thing to hell that Christians will ever experience. But earth is the closest thing to heaven that non-Christians will ever get to experience. And so who they keep chasing things that are worldly. And this is like, they think this is the greatest. Like they think this is it. Like you're chasing money, you're chasing fame. You're chasing all of these things that are worldly. But you're, they're never going to get to experience. What real love is and what real light is. Yeah. And oftentimes kind of like. I know money's a big thing in the world and I was listening to Sadie's fondness the other day. Sorry. I'm in a restaurant with her a lot. But, um, I was listening to the hernia that day. And it was like Oftentimes we, we chase money and worldly things. And it kind of steers to a point of anxiety and. Why should we have anxiety because. You know, if we know that God has overcome the world. Then there's really nothing to be scared of. Like, we're scared of not having enough money to survive and for secured about, you know, Uh, survival in general. Like that's, that's one of the bigger issues I think that we worry about. I know, I know for me, cause you know, death always seems so scary. But she made the point in the podcast that it was like, Jesus has overcome death. So what are we really, truly afraid? Cause that's like the ultimate bad thing. That's like the ultimate fear, but if Jesus has already defeated it, then yeah. Then what is there to be afraid of? I thought that was so it was so good because. I never really thought about it that way either. Like, what am I am I scared of dying? When literally death is defeated, the king is alive. Like he came to save us from our sins and we will go over Joyce of heaven with him. And that's the only thing, you know, that we should be afraid of is his death. And then in reality, we really shouldn't be because. We're going to spend an eternal life with our savior. And that's when life gets good. Yeah. Yeah. It's a whole second. I mean, when I was a kid, I never really used to like understand when people were like, this is just our temporary home. I'm like, uh, no, I'm going to be here the next 90 years. Like, This isn't temporary because life seems so long, but this really is our temporary home and this isn't where we belong. And that's why we feel sad. And that's why we sin. And that's why we feel all these things is because this isn't where we actually belong. Yeah. And I don't think we'll ever be able to fathom of like what heaven is truly going to be like, because our minds aren't. Compatible enough to like, Uh, it's, they're not ever going to be able to comprehend in this world. It will be when we get there, but we're, we are the flesh down here. We're going to be very sinful natured. So we're not ever going to truly understand what God has for us is because we just know we can't, we will never be. fully without sin. So, Just kind of offers. A different perspective anyways, we kind of get a little off track with that, but. I thought it was so good, just because what do we ultimately have to worry about when we, you know, You go into our daily lives and gets good to that. We're talking about SIM because. He goes back to what we're cutting out of our lives and why we need to cut it out. And so we've really been trying to look at our future and think about like the next five years. And so that's why we cut out the things that we wanted to cut out. And a big part of that is finding your unit, like finding your friends and finding your accountability. That's going to be there for you. And it's going to lift you up and it's going to be like no paid, and that's not what we need to be doing. You know, better than that. And that is not that's. That's not where your heart is. What are you doing? Yeah. And so. Finding that group of people that supposed to lift you up and hold you accountable. And. Grow further with you is just so important. Yeah. Um, I love, I love that. That was, I know we always refer to Crosspoint too, but you know, we watched our sermons every week and, um, It was about, We don't walk in faith by ourselves. Yeah. And so it's so important to have community and have somebody to keep you accountable. And I think that's also something that I think we should probably try this week too, is kind of just check up on each other. If you guys are doing this with a friend or if you're, you know, if you're watching. Your friends do it, or, you know, whatever. I just check up on each other. And I think that would be really good because not only does it keep you accountable, but it also just like kind of let you know that somebody else is kind of going through it too. And you both have to make sacrifices and in order to make a change. And so it just kind of lets you know, they're not going through alone. That sermon made me realize that I have trust issues because he was sitting there and he had a quarter in his hand. And I was like, who thinks I have a quarter in my hand, raise your hand. And I was like, I don't have a quarter. And that's the whole bit. That's the whole point is that he's tricking us. Cause