A Day in the Life Of

Diving All In With His Help

July 19, 2023 Eve Miller

hey, what's up, everyone? Welcome back to the Day in the Life of podcast. It's Eve. And Peyton. And we're so excited. We're catching up on, what, week three? Challenge yeah, so if you haven't been following along with us, or if this is your first podcast that you listen to we've been doing a 21 day challenge of You know adding I think we added five new things to our life that we wanted to gradually like complete and add to our Day to day activities because we learned that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Yeah, so we're trying to do something Five things for 21 days and then we want to add more things and kind of take some things away and just re evaluate every 21 days to see, yeah, how different we've become. I actually think we're coming up on our 21 day mark. Probably in three weeks, yeah. Yeah, well, it will be three weeks by the time this comes out. We're on our second week right now and we're still learning, but you know, we're always looking for the future and kind of what this holds, but like, and we just want to go over like what week three kind of entails for us and. what it could entail for y'all. So we're gonna get right into it and kind of go into like the purpose of this and why you should even want to do this in the first place. Right, I think this week has been a good pick me up for us to like remember why we started, one, the podcast and two, just why we started this specific challenge for ourselves. Um, the first verse that I like is Luke 6 46 and it says Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say? As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house who dug down deep and laid a foundation on rock. When a flood came, the turrent Struck that house, but could not shake it because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into action is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck the house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete. So I just feel like that really like settles with me as a believer. Yeah. To know that I'm reading the word. But sometimes I don't act it out, and I just live life okay with what's going on around me. Yeah, so I feel like that really sticks out like a sore thumb and tells you hey, just reading my word is not enough. You actually need to be living it out for me. Like if, and if we're not If we're just listening to the words, but then tragedy strikes, we don't have that foundation to keep us standing and know how to withstand the struggles. Right. We're going to crumble. Yeah. That kind of reminds me too of like I know it says in the Bible that it's almost. It's just as bad to know the word and not act out on it as it is to be completely blinded. Because if you're completely blinded, you don't know the truth and you don't know what God has for you. But if you've walked in what God has for you and you know the word, it's almost worse that you have given up or you've gone a separate way because you know what he has and you know what he has to offer except you're choosing the world, you know? And it also is very true, like, You know what he has to offer for you, but you still don't listen and you're gonna, something's gonna happen And you're not gonna know how to, God's back from that And I think it's really really important that we keep our strong foundation in him Even if we do backtrack a little bit to always, you know, at least pray, do something Every day to keep working towards your goal and to keep him in the focus, in your center focus. Yeah, it's like that saying that says, you only know what you know, or you don't know what you don't know. And it's, we know what we know because we've grown up in church and we've read the Bible. So it's even worse for us to be in those situations and not either stand up for God or even on our own not make it. a day to day thing to pray to God, or to have a relationship with Him, to listen to worship music, when we know what we're supposed to be doing, because we've read it for years, but we're not actually living it out. Yeah, and it's, it's really hard. Like, we, we know the struggles, obviously. We, you know, we mess up every day, we sin every day, and it's really hard nowadays, too, because I feel like it's almost, we get embarrassed easily, like, we don't, we want to do certain things but we feel like we can't because some of our friends don't agree, or like online doesn't agree with us, or you know, sometimes we have those barriers of like, the world pushing down on us, but we really have to focus. And, and look at ourselves and look at our hearts and be like, Okay, do we want what the world wants or do we want what God wants? I think sometimes too, I struggle with even wanting to open those conversations with people. Because, I'm like, do I know enough to even be able to defend God? Like, when they come back at me with something, or like, why do you believe? Or, but you can't prove it, like stuff like that, will I even be prepared enough? Yeah. In the moment. Yeah. I do feel what you're saying, like it's kinda like a burden. Like we started this podcast and sometimes I feel like, was I even like, were, were you even ready? Like mm-hmm. we do, we have enough knowledge, are, are we even capable of doing something like this and leading people to God? And I watched a video the other day that was like, you know, you kind of have to start where. God has you and if you do something a little bit each day, then it's something, you know It's like it's at least something to give to God