A Day in the Life Of

Diving all in His Grace

August 02, 2023 Eve Miller
Diving all in His Grace
A Day in the Life Of
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A Day in the Life Of
Diving all in His Grace
Aug 02, 2023
Eve Miller

Eve and Payden talk about giving Grace and why it is so important when you are building new habits!

Show Notes Transcript

Eve and Payden talk about giving Grace and why it is so important when you are building new habits!

Hey, what's up through. Welcome back to the day in the life of podcasts. It's E Payden and we're so excited today. Um, we've wrapped up our first 21 days. So exciting. Um, You all are probably really close if not finished with us as well. Um, today, we're kind of talking a little bit about, you know, our new list and. What we want to add and get, you know, And change, I guess I should say. Because we're going to add and take away some things. It was kind of funny this last week we had just talked about rest and then. I got sick. You could probably still hear it in my voice. And then Eve has had some, some stuff come up and so. It was kind of funny thinking about how we were talking about rest. And then we had like the hardest last week, at least for me, it was like hardest out of all of them because I like physically going to the gym every single day was one of my things and I physically could not go to the gym or it would like. Make me even more sick. And so it just, it's kind of a reminder to me that. You know, The reason behind doing this wasn't because. God wants you to go to the gym more because God wants you to make your bed every day, because it's work, trying to combat what the initial thing is. And so like for me, I wanted to get up and go to the gym and I wanted to make my bed everyday because I'm lazy. And so it's not being sick for a week. Doesn't make me. Like it doesn't. It's not bad that I didn't do things because it's, it wasn't effecting my character that I was trying to develop because it's just, we're trying to get over the bad habits and make new habits. And so. If something's physically stopping you. And that's completely different than just being lazy and not wanting to do it. But I still found myself like being so embarrassed, like. I was like, I'm trying to do this thing for 21 days and I can't even do it because now I'm sick and I can't go to the gym and I'm like, I can't. Like, I was like, I haven't felt like a liar because. I didn't go to the gym, but I physically couldn't go to the gym. And so it, like I was, I didn't even fully know that I felt that way until I was watching a sermon and. Um, He said that God can't heal what you're trying to hide. And it really stuck out to me because I realized that. Often we're sitting here and we're fighting with ourselves about these types of things. We're worried about how other people are going to see us are worried about letting other people down, but. It's. Those are the things that you're supposed to give to God. Those exact things that you don't want to tell God, or that you are scared of other people knowing are exactly what he needs to work on in your life. Yeah, exactly. Um, I think that's a really good point. And you know how I talked about this, like last week you can celebrate your accomplishments. So it's kind of like when you hit that bump in the road and you're like, oh, well, what now? What. But I think that's really important that you do kind of give it to Cod. You know, With your whole heart, because he can give you. You know, a piece that makes no sense, right. And he can give you that motivation. And in a way that you can, you know, reroute not necessarily that you just like, if you're a physically enable. To do those things. You can think of an alternate thing to kind of combat. Yes. The issue that you're attacking, it's not. That my life's just going to be so much different. If I make my bed every day. It's about the, why am I trying to make my bed everyday? Yeah. And I think. To, um, struggle with like, trying to find another thing to, to combat with instead I'm like, oh, well, I guess I'm not doing it today. It's kind of like. In a way that is very lazy. If me, because like fulfill, if I physically can't do something that I kind of give myself a way out, which is not good. And so I really like your point that you brought up, like just. You know, finding a different way and. Kind of battling with yourself rather than, you know, I think I've also had to realize. Like who I am throughout the day. Like in the mornings. If I have more time. I it's like help your future self, right? Like do it now so that you don't have to worry about doing it later, because while your mind's on it, you can go ahead and get it done. But if I'm like, no, I'm not going to do it right now. I'm just, I'm just do it later. You're going to forget that it's even a thing. That's the whole point of making the habit. So. It worked best for me when I would do things first thing in the morning, and then I would come home after work and I wouldn't have to worry about it. Rather than like, there was one that I was like, I