he doesn't have a quarter in his hand. Oh boy drops it. He had a quarter in his hand. And I was like, dang. That's crazy. But he was comparing it to how like, Christians, we're walking by faith and we're not walking by sight. But once we see it, it's easy to believe it, but it's the believing it when you can't see it. And so I think that's why it's important to have people in your corner that believed the same things you believe, and to be reading the word because. If we are just solely going off faith, like, I feel like it's so easy to trick your mind, like saying is constantly trying to trick us. And if you're not, if you don't have those roots, he's going to be able to blow you over and make you stumble because. It's staying in the word and knowing, yes, Jesus hears me. And this is what he had to say. And it's when I have a bad day or if I know something happened to me and it was like a spiritual warfare moment I can go to Eve or I can go to my cousin, Elaine here, I can go to my Mimi or my other grandmother. Like I can go to people and know that there'll be like, yes, you're right. That was the devil coming after you. And that is so beneficial because. If I was stuck in isolated. I wouldn't be able to believe by faith. I don't think like if it was just solely on me, I don't think that I would be as 100% confident. I am in the Lord as I am having. All of my friends, all of my family and the Bible here with me. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I really loved that. It just kinda, showed me that, We have to, just trust the Lord and he's going to show us the way, even though we can't see it and we can't always prove it. And We may not always feel like, um, it's the truth. that sermon was really kind of what I needed this week. And it just really kind of showed me that, um, God is, has always got me. And sometimes the enemy tries to creep in and the enemy uses other people. In a way to, to kind of confuse you. Yeah. And it's just really good to keep yourself rooted in the word, because then, you know, you always know what to do. You always have a next step. well, this was a great segue into my next point. Yeah. Um, I saw something today that said that the devil is okay with being your side chick. And I was like, what does that mean? I was like, that's kind of a weird, and then I kept listening to the sermon and he was like explaining how, um, this man that was married, came to him and he's a preacher. so the man had come to him and he was like, yeah, I'm married. I have kids. But me and my wife in the bedroom, we just haven't been having fun anymore. It's not the way that it was any more. So. There's this girl that I have on the side. And I want you to tell me how to make my wife okay. With it. Like I need you. To tell my wife that this is what makes me happy and that. I need to be able to be with her, but also be with her for my other needs that I have and how I was like, whoa, that really, really puts it into perspective. Like God is your wife. Like God is the one that is. Like in the analogy, God is taking care of your children, cooking dinner, doing your laundry, doing all of the things to make sure that you are happy. And that you feel loved and that you are content. But it's still not enough, but you have to go find something else. And he was explaining that he just needs the wifi on board because his side girl, who's a little mistress. Doesn't care that he has a wife. Yeah. And he's like, that's exactly what Satan does because he doesn't need you to love him. He just needs you. To fulfill his needs of. And like for the woman it's she just needs you to fulfill her needs of like sexual impurity. But. For Satan and God it's like, if you're giving him attention, then you're not giving God attention. And that's good enough for him. So God or Satan doesn't need to be the ruler of your life. He just needs to be your distraction. Yeah. And I, the way the thing I kind of took from that was that. Sometimes we use an excuse of like, oh, it was just this one time. But that's, that's so good. That's still like giving sight and attention rather than God, like, it's like, oh, well, I'm just going to do this one time. It's not that big of a deal. Like I've been so good there. So the week, it's kind of like how we were talking about last week, giving yourself a cheat day. That's so giving into Satan. So giving him. Top. Or even if you go deeper and you say like, oh, it was only one time. How many times do you hear people say like, oh, I don't have to tell my wife. It was only one time. I'll never do it again. I'll never do it again. I don't need it. I don't need to tell it's the same way with not confessing your sins to the Lord. Like. You're still supposed to tell him, and you're still supposed to. Like repent. Okay, great. If you're never going to do it again, go tell him that because he saw you. Yeah. And it's like your wife, she's going to find out. Yeah. And it's better that you do it now when you're actually feeling it in your heart and your, sorry. Then on down the road when she finds out, or if you do do it again. You