Where he can he can do his work as long as you do your work. So like you said start to grow Yes, so like with you know with people, you know want to talk to God they may they may ask you questions that you don't know But you've planted a seed, if you think about it, like, you know what you know, and let God take care of the rest. And that was in our sermon this past Sunday too, it was really great, by the way, this is a lot where our content's coming from today. But, you know, if you plant that seed in someone, somewhere, it's gonna grow, and God will take care of what God can take care of, cause... You, like we were talking earlier, you can only control what you can control. Like, you can't control anything else. Yeah. No, I think that's true too, because even if it's coming from a negative place, the person still cares enough to ask the questions. Even if it's trying to embarrass you or trying to... You still might say something, because if it's for God's glory, he's not going to want you to fail. So he's going to try and help you with... The wording of what you're supposed to say, but that can't happen if you're not open to him, and if you're not talking to him every day and knowing his voice, then you're not going to know what to say. Yeah, that kind of goes on too, like, you may get asked this question, and if you don't have the study foundation, with him, then like you just missed an opportunity to spread the love of God. And we kind of talked about that last week about like, if you're saying that you're not ready to come back to God yet, like when's ready? You know? Right. When, when do you plant that seed? How many more people are you gonna let pass by? Or how many more opportunities are you gonna let pass by before you act out on what God has for you? You know? And it's important to know that it even happens to people that are seasoned in their faith. Oh yeah. I was watching a sermon today, um, it was Life Church, and it was the pastor Craig, and he was saying that... He knows for a fact that he missed an opportunity with a kid one time because he was on a bus and he said like he almost sometimes he says I've never lied about being a pastor, but sometimes I like want to because Whenever you start talking to people they either like automatically shut down and don't know what to say or they change it and they're like trying to stump you or get you to stumble or Something like that. And so he was saying that he told the kid like, Oh, yeah, I'm a pastor. And then it just, the conversation just shifted and the kid brings it up. And he was like, I should have brought it up to the kid. Like the second that he asked me if I was a pastor, I should have started leading it into some way to Ask him about his faith or where his journey is and he was like, but I didn't and I regretted it And then the kid brought it up later He said something he asked a question about like so what should I think about your God? It was a question like that and he was like, I really didn't know what to say He was like, I'm not used to those direct questions. Like, I'm used to approaching somebody and trying to feel them out and figure out where they are spiritually. I'm not used to somebody just being like, well, what am I supposed to think about that? And being so direct. And so he was like, I just feel like I didn't do a good job. And, you know, there's moments like that are, they're going to happen to everyone. And it doesn't matter how seasoned you are in the faith. Like that's always going to happen. You're always going to think you could have done more. Yeah. And then I think, I think it's good though that we kind of recognize those moments though because then we won't let the next opportunity pass us by. Like, we, you know, say, we're doing this to, you know, build these habits and grow on them. Not to say that next week somebody... Ask us about our faith. We're not going to be like, wait, what are you talking about? our faith or anything, but like we might. But there's like little things that people alter all the time. It'll be like, well, what do you think the Bible says about this? And it's like, well, I think this, but like everyone sins. It's like the automatic throw out is you sit there and you say, well, yeah, the Bible says that that's a sin, but everyone sins. And it's like, that doesn't make it okay. But we throw that in there as a, oh, but I'm not condemning you. You know what I mean? Yeah, there's a difference to like of condemning, like condemning somebody and like trying to be there for somebody. You have a good scripture for that. I do have a good scripture for that, actually. If somebody ever asks you what you believe, where did that one go? It's actually Galatians 6. We're gonna talk about this later, and I might not read the whole verse, but you know, if you ever have somebody ask you or kind of put you in an uncomfortable situation about like What do you say? So, um, it says, Galatians 6, I think this is, yeah, 6 1. Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, for you may also be tempted. Carry each other's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks they are something, when they are not, they deceive themselves. Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone without comparing themselves to someone else. For each one should carry their own load. Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should share all the good things with their instructor. So that kind of just, you know, says basically if you're watching somebody stumble, gently lift them back up. But like, I love that it says gently. Yeah, gently is the key word there. And it's so, it's hard though, cause You need to do it gently, but still stand in a position where you're not going against the word of God or acting like the word of God isn't good. Yeah, because it also says in the verse, that same verse, it says, Watch yourselves, because you might also be tempted. So that kind of just kind of goes back to like, You throwing in that, well, everybody sins. That's almost giving them a way out. Yes, yeah, it's giving them a way out, but like How do we as Christians stand where we stand and then gently lift somebody back up? I think that's, that's really hard, but, you know, he gives us away, you know, the word gently. It's just, it's hard, especially in today's society, because nobody's ever gonna agree with anything. I was thinking about it, um, earlier too, and I feel like, especially for people that are already Christians, but they have questions about it, I would say, like, The Bible tells me that this is where that stands, but you yourself need to read it. That's good. And you're going to feel your own conviction because all of us feel conviction about different things. And then there's some things that you might not feel conviction to, but I feel like eventually the closer you get with God, the closer that like the more that wall comes down and you'll start to see everything. So me telling this person what they're doing is wrong. Like, yeah, sorry, Eve, that's just not right. The Bible tells me this. If I'm like, well, yes, the Bible says that that's a sin, but I think that you should read it and take up your own interpretation. Here's a few verses that specifically talk about it, or like anything like that. That's really good. You know, extend it back to them. You know, it's not what I personally think. It's not really what anybody really thinks. Because if it was... It would just be our action because you know, that's the sin so it's it's the goodness standard of God So it's not what our brains make sense of and it doesn't matter what I think as far as if What she's doing is a sin or not just because I'm a Christian if I tell her yeah, that's a sin That doesn't make it a sin God saying that it's a sin makes it a sin And if I tell her it's okay, but God says it's a sin It's still sin. It's it's literally all about God and glorifying God and You know, he gives us a book to live the way we're supposed to live and we don't have to understand Why things are a sin or why things are bad? He knows and that's kind of all that matters and what he say goes and that's the truth and the only truth. So You know, even as hard as it is to talk to people about Christianity and, you know, talk to them about tough situations and tough things, you can literally always give it back to God and be like, well, this is what it says, you know, read for yourself. Yeah, I think that's why it's so hard for people to want to believe in Christianity is because There's not always answers for why we're doing things that our bodies don't naturally want to do, you know? And so, I feel like that's a big reason of why people don't even want to look into being a Christian. Or they say that, you know, like, it's hurt them and, um, I just feel like it shows in the good fruits that we're kind of talking about in this episode. It's like, well, that's why we're a Christian. What do we have to show for it? Our whole life, we're giving it to God. Like, we're producing good fruits because we talked last season about how Most of the time, sin, it's a sin because it's going to harm us, and God knew that, and so that's why he gave us the play by play of how to live our lives. Yeah, that's so good, because, you know, I think that really just plays hand in hand of like, why Why are we wanting to do this 21 days and then add more because you gotta arm yourself up. First off, we talked about that in last season a lot, but if you're arming yourself up, you gotta show it as well. Like, you're gonna have to act out on it like you just read earlier. It's not just a show. It's not just, let me post something on social media. Let me do this. Let me, listen to this podcast, I mean, watch this episode of A Sermon, it's not just, you know, what you do every day, yes, that's so important, and what comes in is what's gonna come out, but you still have to apply that to your everyday life, it's not just shutting it off once that episode ends, it's applying it to every single day, and living it out every single day, what I loved about Our sermon at cross point this week Shout out cross point. That was a killer sermon felt conviction and It was so encouraging as well. So it was like, what are you doing every day to glorify God And, and yourself, like what are you doing every day to work on what you're trying to achieve, like, what are you trying to work on every day to get that job, in your marriage, in, you know, your, your spiritual health and your mental health, what are you doing, physical health, yeah, all the things, what are you doing every single day, right? That will benefit. If it's just one thing, you still did one thing that day. Even if we do it on a weekly basis, I bet a lot of Christians would not say that they read even a chapter of their Bible weekly. Yeah. I mean, I feel like they might see a Bible verse on Facebook, or they might... But we're not, on average, every single week reading at least a chapter of the Bible. Yeah. And I think that's, it's hard too nowadays because everything is so accessible. And noisy and busy. Yeah, noisy. Like we said, the devil