A Day in the Life Of

Diving All In the Race To Heaven

July 12, 2023 Eve Miller

hey, what's up, everyone. Welcome back to a day in the life of podcasts. It's E Caden. And we're so excited today, we've been a weekend to our goals, and we're going to kind of talk a little bit about, you know, getting away from the temptations of life. And, you know, we've kind of had to modify Our goal is to kind of fit the temptations that we have and how you kind of have to get away from them. So we're just going to kind of dive right into it and. See what we can learn. Yeah. So me and Eve have both talked and we talked a little bit about our struggles in keeping it going and what we had to kind of do to. Get rid of the temptations because, you know, we were kind of listening to Some sermons and looking up on stuff. And there was one that said that, um, The solution is to just completely eliminate temptation. Yeah. So. What do I need to do? That I keep doing. Two to where my goals don't get met. Like for me when I'm waking up in the mornings, like, what is prohibiting me from reaching that goal? I need to go ahead and cut that off from the front end so that I'm not dealing with it later on. And so today's message is kind of going to be about. Chicks and kind of just what the Bible says about temptation and growing your strength in those battles. Cause you know, it's a daily battle. Yeah. I think a hundred percent, we should kind of just start like, like completely. Temptation off at the foot, because if we can do that, then we can just avoid it all together. So like the way I kind of think about it is like, if you're trying to go without suites, Um, say you're like driving down the road and you pass a criminal cookie, if you're me, female. Across the promo place. Cause that's my favorite. And you like, think about it like, Hmm, maybe I should stop, but then you don't and you just keep driving. Like you can't. But if you like drive in the parking lot and stop, you're going to be a lot more tempted to go in and then it would be to just keep on driving or the second that you start being like, oh, well I deserve it. I've done. I've gone a whole week without eating a cookie. So like, that's my good job. You're slipping right back. Yeah, two. Because. It's easier to keep something going. As it's still going. But the second that you like. Give in. It's like the walls come down. Even just a little bit, like it makes it so much harder to backtrack and go back. Cause once you're already in that parking lot, like, man. Open the door and you're two seconds and you're getting yourself a crumble cookie, but you can cut it off right before Like you can dismiss the thought and. To do that. You have to have the power of our God, because we can do it by ourselves. And we'll never be able to do it by ourselves, but you know, that's why we have the Lord to call on him. And, you know, I think sometimes too, We almost get shameful when we even have these thoughts that come into our minds, it's almost like, dang, like, why am I even thinking about this? Like, um, am I sending doing, like, even thinking about it? Yeah. And I think it's important to know that you're not sending, just because you're being tempted. Jesus was tempted and he was without sin. So that should give you some encouragement to, you know, power through, because even though you're being tempted, does it mean that you're sitting. You can not sin and still be tempted. Yeah, it's not that active. Like thinking of the temptation, because those can just get put into your head and they're literally just human desires. It's the acting on it because God's all about boundaries and obedience. He's not going to condemn someone for something that they can't help because you're going to have those selfish thoughts. It's the actual act. And there's like a few steps. Yeah, it gets you to the actual act. Yeah. Um, so it's finally getting there. That's the actual sin. And it's also important to talk about the fact that. When do we struggle the most? Right. And so I, um, saw that you're most often going to be struggling if you're. Like somewhere super low. Like if you're at a really low place in your life. And you're worried about everything and you think that everything's going wrong, then everything's going to go wrong because you're already so far down. But in the reverse, the second, most likely time that you're going to fall into temptation is when you're at your highest. Yeah. You're at your peak and you think that nobody can touch you. So it either turns into vanity. And the pride where you think that you're better than everyone else and oh, sin doesn't affect me. That's a sin in itself. Yeah. Or just you're up so high that you're not paying attention. Like you're not on the offense or the defense, like you're just living your. You're doing whatever, because you think that your. Safe. And so letting your guard down and not. Being defensive to push off Satan and not being offensive to. Go out and keep reading your Bible and to keep doing these things, to fill your body, fill yourself. Is what's gonna cause you to stumble. Yeah, I think, um, I kind of talked about earlier. It's kind of like running a race. Like we're all running the race of life. And our end goal is to get to heaven and to know that we lived our lives for the Lord. And I think it's really hard sometimes too, because. We're so we're tempted by everything, especially in today's society because everybody thinks it's okay. To you know, sin. And so we're running this race and we fall in stumble. Does it mean we just kind of give up completely and go back down the rabbit hole and go back or do we turn from it? Repent. And then to keep running, right? The Bible verse that goes with what we were just saying is first Corinthians 12. So if you think you were standing firm, be careful that you don't