mean, I just said I would make my bed. I didn't say I would make my bed before I left. I just have to actually make my bed, but it's like pan. The entire purpose, because you're S you're being lazy. You're not wanting to get up out of bed early enough to make your bed. And that was what we were trying to combat. And I did the same thing this week, too, with working out and. I ended up missing two days because I just didn't want to get up. Yeah. Then Friday rolled around and I hurt my back and pulled a muscle. And so I didn't work out on Sunday either. So it was kinda like, oh, you missed one day. Now something you could help happen and you're missing it all. Yeah. And so I think. You know, we really have to learn to. You know, combat those hard decisions. Yeah. Kind of be at the office and the defense. Because for not, or we're going to give in. Yeah. And it's so it's so conflicting because like we're bottling our flesh, but we do it every day. And. I think we have to ask for grace a lot of the time, because we, we beat ourselves up about it and at least I do. And I'm like, why did I even do that? And the next day, the next morning I'm sitting in bed, like thinking my life over again, like, oh, I really have to get up. Yeah. But I don't want to feel the same way that I did yesterday. So that's kind of like a little motivator and push, I guess. And then it's like what we talked about before, where it's like what to say no, once it's so much easier to be like, well, I already didn't do it. So it doesn't really matter. Um, but. It really, it was kind of a crazy morning because I was watching sermons and that had happened where it was somebody saying that God can't heal what you hide. And I was like, That's so true and like automatically in my head, God's like, Yeah. You know what your problem is? And I was like my problem. And then I start thinking about it and I've realized that I am buried. Like, I don't give grace to other people. I like have very high standards and I think that people are dumb if they don't do things the way that I do them, or I automatically think that people are like out to get me, or like, I just, I think all of these things and then. The next sermon that I watch was Crosspoint sermon from Sunday. And it's all about giving people, grace. That was like, yeah. What are they called? What is the coincidence of the two things that I watched back to back being exactly. Oh, my goodness. Um, But I wanted to read this parable of the unmerciful servant. And this is like what cross points entire servant is on. Yeah. If you guys want to watch that. And it is in Matthew 21 and it says then Peter came to Jesus and asked Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me up to seven times. And he was explaining that like, He was being like, he was thinking that seven times was like so many. Yeah. And so Jesus answered. And he said, I tell you, not seven times, but 77 times, therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owed him 10,000 bags of gold. And he also explained that the bags of goals. Gold was the equivalent to, was it to 200 million. It was either two or 200 million. Worth of like dollars nowadays. Um, So he brought 10,000 bags of gold. And since he was not able to pay the master ordered that he and his wife and children and all that, he had be sold to repay the debt at this, the servant fell on his knees before him be patient with me. He begged and I will pay back everything. The servant's master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go. But when the servant went out, he found. One of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins. He grabbed him. He grabbed him and began to choke him, pay back what you owe me. He demanded. So this same guy that just had$200 million worth of debt forgiven immediately goes outside, sees Joe on the street and is like, you owe me money. And it's. Almost is that like 10 times less, a hundred. I think he compared it to$20 and those are men. Yeah. Like 20 bucks compared to the 200 million. It's been forgotten for so much less. Um, and he says his fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him be patient with me. I will pay you back. But he refused. Instead, he went and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. When the other servants saw what happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened. Then the master called the servant in you wicked servant. He said, I canceled all the debt of yours because you begged me to shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had had on you in anger, his masters. Han handed him over to the jailers to be tortured until he could pay back what he owed. This is how my heavenly father will treat each of you, unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart. And that. Just really stuck out because. We are we. Automatically, whether it's another person, like if I wrong Eve, I expect Eve to forgive me because it's like, I'm the main character. Like this is my life he's supposed to forgive me because. Yeah, it wasn't really that bad where I had an excuse. So it's the