wants to make a noisy generation. And it's harder to pick up your Bible than it is to, you know, scroll on Facebook and see a Bible verse. But I think it shows, you know how people don't react the same way they do to other religions like they do hearing the name of Jesus. Right. Like there's a serenity and there's something about hearing Jesus name. I feel the same way about opening my Bible. There's more of a soothing aspect to actually opening the Word of God than to be on my phone. Like it feels different. I don't get the same lesson. I get. In my Bible that I do in my phone. And I feel like I retain the information easier from the Bible. And you can memorize where you're flipping. And you, like, and it's just so great to open the Bible and see my notes from last time. You know, just to see the little things and then you start to remember. And I just feel like it gets in your brain easier. Oh, absolutely. I love, I love that aspect of having, you know, the physical Bible. Like I said, like I had to cut out. You know, looking at, reading my two pages on my phone, because that's the lazy way out. Like, it is, it is so much more, like, wholesome to read your Bible, like, and actually take notes, and see where you, what you learned last week, or yesterday, or whenever, and it's really fun to go back and read what you wrote. And also, like, there's so many other things too that you can do when you have a physical Bible. They have it now where you literally can read. A book of the Bible and get it sent to you on Amazon. Like, you can read a book of the Bible. I have, I have all the books. Like in chronological order. Oh. Well, like there's like a single book. Yes. A single book of the Bible. And they are beautiful. And they are, um, They're very beneficial because I've read, I've read Matthew. In that, and, for some reason it breaks it down where it almost is easier to keep. What I have found is that it's hard for me to get through an entire chapter when I have all of these chapters I can choose from. Because if something starts to get, like, more into history and not, like, the teaching of what I am supposed to do, when it's more of, like, the storyline and it's like, Nebuchadnezzar did this and then he did this, it's harder for me to want to stay on that page when I can just flip to all the other, do this, do this, don't do this. Yeah. Yeah, and that is one good thing about having that one book. You have to, you have to start from beginning to end. And, um, I love that you kind of brought that up, but we often, we really do do that. We kind of flip to a page to see, like, what are we supposed to do. I know, like, when I'm in, like, Diary of Needle Trouble. Like, sometimes I, I mean, I do come to my Bible, but like, I open it to a random page, hoping that I see something. But I think it's really important to know, too, that everything in here is beneficial in some way. Like, we're gonna either learn from somebody, or we're gonna learn how they did it back then. Well, clearly it's beneficial. Like, God wouldn't have put it in there if he didn't need to read it. True. But we sit there and we're like, where's the juicy bits? Yeah. Like, where, tell me what to do, Lord. Yeah, we pick and choose sometimes. And I know, like, Harvey, we... She has like read the Bible a lot from beginning to end and when she said that she, I think this was about a few months ago, she was on Job and she said it was so hard to read through Job because it was just so depressing, like Job went through so much and the Lord let it happen, like, because I think I think Job's story is like the devil told the Lord that Job won't be as loyal to you if this happens to him or this happens to him. And so God allowed the devil to do all these things to Job and he still was faithful. Yeah. And in the end he did, he did get, you know, a lot back and God blessed him, but like. I mean, it was just like, it was so hard to read because it's so depressing and you're like, he went through all this stuff and you're like, God, why? But like, everything's beneficial. Like, he learned it in the end and, you know, there was a, there was a reason for it. So I think, you know, we do have to take account of the entire Bible because there is good things in every, every, In every chapter, in every book. Yeah, I want to read this because I kind of like how it's talking about how God knew that Job was close to him. Yeah. Because this says that Jesus wants us to be his friends. Yeah. Um, and it says, it is John 15, 5, and it says, I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers. Such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is my Father's glory that you bear. Much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Now remain in you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love. Just as I have kept my father's commandments and remained in his love, I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is that love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one's life for one's friend. You are my friends. If you go, if you do what I command, I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I called you friends. For everything that I've learned from my father, I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that whatever you ask in my name, the father will give you. This is my command. Love each other. I just think that that's so powerful because You know, Jesus died for us, and we're saying, like, we need to be obedient, we need to be servants. But, he wants relationship. He doesn't just want us to be servants because