fall. No temptation has overtaken you, except what has come from mankind. So for one, God's not going to give you the temptation. Yeah. It's of yourself and to even the people that are standing the most from are the ones that need to watch it, because yeah. They can get slipped up because they're not paying as much attention as the people that are maybe in a struggle because the people in a struggle or trying to climb their way out. Whereas somebody that's up top, isn't paying attention to their footing. Yeah. So they might fall down. Yeah. It's very easy to get, you know, caught up with life and slipped back. And to old ways. And I kind of like how you said too, like, Temptations, not from God. Like sometimes we hear all the time that, you know, oh, God's tempting me, but he's not tempting. You God, wouldn't Tim to you. It's the devil. It's the things of this world that are tempting you because every temptation leads to sin and then suddenly leads to that. Yes. That's not going to come from God. So don't ever think, oh, God's he's tempting me. It's not, it's not like that. He's he doesn't want you to sin. And I think. That you know, he would never, ever lead you down a path. Right? Just upset. The only thing that God does is they say that God tests and the devil temps. So when God tests you that's for his purpose for you. You know, he's trying to see if you can rise to the challenge, whereas tempting. It's just putting two negative things. Kind of you, that's going to make you fall, like yeah. You read something. And it was saying that, um, temptation like of itself is bad. Like anything that is a temptation is something that's not in alignment with God or what the Bible says, or if you're, if you're conscience or conscious, which is the holy spirit. If you're a Christian that is literally. The holy spirit telling you not to do something, automatically going to tell you something's a. Like temptation like a red flag. Yeah. So what I found was that said temptation is anything that promises satisfaction at the cost of obedience to God. So we think about it all the time. Like anything you do. That's why. You always, you put in front of God, it would be like, you. Idol. Yeah, it's an idol essentially. And you know, it's like us not wanting to go to church on Sunday nights when rather sleep well. And that case sleep is your temptation and then it becomes your idol. Because you're putting it above God, because God wants you to have these boundaries and obedience to him. But if you're not being obedient to him and you're not sacrificing, it's like, okay, well, if there's two options and you choose one over the other, then that's put higher on your list. Yeah. If it's go to church or sleep in. Then your self care sleeping in is put above God. And that becomes your idol. So the temptation of sleeping in. Is what causes you to be distant from God? And it's really hard to. You know, learn from that, but we really like, you have to recognize it yourself to even be aware that that is as in a temptation and the sin. If you act out on it, Because not only you, if you sleep in and don't go to church. You're missing out on a whole thing. You can learn something new and you could have had an impact on others. And then you just, you're cutting off your cycle. That could have just been cut off before. It even started. Right. Yeah, I think that's a really good point that you could have learned something else. It's goes back to being on the defense and the offense. You need to be working both of them. You can't just be. Staying away. You also have to be filling your heart with new good things. Right? Right. You have to, you have to be disciplined. And I think. We talked about this before, but like God loves discipline so much. Because discipline has results. If you think about it, like my brother, for example, he is like a workout fanatic and yes. Yes. Like meal preps, the whole nine yards. It's really, really, really disciplined. And I'm like, I don't know how you do that, but right. I could do it if I really wanted to, if you made it important to yourself, but. Discipline. It always shows. Progress. And then progress always shows, your, destination. Now your, your final outcome, your prize. If you work at something, you're always going to see results. So I think that's also worked with our spiritual health. If you are working on something, it's going to show up in your daily life. Yeah. And I think it also goes into, if you start something like there's always going to be an end result, right. So if you start something and you don't go all the way with it, and you're just barely doing it, then your result's going to be that you feel bad about yourself. Because you didn't accomplish it. And so it's going to put you down. That's kind of goes back to like running a race. Like if you're training for a marathon, And you slip up and you don't work. You don't work at it for a week or you just something bad, right? For the race or something that it's like, you've worked this hard and then all of it's for nothing. Yeah. I found a scripture in the Bible it's first Corinthians 9 24. Do you know that inner race, all the runners run, but only one gets the prize run in such a way to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes to district training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly. I do not fight like a boxer beating air. No, I strike a bone in my body and make it my sleep. So that I have preached to others on self will not be as qualified for the cross. At this thing, that's so good. Well, I think it's also just good because I feel like people always act like God wants you to just be completely like selfless. Isn't the right word, because running a race and winning isn't selfish, but people think that that type of stuff doesn't matter to God. Yeah. But God just wants you to