same with God. We always think, oh God, he'll forgive me. That's why Jesus came and died on the cross. He can forgive me. But then when somebody does something to you. You just cannot even know. You're like, no way am I going to forgive you? This is everything you did. Yeah. I kinda thought about it, like in a different way. Like. We hold other people to such a high standard. Yeah. And, um, We don't hold ourselves to the same standard. Hmm. And, um, we also have to think too. In that case, you know, the, the rich man is God, he forgives our sins. Like abundantly. There's never enough. Grace that he offers, but when we're wrong, we want to like seek revenge and we're like, Hm, well, she deserved that because she did that to me. And no, I can't forgive her because. You know, whatever it is, but we kinda. We just hold ourselves to a way higher standard. Then we expect people. Then we call ourselves. I also really like got me. I was like$200 million. Like that is a lot of money and it wasn't even like, it was like one of his best friends or like a family member. Like it was his servant that owed him that, and he had mercy on him. And if you think about just losing$200 million, But then. We think about. The Lord. And we think about Jesus and not only does he forgive us of that, but he. Like there's the$200,000 or the 200 million. He lost that. Like, he's never going to get that back. And he could have gotten that back. He could have gotten reimbursed, but Jesus forgives us, forgives us of our sins and then laid down his life on the cross. And so, like, I can't even wrap my head around 200 million, but could you imagine actually laying your life down for someone. Mm, that sins every single day. Yeah. No, it's, it's crazy to think that Jesus literally died for each one of us. And. It doesn't matter how big the sin that we committed. He literally felt everything. When he was on the cross and I think that's, what's so crazy. We can talk about this at our Easter story. Like he felt every sin. When he was on the cross, like that's how much pain and agony he felt. Is because he was taking it all on for us. And it's so it's crazy to think about, like, that just shows how much he loves us. And you think about. The person you love most. And you would do anything to, you know, protect them or whatever, but I don't think you could imagine, you know, Laying down your life for multiple people. I mean, I guess she could in a way, but like if they wronged you. Yeah. It's not like it's like you're best friends, again, like Jesus thinks of us as his best friends, but it's also like, we're the reason he's there. It's not like somebody coming in there, like your life or hers and just like shooting them or something. It was actually like he's laying down and taking the punishment of what we caused. It would be like her robbing a bank and me being like, no, shoot me. You know what I mean? Yeah. Then yeah. That's the point I was trying to make is like, God. Or do this literally like laid down his life for each of us. And it'd be like us laying down our lives for a bank robbery that we didn't commit. And we wouldn't be willing to do that. like we would not, we would not lay down our life for our worst enemy. And God does. He likes down his life for all of us and our sins that we've committed. And then those we've yet to commit. Which is crazy. When I started thinking about like, how I think about people and how sometimes if they don't do exactly what I want or if they've like wronged me in the past. And I think that it was like dumb what they did or all. We instantly. I go and we trash talk people and we were like, listen to what they, and it could be like the smallest inconvenience. Like I sort of, someone can email me the wrong way at work. And I'm like, listen to this. This is what they said. Can you believe she had that attitude when she did this? And, um, I just want it to read this for you guys, because it's literally in the section of murder. And Jesus says, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, you shall not murder. And anyone who murders will be subject to judgment. But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother or sister Rocca is answerable to court. And anyone who says you fool will be in danger of the fire of hell. And that just really stuck out to me because I remembered all the times that I've been like, they're dumb. Like that's stupid. Why do you think that. I never thought that that would have been the equivalent. To murdering somebody. Yeah. Cause we do that all the time. We're like, oh, stopping dumb. But like, it's not just like, it's the word fool. It's the intention behind it. It's saying that someone's not smart or they're not wise or yeah. It's like. Anything that's calling someone that, yeah, it's terrible. Yeah. Um, my mom used to tell some of your kids, like, you know, the bad words, and then you have things that you would send any, like not saying the bad word, but you would like make a word. Yeah. That had the same intent. Yeah. Just as bad. Yes. I'm almost like, even though you're not saying the bad