he's more powerful than us, because it's obvious that God is more powerful than us. He created us, and we have control over nothing. Yeah. But, like, our own actions, because we have free will. So we really don't have control over anything because He gave us free will, and He could take it away. So if God wanted servants, He would have servants. But He doesn't want servants, and that's why He sent Jesus. He wants us all to be friends. Like, He wants a relationship with us. Mm hmm. Yeah, I think it's so, that's so powerful. And, you know, from this sermon too, that kind of reminds me, um... How you said, like, God, you know, God has so powerful and, God literally brought Jesus back from the dead, so what makes you think he can't help you or take something away from you? Like, it could be go either way. Nothing's impossible. Yeah, nothing is impossible with God. And we really often forget that. Especially when we're faced with challenges because we often times, like, want to give up or we're like, is this really what God has planned for me? Because it looks hard right now. And that's when we really have to rely on the Lord the most and have that friendship with Him and have that relationship with Him to understand that... He's got it worked out and he will take care of you You just have to do your part and then he will do his part. Yeah, we were just talking today At work about this because the girls that work there we want to start keeping a prayer journal for work because we pray every morning at work, but I feel, I said that I feel like that is so beneficial to us to keep our faith in God because your life is 100% in seasons. Yeah. And so, you forget about things that you prayed for because I, like, I used to be so bad about just when I was in desperation crying out to God. And it would get fixed, but it gets fixed and you move on and you forget it even happened. Yeah. So if you don't have a journal to sit there and look back on and be like, Wow, he, like, I was tore up sick about this. Like, uh, cried myself to sleep, threw up, like, that type of sick about something. And then you just never think about it again because he takes care of it. Oh yeah. And that's insane that we don't remember the different seasons of our lives where we were up all night worrying about things. Yeah. Um, I love a prayer journal, by the way. Um, if you don't have one, I would get one. Or I might just get you one. Um, I actually kind of stopped journaling for a little while, like, like, kind of like when we went on the break from podcasts, it's kind of like everything kind of just shut down, and we've talked about that, you know, when we started back up, but you do forget, and you know, I remember being sick over school, like, thought I was gonna fail this class, like, literally thought I was gonna fail, and I was literally like crying in my room, like, journaling, and it's I, like, I forget, like, almost forget how I felt, but, like, when I wrote down in my journal, like, what I needed, like, God took care of it. But, I was also guilty with my prayer journal. I was like, okay, well, if I write in my prayer journal, Then God will bless it and then I'll get to pass my test. Like I was almost using Prayer as a way. Like it was like Yeah. I was like you would get what you want. Yeah, and That's why sometimes I don't like reading the rest of the part of the verses that say if you keep my commands My father will bless you because that's not why we're doing it. Yeah, I don't need to do this just so that we'll be blessed Yeah, no I tried to do that one time, and I was like, okay, well if I write in my Bible journal and pray before I go. And I was sincere with my prayer, but I was like, this is a conspiracy, which is, God never has conspiracies, so I don't know why I tried to do that. Failed that test! And I don't think it was like God being spiteful, but it was just like... God saying, you need to be more intentional with what you're praying for. Yeah, well he knows your heart. Yeah, um, yeah. Not using prayer to your advantage. And it was more like a genuine pleading. Now that next step, I was genuinely pleading with the Lord. It reminds me of, um, Sadie Robertson said that even she will be like, Lord, I'm going to wake up early and I'm going to spend time with you. And she was like, and then if I sleep in, I feel terrible about myself because I didn't get up and pray with God. And she was like, I heard him one time and he was like, Sadie, I didn't make the date. You did. Like, I'm not worried. Like, you don't just have to talk to me at 5am. You can talk to me anytime you want to talk to me. It doesn't have, you were the one that came up with that in your head. Yeah. It doesn't have to be, and so I feel like that's kind of like what you're saying, like, Like, yeah. It's like the ulterior motive of like, and then it makes it not as pure. Yeah. It's like, You're coming up with your own things in your mind, and God's like, That has never been any part of this. I read in my devotional, like, I think it was two days ago, it was like, just talking about how we sometimes overthink and overanalyze. Sometimes? All the time. All the time. We overthink and overanalyze and, you know, like with this, we... Map out our steps, which are great because it gives you a plan to do things But if we are over stimulating every single part of our day and like thinking about our next move That's not enjoyable first off second of all that's not really giving your time to the Lord because your mind is aimlessly running trying to do the other things and so my