do the best at everything you can. Yeah. You know? Like it doesn't matter what it is. He wants you to do the best you possibly can. And that's what it's saying in the scripture is that I'm training to win. You don't train something to lose. God doesn't want losers. He wants winners and with his help. The, the goal of the winning is that you give it all back to him. And once you get the glory to him yeah. But he doesn't want any of us to lose or like lay down and roll over. He wants us to train to win. Now I read something one time that was like, do everything. Like you're doing it for the Lord. Like you were standing in front of him and you're, you're giving it to him. Like if you're, if you're working and you're making something, do it as if you were about to give it to the Lord, like, is it your best work? Like, would you present something that's bad to the Lord? No, because you want to do your best. So if we can work at something so hard and it, for it to be so good, it can impact others around us and therefore it glorifies God. Because we always want to be the best at what we do, because it always shows back to God like how good our God is. But if we slack off. And given to our temptations, then we're going to, we're going to see the result of that. And, you know, going back to a race scenario, you're gonna be slow. You're gonna lose. In a sense you're going to fall behind. You're going to be out of breath. Like. If we want our bodies and our parts and our souls and our mind to be in the best shape, we're going to have to work at it. And we're going to have to put that discipline in and resistant patients. Yes. It's so good. I feel like discipline is like, it's a really good word for the. I think for this whole series, it should be in the word because yeah, it's hard. It's so hard. Like we've been doing this for a week and. I could all relate myself, like give myself a way out. Because you're just trying to come up with excuses or you say. A lot. I think I have found myself being like, If I accidentally stay up late. Cause one of my waking up things is I want to wake up at five 30. But then I'm like, but if I didn't fall asleep later, Then it's not really, I'm not going to be doing anyone any good. If I don't go ahead and go to bed. Like if I don't, if I don't sleep in a little bit longer and it's me justifying it, so then the next day it's going to be easier to do it again. And then it's going to be easier to do it again, but it's like no pain and you should just go to bed earlier. Yeah. You just need to fix it on the front end so that you can do what you want to be doing. Right. Right. Um, mine is. Where I'm like supposed to be reading two pages of the Bible every day. I've been doing it. Like there's a couple of times that I've been doing on my phone and to me. That is not presenting my best self to the Lord. Like I was. It's a lazy way out, essentially. Like I'm not giving my whole heart and whole, whole soul and mind into my reading because I'm doing it on my phone. I can't take notes. I, and then if someone texts you, you get sidetracked. Yeah, absolutely. And so for one of the things for me is I'm really going to have to start being very mindful of how I use my phone and what time I get on my phone. And when I need to put it up at night, I don't need to get on in the morning, like. I'm going to have to be very strict on how I, you know, make my time, because I want to fully be aware and fully in my Bible because that's the way out. To me. Yeah. It, it goes exactly with what I saw today that says the solution is not more time. It's more of what matters. You're never going to get more time in the day and you're going to feel stuck, but that's what we're trying to get out of. We're trying to get out of feeling stuck, but there's never going to be more time in the day. Yeah. And so, like we were saying, we came up with all these extra things to do, but have we thought about the things we need to take away? To do the things that we need to do. That's a great point because. If you think like, have you ever had a day where everything just goes great? Like you wake up. And you make up your bed and you get everything done on your list. That's a good day. And how did you use your time? You use your time wisely. I feel like in the summer, especially we use our Tom as kind of like free for all like, oh, we get to do whatever we want to, we get to sleep in. We get to be on our phones. We get to watch movies and. All those things can be great. And they were very useful at times, but. If we're doing that over and over and over again, every single day, are we really using our time, the most efficiently? Are we really changing and, you know, getting ourselves ready for the Lord? Because I know personally I feel worse when I don't do anything that day or thought slack off. Like, I feel like I kind of just wasted Tom instead of using Matam to the full tool. He's in my time to a full advantage. It reminds me too of whenever I would work. Um, And the restaurant job, like I would get home so late after working so long that I would feel like my day was not for me. And so I would just stay up scrolling. Yeah. Was that beneficial? And was I even enjoying myself? No, I was just dreading the time that I had to wake up, but it's like, I needed time to feel like it was for myself or like I was doing something. But I saw something today and I can't, I don't know if it was with you or if I was just. Doing something on my own, but it said that Satan wanted to create a noisy generate like a noisy world. That's what he wanted. He wanted it to be a distraction because if you're scrolling through your phone or if you're. Just listening to music and you're not interacting with people, or if you're not alone long enough to hear from God, then you're never going to hear from God. Like. If you are too busy, but we're not even busy doing anything that matters. We're really not. It's such random stuff. You might hear some cool facts every now and then, but scrolling through, take talker, Instagram or Facebook, it's just mind numbing. Just scrolling and then you look down and you realize two hours have gone by, and we think that we're so busy, but you just spent two hours scrolling on your phone. Yeah. So it's about taking out the bad and putting in the good, I think also like with our phones, our phones are probably a really huge problem in our day-to-day laws and, you know, they kind of impact our spiritual health it's that we're scrolling. Like mindlessly, like it's not even for a purpose. It's just to scroll just because we don't know what to do without entertainment. 