word quote on quote. It's still a bad word because the intention behind it. Yeah. So like, even though it may not be. A huge sin in our eyes. It's still a huge sin to God. Because it's the same, like it's the same in his eyes and no sin is greater than the other. Yeah, and I think that's why, like, grace is so important. Even though you may. Be really hurt and upset. I think. Um, praying and asking. You know, To God, to give you grace so you can forgive them is so huge because we expect to be forgiven from God. So why can't we forgive other people? Yeah. It's just so crazy. About everything. Yeah, it is. It is insane to'em. Like just no. That you had someone that literally paid it all for you. It also, it's just the same as like giving graces when it says, um, That. An eye for an eye is not what you're supposed to do. He's like if somebody sues you that. Giving them the shirt off your back, or if somebody tries to slap you, turn the other cheek and let them slap that cheek too. Like he. Once you to be selfless and give grace to other people because we need that on our hard days. Like when we're having hard days, we expect everyone to understand that we're having a hard day. But then when other people are having bad days where like, oh my goodness. I'm with you. Yeah. Or you're being dramatic. Dramatic don't think like that. Yeah. I think if we never treat people like that. Yeah. Yeah. And we set the double standard a lot and, um, I think if we all really focused in, on. Less about ourselves and more about others. We could go a lot farther and some things, because I think one of the main reasons that we're kind of doing. This whole thing is kind of just to realize how we can affect other people and, you know, giving grace is how you can affect other people as well. And that can show, you know, you have a light in you, the others don't have, you have Jesus in you. And so that's how you can impact others and impact generations on generations is because you're setting and you're planting the seed. For your kids. Their kids, their friends, their family, because you showed them the act of kindness. Your, the example and you planted the seed for God to work in, move in them. Yeah, I think it's important because we always talk about how you might be the only interaction that somebody has to Jesus. But when we think about that, we're thinking about strangers most of the time. We're thinking about somebody that we randomly see on the street. And we want to tell them to have a blessed today so that they turn in their Bible and get saved. But we're not thinking about. Our children and how, when we, when we have a headache and we don't want to go to church, that they're going to see that, and they're going to think church is optional. Or they're going to miss out on certain things and they're going to miss out on, they're going to think they don't have to go to Bible study. They're going to think that they don't have to do. All the things that we're not forcing. The standard. In our home now. And so it's easier when we get into habits at 20, then later on when we have kids, because if we can't even now as like freshly. Married or engaged if we can't do that now. If we can't go to church every Sunday, how are we going to do that? When we have three kids T-ball practice soccer games. It's not going to happen. Like the excuses are just going to keep piling up. And so every everything that we're doing is affecting our generations. I mean, just think about how common it was to go to church. Even like when our grandparents were kids. And then look at us now, and that's only been three generations, so. Think about how far away from God are kids, kids are going to be, if we don't, you know, So Barbara, step up our game and set the expectation. And I think that's so extremely important. Why, you know, you set your, your 21 days expectations because when you set that expectation and it's, non-negotiable. I saw somebody, post about that saying they had non-negotiables every day, which I thought was really, really cool, because it's like something that you don't waiver from. And it goes on in your head. You negotiate everything that you do in your head. You're like, What's more important. Yeah. And it's just so important that you, you set those standards. you have to set the expectation in the forefront, Then like teaching an old dog new tricks. Like once somebody is so used to something it's a lot harder to break a habit than to start a new habit. Yeah, exactly. And I think that's why I kind of love this aspect that we're doing because these next 21 days, not only are we going to. You know, add some things to our list. We're gonna, um, take away things. Adding a little sprinkle of not taking them away entirely, but like just taking them bit by bit to try and to get to the overall goal. Yeah. I placing them with something that you enjoy. It's also important to know that it's like the act of what you're taking away, like in your brain, the devil is going to attack you and he's going to be like, well, that's not bad. That's not bad. That's not bad, but