devotional was like you just need to rest for a second like Rest and just be in my presence like just enjoy my presence and started trigger trying to figure out the next move And trying to force something that's not gonna that's not ready to happen yet Like I'm not ready for that to happen yet But trying to force it because we ourselves get so worked up because something's not happening right that second but We have no control. The verse that I have to play in my head constantly whenever I'm stressed, and I've just been trying to almost make it a habit. If I'm stressing about something, I'll just say, Worrying can't add a minute to your life. Like, worrying can't add a minute to your life. Like, why are you, why are you even stressed? What are you worried about? You literally cannot control any of this. Yeah. So I think that it's very powerful. That's one of the things that I'm trying to train my brain to do is. If I get stressed, start thinking about a scripture and fill it with something good because I want to make sure that I don't forget. Um, I saw, this was from Life Church, he said that there was a study done and that if you prayed for 12 minutes, like actually concentrated and prayed for 12 minutes for 8 weeks, It can show up on, in your brain on a, like, brain scan. That's so cool. Like it genuinely, your brain is different than other people if you pray at least 12 minutes a day for 8 weeks. So if you train your brain to just, like, be calm and think about scripture when you're stressed, I know that that's gonna be a coping mechanism. Oh, for 100%. And, like, Jesus would be our coping mechanism anyways, but we don't always rely on him. But if you make it a habit... Yeah. Yeah. And... It's, it's so important to do that, because he literally is the way in life, like, everything comes from him, so, the good, bad, and the ugly, even though it might not be from God, he can control it, he can still get you, get you out of there, and You know, even in, like, when we're trying to plan these things out, too, and we're making our habits, and we're, you know, continuing, and things get hard, we still have to rely on him. Even though we set the date, and we're trying to, you know, set the things up, he wants you to succeed, like we say. And so, you know, just asking kind of for God's help is really important as well. And we often kind of forget how to ask for God's help. Yeah, I don't know if I've already talked about this because I get a little mixed up on what we talked about before or what we talked about now. Um, but I was wanting to say that the same way that we're trying to gradually build new habits, It's easy to backslide and form the bad habits. Because you're gonna, like those bad habits are gonna come from when you're either being lazy or when you're trying to get validation from the world or like love from others. Say it's like. Someone invites you out, friends invite you out, and you would rather be, or you're supposed to be at home reading your Bible, but you're like, well, I've done it for the last 10 days, so one day is not gonna hurt. So then leaving and doing it that one time, it's gonna make it easier for that to become the habit because It's easier to see the instant reward from that, or the quick gratification that we talk about. Yeah. Because God's rewards are in it for the long run. Like, you're gonna feel better a little bit off the bat, and you're gonna feel at peace, but it's not gonna be as long. Like, it's, he's building that strong foundation in the ground, but to just go out with your friends, they're gonna hype you up, and they're gonna be like, You're awesome, this is so much fun, aren't you glad you came out? And that's gonna make you feel like, yeah, yeah, it is actually. But it's not going to be beneficial to your life in the long run. The things of this world they're temporary, and the Word of the Lord is everlasting. I think, I don't, I don't, were you talking about that last week? Or did I read something? There was something like that? Like, God's gifts keep on giving. The gifts of the world really aren't gifts. Yeah. No. Because, like you said, they're instant gratification, but what are they going to do for your life? Like, you really have to sit there and analyze your whole day and see how things are going to benefit you in the long run. Yeah, last week we were talking about that it's not the time that matters, it's what you do with your time. Right, right. That's kind of like... Like what I kind of said earlier about what is the one thing that you're doing each day to work towards your goal? Mm-hmm. like it could be simply one thing, but what is that one thing? Because you could do a hundred things in your day, but that one thing is what matters most. You at least work towards something. I've just been thinking a lot lately about whenever I wake up in the mornings, I'm like, Guys, we only get to live this life once, like, why would we not want to wake up and live it as much as we can and do everything that we can? Yeah. Um, I saw Taylaunder. I love her so much. She's so awesome. I just, I'm just gonna say this real quick. I feel like she just has to be one of the best people in the entire world to be in nursing school. And then still go work in the ICU when COVID is happening, when she is marrying Taylor frickin Lautner. Yeah, why is she at work? She's just a good person. Yeah, she gotta be. She just wanted to help. Yeah, well she also has a podcast too, the Squeeze. It's so cute. But, her husband is with her, which is pretty awesome. Which is Jacob. Yeah. From Twilight. I