24 7. And that's, you know, we need to really rewire our brains to be more. Um, Attention focus with other things like that was like why? One of my things on my list was to learn something new every day. And, you know, I've watched a new, I know I said, phones are. But I have watched a new TV series and I don't watch TV and me and my mom have started a TV series and that's something I normally wouldn't have done. If I'd. I'm scrolling. It's going to cause it's together. Yeah. And you're creating that. Yeah. And building on that relationship, it's, it's very beneficial. If you can learn how to use your time wisely, because it's going to be. Very beneficial for you and your mental health and for your spiritual health. Because you're going to feel like you're being more purposeful with everything that you do. Yes. Um, I just love this verse that we stumbled on today. It is in James. 1 22. Do not merely listen to the word. And so deceive yourselves do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word, but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intentionally into the perfect law. Or it looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues in it. Not forgetting what they have heard, but doing that, they will be blessed in what they do. So if we focus on what God's telling us to do, because we're going to know if it's not of God. Because we're going to have the holy spirit telling us, and if you're staying in the word, you're going to know, this is not what the Lord stands for. Yeah. And so we need to remember that. And when it comes face to face and you're doing it, don't be a hypocrite and do it anyway. You have to stand strong and get the bad out and put the good in. Yeah, because you, you will, if you keep yourself, you know, the Lord in your heart and you keep him center focused. You'll do the right thing. You'll have that nudge because like we're saying it's all race. Yeah. Everything you do. Yeah. We're all just trying to be better for God. And you know, if that means cutting some things out for you, like we have to do sometimes too, it might be the best. And sometimes it's who you have to cut out as well. And anything that's distracting you from. Your purpose and what God has planned for you. Is temptation and it's a distraction and it could be from Satan. So you just have to be very, very aware of what you're doing with your time. Because it's super important that you're giving it back to the Lord. And, you know, even if you're more aware of your time now in the summer, it's gonna be so much easier. In the fall to have a routine again. Yeah. And just keep following your same routine. It's going to be so much easier because everyone feels good in the summer too. Like we get to go out tan. It's warm. There's more time in the day. It's just the perfect time. To love life and get started. And, you know, we need to get better about loving every second of our lives, because I feel like a lot of us just get stuck in a rut where we're like, I'm just living day to day. Yeah. And so that's what we're trying to get out of is let's get rid of the bad what's causing you to have a bad day. What's causing you to feel like you're running out of time because everyone gets the same amount of time in a day. Yeah. You know, everyone gets 24 hours. It's what you do in those 24 hours. Yeah. I think if we each looked at our lives like overall, we, you know, you can see aspects that need to change because we're pretty much creatures of habit. We usually do the same things every single day. And if you think about what you do in a day, like what could be cut out in like what's useful and what's not. I think you're, you'd be a lot happier. That's one of the reasons like at first that I had deleted tick talk because I was like, could you imagine if I spent every second that I randomly get on my phone for Tik TOK to watch a sermon or to watch a podcast or something like that. And recently, I've like I did so good for months. Had not gotten on Tik TOK or anything. Recently. I was like, well, I'm good now. Like it's been a minute. Yeah. I know I could go without it. Let me get back on here. And then I sit and I sit and I sit and after I am used to the easiness of transitioning back to Tik TOK. I take so much more time to get on the YouTube. And to look up a sermon or to look. Podcasts and to put my headphones in. And to listen to it because that's like 40 minutes long and I don't have 40 minutes. I just have 20 minutes or I just have this. But you could still listen to half the sermon. Yeah. You know, but it's so like you just start making excuses for yourself and it's not even that I would rather see the stuff on Tik TOK. Then I would rather listen to a sermon because half the time the stuff I see just makes me angry. Because it's does not align with my values does not align with certain things that I agree with. So I just get mad and I should just be watching my sermons anyway. But there's that thing in your head? That's like, no, that's too hard. Yeah. It's a, it's a shortcut. It's an easy. It's like a