it's, what's the intention of why you're doing it. Because for me a big one is that I don't want to get on social media as much, or like cut either cut out one like cold Turkey because I wasn't doing tech talk and that I've kind of gotten back on. So I might just cut out tick talk and then try not to do others, but. What's the intention behind. Why I'm doing this because when I'm on Tik TOK, I'm not spending time with the Lord. I'm not spending time with Caleb. I'm not spending time with my friends. So really what am I doing to value our life? Yeah. That's what I need to think about when the enemy starts to attack me about we'll take talks, not bad. It's like, okay. Yeah. Some stuff's good. Like you can have some stuff, but the overall it's not bringing more fulfillment to my life. Yeah. And so I think that's kind of the way I'm going about thinking about it. This time is because. You know, Realizing now how he attacks. Trying to get you to stop doing things. Um, he's going to do the reverse whenever you're trying to cut something out and he's going to be like, well, it's not that bad. It's really, everyone does it. You're fine. It's not going to kill you if you do it one more time. Yeah. And that's, it's really, really, I'm really kind of glad that you brought that point and. It's a really good way to look at it because. If we are overall, like trying to think about how it affects our daily lives, then we're more likely to, you know, adjust and rearrange. Because if we look on it as a whole, like how is this benefiting me? I really loved how you use that because we can take things, you know, Us being lazy and not getting up when we're supposed to get up or we're spending too much time on tick talk, like how much you could get done and that I'm not a time. how is that fulfilling your day to day? Because if it's not giving you, if it's not building you up, it's only breaking you down. And like, we always say, if it's not glorifying, God is scoring flying the devil and there is no in between. So you really have to look at what you're doing and how you spend your time. We said that, in the beginning too, like, it's not how. How much time you get, it's how you spend your time. And so that's, that's really something that we're going to have to look at, in this coming week, I haven't fully, um, completed my list of what I want to add and adjust on. And I think that's, that's really, really a good way to look at it And I'll just kind of encourage you guys to think about it the same way. Does it fulfill you? Day to day. Or does it take away and drain you? Yeah, I think it's also so good to compare even that if we take that to the generational thing, Because I've just, I've seen so much stuff lately on how like, On average, I think this was for America. So I, it was saying that, um, parents only spend on average 30 minutes with their kids every day. That's after like bathing homework. All the stuff. So you really only get 30 minutes to actually impact your kid's life, but we're so chronically online. That I'm not convinced that if we had kids tomorrow, we would actually use that 30 minutes to spend with our kids and that we wouldn't just continue sitting there scrolling. Because do you know how fast 30 minutes is up? Oh, so fast, so quickly. And we would totally sit there. They would have their iPad and we would be on our phones. And we, it's not phones. Aren't inherently evil. But it's the fact that it's taking away from your life it's taking away from enjoying time with your kids or implementing those seeds of the Lord and like just being a good person. Yeah. And I think we could all, do some good from stepping away from online in social media. I use social media with my job every day. But like when I go home that shouldn't be something that I automatically go to to just absolutely scroll to this. You know, mindlessly do something. There was something that I was trying to get away from these past 21 days. And. Learning something new has been fine, but like, I also kind of. Like spinning it in a way to where I learned something new on my phone and that's not exactly how I want to spend the next 21 days. And so I think that might be. I readjust or I set my screen time or I don't get on it when I first wake up in the morning. I know I've talked about a little bit about, about doing that and I think I'm fully going to implement it now because it's so true because you spend so much time, like I could be spending with. My husband or with my family, just in general, that takes up so much of my time. Well, Just even the other day. Um, Kayla asked me if I could get the clothes out of the laundry. And I was like laying there on my phone and I was like, I cannot get up. I was like, I physically, like, I'm not, I can't get up and I'm like, you could get up, but you're just, you would rather sit there because it's like, you're done for the day. And you're like, like, But if I was just laying in bed, it would not have been as hard to get up, but it's the fact that I can like finally entertain my brain. And then I'm not doing something. It makes me more