was never into Twilight, but I wasn't a Taylor Swift fan back in the day. Just continue. Okay, but um, I was listening to one of their little reels or um, on TikTok and then um he asked her a question and he was like, can I ask you a question? He was like, if I gave you a million dollars and you could only spend it for that one day. would it make you pretty happy? Like, would it make you pretty happy for, for a whole week? And she was like, yeah, yeah, it would. And he was like, what if I gave you$2 million? And I said, you could only spend it that day. Would it make you pretty happy for like three or four weeks? And she was like, yeah, make me really happy. He was like, would you be happy if I gave you 5 million? But said you wouldn't wake up the next morning? And she was like, she was like, when you mean no one would wake up, he was like, you could have the five million dollars, but you won't wake up in the morning. Or just not take it and you wake up. And she was like, I just wouldn't take the money. And he was like, well it just shows you how valuable our life is. And like, how much time that we get is a lot more precious to us. Than we think it is. Yeah, than we think. We don't understand like, what gift God has given to us because We literally strive to wake up every day. Like, that's gotta be something. We gotta, we gotta strive to do good every single day. Like, he's given us a gift for a purpose for this world. We choose to live every day. So, we do choose, and we don't choose at the same time. But if you think about it, like, our whole instincts and everything is just about survival. And like, we're just living to wake up the next morning. We go day by day, but we also try to make the best of every day, and the only way we can achieve our best is through God. And that's why we need His help so bad. And it's so important that we ask, and in our sermon on Sunday, it was like, you know, how do we ask the Lord to help us? And it was really simple. He literally said to just say, Holy Spirit, will you help me? And, I think that's really, really important, and it's also very powerful, because that's literally you're talking to the Lord, and, I mean, cause they're the three in one. But, I was kinda like about how I talked Two weeks ago about how in my workout like sometimes when I get a little winded or less motivated I'm like, okay Lord help me. Mm hmm. It's kind of the same thing like we genuinely have to you know Say it out loud and be like Lord. Will you help me Holy Spirit? Will you help me? And then you can just feel that power over you. Mm hmm. That's so good I feel like it's the same like like all of it. It's just you feel a certain type of thing with specifically Christianity that like you don't feel anything else like it just gives you a sense of peace and like there's just power behind the names and people don't even understand it but there is yeah like literally the power that made Jesus raised from the dead is the same power that helps you like when we were talking about the spiritual warfare thing and we watched that girl who is saying that even like going into a yoga place and saying Jesus It makes everyone uncomfortable. Yeah. Because they know that there's power in the name. Like, even if you don't know, everyone subconsciously knows. Yeah. I, I mean, that's why they tell you to say rebuke things in the name of Jesus, because his name has so much power. So, speaking his name over your life, like, Imagine what you could get done. Like, just imagine if we woke up every morning and was like, okay, Holy Spirit, help me. And Jesus, help me. Like, what we could get done on our day. Not saying that we won't mess up, not saying that, you know, things won't come our way, but we'd at least have Jesus on our side, backing us up and helping us, get us through. You know? So much. We probably repeated ourselves. So just, it's okay. That meant it was important. Yeah, it's important if we repeat ourselves. And you'll remember it. We sometimes have to say it two or three times before we remember anything. But, it's always good. And I really hope, you know, you can at least learn something today and apply it to your life. We hope every day that it'll be that second gust of wind at the end of the race. Yes, yes, because we're halfway through our 21 days, guys. Like, we're almost to the finish line, and it's been good. Yeah, it's made me more positive of thinking about, I feel like I thought about all the things that I wanted to add, but now that I'm adding the scripture into my life every single day, it's making me subconscious of all the things that I need to be taking away. Two. Yeah, it's gonna be happier. I will say, like, I've enjoyed doing other things rather than, you know, just spending time on my phone and shutting the world out and, you know, I love opening up my Bible at night. In underlining, in highlighting, so. Yeah, like last night I was done with my reading, but I was like, I don't want to pick up my phone, like I'd rather just keep... So I literally just kept reading until I went to bed. We talk about that a lot. Yeah, it's so much more fruitful than getting... Okay, I finished my chapter, let me get back on TikTok. Yeah. Because you don't want to after you've started reading the bible because it's like, yep, it's very impactful and it's kind of craving. Yeah. Wonder why. Yeah. Okay, well, we love you guys and hope you enjoyed this episode. We will be back next week. Yes. And remember, more updates. Wait for. Yeah. We're so excited. And remember that you're more precious than rubies. Bye!