know. Yeah. That's, that's really good. I really love how you compare that because it's, you know, you, you feel like you don't always need to confess each and every one of your sins and, you know, we know when we mess up. Yeah. We know when we intentionally used something bad. We still do it anyways, and it's horrible, but like, that's just giving Satan a little bit of your time and a little bit is not worth it. Like we talked about last week, like. An hour in God's word and living in God's life is better than a lifetime of living in Satan..Yeah, but I think it's good too, to even just compare it to a relationship because some of us have such high standards when it comes to our relationship. It's like, he can't look at another girl. He can't like another girl's Instagram. He can't do this, this, this, but if you think about it, as far as like the standards that God has for you, it's like, okay, well doing these sins, how much? Like on the scale of like not cheating and cheating, how far is this on cheating on God, you. You know, like if your snaps for that. I'm like, it's good. Some of the sins that you have because you sit here and you try to like weigh the sins and you're like, ah, this one ain't that bad, but it's like, if somebody's like an X or like somebody. Is T messaging you and you're like, I don't ADITLO: Diving all in the Ultimate Truth feel right about this. Like, I don't feel like this person should be talking to me. If something like that happens, I'm immediately like Caleb. Who texted me right now. Yeah. And he's like, that's weird. And I'm like, it is weird. But like doing stuff like that and confessing it. So much better than trying to hide it because you know, it's wrong and you feel guilty about it. You feel dirty about it? So. It kind of is like on the scale of, I feel like if you look at it in like a broader term and if you compare it, because we don't all the time, incorporate God into our life every day, you know, we're like, yeah, we're not thinking about how everything's a sin, but if you actually think about how everything's. Like there's God. And there's the devil and which side, who am I? Where are you folks who, yeah. Who am I with right now? Yeah. Then it really. You get your mind spinning. I saw something that was really good. That was saying that you can't like straddle the fence. That is good. Like the fence is going to get ya. Yeah. Be on both sides. Yeah. You can't. Yeah. You can't be on the good in the bed. And the ugly. Last week we talked about, um, holding ourselves to a lower standard. Then we got other people. We. We hold other people to a higher standard and we don't really look at ourselves. And I think that's really great that. You're talking about that, like with our spouses, like we hold them to such higher standard, but like, are we doing the same thing with God? Like we literally do that to God every single day. We, we basically just send against him. We go against his word, even though we shouldn't. Um, that's, that's great that you point out like a skill, like where do we stand? On that scale. That's really good. Yeah. Like, are you liking somebody's bikini pictures or are you having an affair? Like theirs. Big D. Big jump there. But I mean, sometimes that's like, The little baby sins that, and then it's like causing someone else to stumble, you know, like there's, there's a wide gap of all the things that you could be doing. And you think like a little, this isn't that bad, but if you feel a certain type of way, still shouldn't do it. Kind of brings up to how little sins. We call we so called little sins, but how, how sins can lead to a big mess. Yeah. Like you start off with just inching your way and into in your way. And next thing you know, you've dug yourself into a ginormous hole and can't get out. Yeah. And that's what happens when we give in to sin. Like when we give him to temptations, because we are not rooted in the word of God first off, or we ignore it. Yeah, I had a good note that was saying that it's all the little consistencies that matter. It's not the big things. Which is crazy because I feel like we worry the most about the big things, but it's really the little things that make you, who you are. Like we were talking about last week. It's the fact that I can't pick my clothes up off the floor. It's the fact that I can't pick my towel up off the floor and that makes me lazy. It's not even so much like in that. Goes into it, shaped who you are, like your habits are, what shapes, who you are. And that's who you are. So if I do that every single day, It kind of reminds me of the verse. That's like what, the person who can't be trusted with little also, can't be trusted with much. Like if you can't be trusted with little, you're not gonna be able to be trusted with much. If you can't do these little things, then when it comes to the big things you're going to stumble. And so it's the little things that matter more than the huge things. And he had compared it to. Um, This was pastor Craig at life church. He was saying that somebody who drinks a glass of wine every day. After five