lazy. And I know that the way it attacks me is that like, I'm getting worried about the things going on on the phone and I'm not worried about just being in the present. Yeah, I'm guilty of that too. And it doesn't help that laundry is Molly's favorite thing to do. On the house. But when you're like already up in the mornings, it's so much easier to do it. Yeah. I'll do so much better. It's just the getting out of bed is the hard part. And then in the morning, the rest of everything is easy. Yeah. My Peloton people always say that the hard part is getting up and doing it or getting it governance, pitting play. Yeah on your, on your workout video, instead of like the actual words. Yeah. It's like way harder for you to get up and actually do it. Then the actual task is, which is so crazy because our brains are so wired that way. But if you think about it to our generation is an instant kind of generation and it goes back to even like the procrastination. We would rather sit there and think about having to do something than just get it over with. Yeah. Yeah. And it's laziness. It all kind of reads back to laziness. And it's something that I kind of really want to implement to. Like what I give that to the Lord we talked about, about that. Like, I think it might've been two weeks ago. Like when we present this work to the Lord, And no, you wouldn't because it's, it's not your, it's not your best and you're doing it like halfway. And so it's not even worth your time to do it halfway. My mom was just telling us that when we were a little too, like if you do it halfway, there's no point in doing it. And she would literally like a start over, like, there's not, you don't do it halfway because then. You might as well, just not do it at all. Well, I think too, it's also like whenever we're procrastinating things, we're just, it's getting thrown into our head. That's going to be terrible. That's going to be terrible. So we're just so terrified of the dread that we're going to feel while we're doing it. But that feeling that anxiety is always so much worse than actually doing it, but it's. Yeah. The enemy attacking and saying that that's going to be bad. That's going to be bad. That's so true. It's like, we don't want to. I'll let my laundry sit for so long and like, thinking about how long it's going to take. And it's so much to do. And instead of just literally doing it, it sits in my basket, on my floor. And also the entire week until my room is destroyed. And I need to clean up and then it ends up being more like we talked about instead of just doing it right off the bat. But I swear like one load of laundry, you actually start hanging it. And it's not really any clothes. Like it's barely any clothes. I know Tanner does his laundry once a week and not think I need to start doing that instead of letting it pop. Even once a week can be a lot though is between me and Caleb. But I also have the note to not let bitterness grow. So I feel like that's kind of what people like. It goes back to what we were talking about, where. If you're looking for the bad things, you're only going to see the bad things. And so if you're looking for the bad in people or in what we're doing, if we're like, oh, that's so hard to get up. And we just keep thinking about how hard everything is. It's only going to get harder because. Once you're giving things an inch. The enemy takes a mile. And so I think it's good to remember that not only are we just dealing with our own. Sinful nature in our own laziness. But we can't forget about the fact that the enemy is attacking us constantly. And so we can't just blame ourselves.'cause he it's like double hard. Especially when you're doing things for the Lord, like. If I just didn't want to be on Tik TOK. Satan's not going to be as worried about it as me being like, I'm going to do this so that my family is more of a family unit. And so that I actually get up and go to church on Sunday. He's going to attack that so much harder than somebody that is just preoccupied with something else. And that's why they're not on their phone. And like we always say too, he's a distraction. Or like he wants you to be distracted. And so. The next 21 days, I think I'm really going to start looking at what set of distraction in my life and cutting it out instead of, you know, and try to refocus it on something else. And kind of like, look at things more positively because I know these past 21 days too, it's kind of hard for me not to. Not dread, but like it's lazy of me. I'm like, oh, like I have to this like, and said, think about how it can benefit me and benefit my spouse and benefit my time and benefit the Lord. Like, how is this decision? I'm about to make good. It impact my rest of my day, rest of my life, rest of my year, whatever it is. And instead of just dreading it and being like, this is going to be so hard. In the mornings too. I've tried to think about, because I feel like I am very bad about at night, not wanting to go to bed cause I don't want the day to restart. Like I don't want to have to get up and go to work again. And so I try to delay and I try to sit there and I try to just keep my mind busy so that I won't go to bed so that I'll get to have more of like. My time is my time. But there's nothing to do at 11 o'clock besides beyond your phone. And so if you're getting up early, then. I'm I'm trying to think about it as far as like, well, if I go to bed earlier than I'll get to start my new day. Like, I'll get to go. I'll get to, I can go to the gym. I can do all these things. I can go ahead and start my day. And so if you start adding. That's what's been helpful for waking up early is that I'm not just waking up early and then like putting on my makeup and getting ready for work. I'm waking up early so that I can spend time with God so that I can watch whatever I want to watch so that I can like. Listen, I can read, I can do what I want to do before I go into work. I can make my bed, I can reset my house and it just, that makes your coming home so much better. Yeah, because everything's already done. You've already checked off your list of things that you wanted to do. You've spent time with the Lord that morning. You've. Had enough time to eat breakfast. Like you've had enough time to do everything. Yeah. I love that. And. I think that's something that I'm going to start out. I do like my quiet time at night, and I think I've really want to start doing it in the morning. Cause I forget at night. Like it's late. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Yeah. But in the morning, it's like so much more peaceful. Yeah. Yeah, I really, I think this, this next, this next few days, I'm going to really focus on waking up. Earlier and doing things in the morning because you're so right. Like if you start the morning off fresh and your mind is going to be fresh, if you go to bed early, you're going to be positive. I know every time I wake up early, I always feel so much better. To like when I'm doing my Bible study in the morning, I just want to keep going. But when I do it at night, I read like one verse and I'm like, well, I read my Bible. Time for bed. And then I go to sleep. So I'm getting so much more out of it in the mornings than I do at night, because at night I'm just trying to rush through it so that I can go to bed, but then in the mornings, but then it's like, you rush through it and then you get back on your phone. Yeah. Yeah. But in the mornings, I it's so much more calming to just sit there and just read the Bible until I have to finally walk out the door to go to work. Yeah. Yeah. I really liked that. And. Definitely not the government implement it because. It's just going to be so much better. And I also like how you said. We take that 30 minutes that the night for ourselves, quote unquote, but it's on our phone. Um, I was talking to mom the other day and she has like, I think. Four kids. Maybe something like that. And. They're busy, they do all or whatever. And she said like the summer that she stayed up so late. On her phone because she feels like that's the only time for her. And she feels so miserable the next day. And she sleeps so late because she felt like that's the only time she can get, because she keeps staying up so late. And I feel like that's just, it's so centered around our phone and that's what we take as me time when me time should literally be in our Bibles with the Lord. Instead of on our phone and that shouldn't be the relaxing thing that we go to, or for me, like I'll still be on my phone, but I'll be listening to a podcast or I'll be watching YouTube so that I'm at least learning something rather than just scrolling on my phone. Like I've literally found this YouTube channel and I was watching people like, go be Amish for a week. Like. I'm like, but you're learning something rather than seeing who kissed to on Tik TOK. And so it's just, it's also just such like. Quick gratification on Tik TOK, because if you don't, if something's too slow or too boring, like I know we would just like, if I, if something was too long and I started to read it and it got an ounce boring, I'd be like, And like I would freak out and need it to just go, like, I would just need it to be done. But actually sitting there and watching an hour long video about something that you didn't even know you were interested in until it started playing. And then you're like, wait, what did they do to those tomatoes? Yeah, like stuff like that. It's so much more. Beneficial. And it's making you smarter rather than just following pop culture. Yeah. And I think that's why we like to talk so much is because it's 15 seconds. And we can't have 15 seconds for us to see ref. Like seek gratification. Like I think. That's why probably this, this challenge is so hard for us is because we want to see a fix and right. For hours. Yeah. And that's not, that's not what it is. And I think that we've got to pour in time and effort into what we want to see change because it's not going to get fixed overnight. It's not going to get fixed in 10 seconds. Like we want it to, and we're really going to have to rewire our brains as a generation to not be so instant