years, if you drink a glass of wine every day, that's like, So many extra calories that it could make you cough or cause you to gain 30 pounds. Whereas the man who decided to cut out alcohol. He's like not going to get in 30 pounds, he could potentially lose weight because he's not drinking alcohol, but it even went further into saying that like, Since that guy drank every single day, he became an alcoholic which led him to lose his job, which led him to be at home, which led him and his wife to be distant because he didn't have a job. And his wife needed like a man who couldn't provide and could have money. So they started to shift and then he got into pornography. And then once he got into that, their marriage fell apart because he cheated on her. So it's like one little thing that doesn't seem like a big thing can cause so many big milestones in these People could have started out at the exact same place, but one of them fell into temptation and the other one decided to cut it out. Yeah. That is so good. That is so good. Because it just goes back to the point of like little consistencies matter. Not only to the matter in good ways, they also matter in bad ways, because once you make that little temptation and you make another little tentation and you another little 10 patient, like it grows and it just, it affects every aspect of your life. But also on the other hand, in the other way, You make those little changes and it changes every aspect of your life in a positive matter where you're going to make a difference. And you're going to see a difference in yourself. And I also wanted to quote. Another from her book, Curry fallen, and it's like, um, If you could let God's word, keep you rooted and grounded, you'll be more focused on growing his kingdom rather than growing your own platform. And it's, uh, that's so good. Um, not only like we're, we're, we're trying to work on our habits to, you know, make ourselves better, but in a less selfish way of looking at that, like we're trying to grow ourselves to grow the kingdom of God. It's for his glory. Yeah. Like, like we said in the first season, like, Our purpose is not really our purpose. Like it's God's purpose. And we are used and God's overall purpose for this whole world for his whole plan for every Christian around non Christian and Christian, like we impact somebody's life day by day, and God has a purpose for every single thing that we do. And every single action we make good or bad, which is hopeful. But you also have to learn to interpret. And also good to think about. Louie came to the world with absolutely nothing. And we only have acquired what God has allowed us to or what he has given us. And then we leave with absolutely nothing. So like your fame is not going to matter when those trumpets come and like the people that like you and the people that don't like you, or the fact that people think that you said something that you shouldn't have said, even though it goes with what God says, because it hurts their feelings. It's not going to matter. None of it's going to matter. And all of those are worldly things. And all we can do is just continue to do everything for the glory of God. Make sure that we're close to God so that we know that we're doing the correct thing. Yeah. That's, what's really frustrating about. Our world now. It's it's like. We know some of us know the truth, but we still choose the other way. Cause we don't want to hurt somebody's feelings and never, you should never hurt anyone's feelings, but you should also never go along with. Something, that's not of God. Right. And. At the end of the day. What we met, like what we think doesn't matter, like our truth. Quote, unquote, we've talked about that before. It doesn't really matter. Like it's not God's truth. Like your truth is just your opinion. Yeah. It's not God's word and it's not God's truth. So, if we want to make our truth, quote, unquote, be worth something, then make your truth of God. Like make God your truth. Like that should be where your thoughts and things come from is the word of God, because. That's the once again, only stable thing in this entire world. It's been bothering me lately, too, thinking about like, I started thinking about it because I was like, I don't believe in ghosts. I believe in demons. And I was like, whoa, I don't believe in demons. Yeah. I know they exist. But then I was like, wait, But it's also like, I, we always say, I believe in God. It's like, oh, are you Christian? Yeah, I believe in God. It's not that I believe in God. God is real. You know, like people try to be like, oh, you believe in God. I don't believe in God. It's like, that's fine. You don't have to believe in God, but God's still real. Yeah. But people think that Christianity or like religion is just like an accessory, like, oh, that's just what she does on Sundays. But it's like, no, that's, it's the truth. And that's regardless of if that's how you want to live your life. I believe in the Lord, but me believing in the Lord. Isn't what makes him Lord. He is the Lord. And so I feel like I've been a lot more conscious lately about not saying like, I believe in God, I've been like, yes, God is my savior. Like God is real. Yeah. You know, and that kind of goes back to what we were talking about. Like when he comes back, like, Every tongue will confess that he is Lord. No matter if you followed him or you didn't follow him. Everyone will confess that he is Lord, whether you go to heaven or hell and your truth. Not save you. You're truthful. Not matter at that point in time, it's God's word. And that is the only truth that we have to stay in on. Because everything else has opinions. And I think that's so important to look at when you were making changes in your life. Because you can make great habits, but are they backed up with God's word? Everything that you want to change about your life should be backed up with God's word. And I even think that, like, we're talking so much about the truth. If you think about it, people want to think that the Bible isn't true. But it has stayed the same. This whole time nobody's gone back and tried to rewrite it and say, Nope, this isn't, this isn't well, they probably have tried, but they haven't been able to go back and change. What's correct. But the world is constantly changing. The world is changing their ideas all the time, because they don't know. It's just whatever Satan can come up with to get you further from God. It's whatever he can do to cause chaos and destruction and sadness. It's not. Truth. And it's not good and it's not the light. Yeah. That's why we have such disagreements. In our world. But once again, like. It doesn't matter what we really think. Like we could disagree with everything that is written in there. We could not like what's written in there, but does that change the fact that it's like, not real? No. Like we just, because we don't like what stated in there. It doesn't mean that we have the power to change it because we don't, we're not God. And it is the truth. No matter if we like it or not. And. The people that do try to change and reword scripture. They are false profits. A hundred percent like. The things that are stated in the Bible are not meant to be taken into any different way. Like it's not any different, you can't change it. You can't. Redirect it and say, oh, well now it's okay. No, it's not like God wrote that for a reason. It's scripture, for a reason, it does not change. It's everlasting. The things of this world change and change and change. That's the one solid thing in our life that will not ever change. And it even demonstrates it in the Bible, Satan himself, when he came to tempt, Jesus tempted him by using scripture. Yeah. He tried to use the scripture and say he would try to add words and he would try to take words away. And he would try to be like, this is actually what he meant. And even when he tried to tempt Eve, he was like, is that what God really said? Did he really tell you, you couldn't eat from this tree? So he, he doesn't create anything. He doesn't create any new rules. All he does. Is trying to twist what God says and he tries to twist it in the light of your loving people or you're loving yourself, or this is for you and all of these things. He tries to twist it to where people actually genuinely think that they're doing good. Yeah, but they're doing bad because he comes to you disguised as an angel of light. Yes. And it's so good. That's so good because it's so true. Everything that. Is not from the Bible is twisted in a way to make it seem like it's okay. Or it's benefiting us or. It's our truth. Um, it applies to whatever they live, it may to apply to your everyday life. But doesn't mean it's good. Like that's, that's why I was saying like, when, even when you're making your small habits, like look and see where your habits connect to the Bible and. How you can apply that to enhancing God's kingdom. Yeah. So we're really just wanting to enhance the kingdom and we just pray that you guys can reflect on your lives too. And even if it's just, where do you want to be next year? Where do you want to be in. Five years, five days an hour. It's more about the longevity, the things that we're doing small now, because like I said, the pastor said that if you stopped drinking today, then you might lose 30 pounds. If you keep drinking, you could end up divorced. Like it's so many things that could happen. And so you just need to look at. Where you are now where you want to be and how do I get there and make a plan for the little things to start doing now. And that goes with any habit in life. What, where is it gonna get ya? And it's always the hardest habits that you need to. Get the most. That's what I'm up to go start laundry when. You're welcome Tanner. Yeah, you better be glad. I'm just joking. All right. Well, we love you guys. Always, um, keep in touch with us. We'd love to hear from you guys. Um, we're going to post on our socials this week and might have a few surprise. Yes. Um, we'll keep each other accountable and we hope you guys keep each other accountable and we'll catch you all next week. We love you. And you're more precious than rubies. Hi.