gratification. Fix it now, because that's not how a reward works, even though we want it to. I think a reason to that I've been not liking social media is because I would always hate to see kids like hate comments that people leave under my videos, because it would make me so angry. I'd be like, you don't even know me. You don't know this, you know? And I would literally want to like attack these people. But it goes back to the giving the grace, but it's also like when I'm on YouTube or Spotify. I'm not looking at hate comments. Like when you're watching an hour and 50 long minute video, you're not looking at the hate comments on it. You're just like watching it because it's not that instant. Oh. She said something scandalous, let me check and see what all these things say. And then you're like seeing people go back and forth and then you're seeing all this. It's not like that when you're learning something or when you're just. Watching something that you enjoy rather than. Figuring out what you've missed or figuring out what's going on now, or like who's here. Who's there. It's just a completely different thing and you're just, I've really enjoyed it. Yeah. I think that's something that I'm really gonna focus on. this, this time. And just kind of really emphasize what I pour into my day and how that's going to benefit me and how it can benefit, you know, others and the next generations, because it's so important. What we take in is what's going to come out. We've said that before, like what she watch, what she listened to, like, what you see is what's going to come out of you. And I think I'm really, really going to start focusing on what are pouring into my day and how I start my day rather than dreading it and try to think about the positive instead of the negative. Um, I also kind of wanted to talk about too. It's kind of just came up, came up. Um, if any of you have, you know, kind of fallen off the wagon, A little bit. It's okay. Like give yourself grace, because we're not perfect either. We haven't been perfect this 21 days. Right. We have slept off. We have had some weeks that have been better than some weeks that have not been as good. And so please don't think that if you've messed up or you've kind of slacked off that you're just this, you just need to quit completely. Because w we really want to invite you to start where you are. Like we always say and pick back up where you left off well, and for us, it's not about the 21 days. It's about our life. Yeah. We're in this for the long haul, we're trying to change our lives. So it's not about the fact that I didn't make my bed for exactly 21 days. It's about the fact that I'm trying and I'm putting the effort in, and that I'm trying to change my heart and I'm trying to change my behavior and my habits and my laziness. It's not about the fact that. I couldn't do this. And some other person could, it's not about that because nobody's life has the same. Everyone's going to have hurdles that come up. It's just about the intention of trying to do something and that we're trying to do it to better our lives. Like, um, yeah. It's like you said, it's not about making. The thing about. Why we're doing it. Why, why are we wanting to cut out laziness? Because overall that's, that's the thing we're targeting. It may be getting up and making our bed, but we're targeting the laziness and on life that reflects on how we treat others and how we, you know, work through our day and how it proceeds to the Lord. Like, it's just, it's all connected and we just really want to offer you some hope. And just, just know that you're not alone. We have not been perfect this 21 days. By any means we've missed. And, but the thing is we're, we're trying each and every day to fix something and something is always better than the no effort, but. You know, while you're doing your effort, do it a hundred percent. And at least starting now, it's like taught us things. You. It's like going out and playing a game and practicing you start to learn the other team and you start to learn. How they are going to attack you. And so that's kind of, if nothing else, this has been a trial run. If you did fail that, it's like, how did the enemy get me and how do I persevere next time? Yeah, that's kind of like why we're revamping. Are things adding and taking away because we know that there's things in our life that have come up and how we perceive things that we need to work on. And some things that we just need to take out completely because they inhibit our growth. And we always went on to focus on our growth rather than our, our failures. Right. Yeah. Um, we have so excited. Yeah. This is a refresh. So. This is what's 21 plus 21. No horrible. Um, so whether you're starting your 42 days or your first 21, we offer encouragement and we hope it changes your life. And we hope it glorifies God, always, always, and feel free to reach out with feedback, questions, ideas. Anything you guys can think of, you can reach us on our Instagram. Well, we love you guys. And we want you to remember that you are more precious than rubies.