little voice in your head. But like, like you said, you just spend so much time on there and it's the easier way. And you, you get mad about things like it's does it, it doesn't benefit you. And I've just like, noticed that it makes me angrier in general because when I'm sitting there listening to my podcasts or watching YouTube. I'm fine because it's just Jesus coming in and out of my ears, you know? But for some reason when I'm on Tik TOK and I'm scrolling through and Caleb comes in to talk to me, I'm like, Yeah, cause he's interrupting me. What am I doing? It's because it's, what's, you're filling yourself with yeah. Yeah. What's what you take in is what's going to come out and it's really important that you set your boundaries because you will give in sometimes and you will, you will fall for temptations and you will stumble into sin. But. You can't let that keep you squashed down. You got to repent and turn from that because it'll lead to death. Like. Any sin will lead to death just because you think, oh, it's small and I'll do this one time. And I'll just be one more time. No, because then it's going to be even harder. Like you said, to pull yourself out, like you're just digging yourself deeper and deeper in this hole. And it's really hard to find out what you're all the way in there. Yeah. One time is not one time because you've already broken it. You've already broken your boundary. Yeah. And so now it's like, It's like a leak or something, you know, you're like that one time and then it's all cracks. Now your whole foundation is cracked. And so it's just going to keep seeping in until you don't even notice it anymore. And you forget what you were even trying to do, or you're putting tiny little cracks into a window and eventually that window's gonna break. Yeah, it's gonna bust. Yeah, it's, it's really hard, but you know, we kind of have to think that we're not supposed to be able to do this alone. Like, that's not the point. Like we're supposed to be able to rely on God. And that's why it's so important that you ask him for his help. That's. That is the good news about, you know, even though we are tempted, there's always a way out, there's always a way out and there's always a way that you can. Turn and ask God to come in and be in step in the way and be like, No, you can't do this right now. Like you can, you can get out of this. You just got to figure out a way. I absolutely love this verse. It's first Peter two, and it says, therefore, rid yourself of all malice and all to seek hypocrisy, envy and slander of every kind like newborn babies crave here, spiritual milk. So that by it, you may grow in your salvation now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. And I just love that. That comparison of us craving milk, like newborn babies, because we should be. It's good for us and we know it's good for us and we feel so good when we're doing it. But why is it so hard to do it? Sometimes? I don't know. That's what we need to keep our boundaries up and keep our walls up so that we're like focused. We want to crave it like newborn babies, crave milk. That needs to be all that we're looking at. We need to put our blinders on. Yeah, because the second that you've looked over here, You're like. Can you swear off the road? Yeah. Before, you know, it you're in the ditch for, uh, for real. And like, what if we put so much effort into the other things that we do. Into what God wants, because like, I think about it all the time, like how obsessed we are with somethings. And like as a generation, we have says over the smallest things, like in reality, they're not that big. And we can honestly put, be putting all of our effort into God instead of all of our effort into something else, especially like things that we'll never even. Mean anything to us. It's like we obsess over celebrities that don't even know that we're existing and that's idols, which we've already talked about before and then sports. They don't matter if you're not the one running the race and trying to give it to God. Then it doesn't really matter. I mean, it's fun entertainment, but is that entertainment taking away from your time with the Lord? And we're not saying like don't listen to music or don't watch shows. Cause we obviously do that, but just align your values and you need to make sure that if these are what you need to hit in a day, that you hit that and then the extra is extra. Yeah. That kind of goes back to like anything that's taking away time from the Lord as a 10 patient. Like, if you it's, it's okay to love things and it's okay to, you know, enjoy, enjoy what you enjoy. But when it becomes an auto on obsession, that's when it's unhealthy. And that's when you should check your heart, because most of the time it's a, it's in the place of where the word should be. I just saw a video today about a woman. And she was talking about her son and how her son. She raised her son, never putting sports above God, because if they said that they were playing on Sunday, she was like, okay, great. Well, these are the three time options that we have to go to service and we'll move which one we normally go to service for as long as you're still going to service. But if this doesn't work, then he's going to service and he's not playing baseball because. Baseball or the Lord? Yeah. Hello, but we get immune to it and we're like, you're not going to let that kid play baseball. Yeah. But it's like, hello? The Lord or baseball. Come on guys. And yeah. Yeah. Like we kinda. We, we set these things as idols because we think they're going to change our lives. But if it contradicts God, it is not. What's going to change your life. No, not at all. When you water it down to make it seem like it's not as bad as it is. And like in the long run, it doesn't even matter. Like he was what in high school. Or even some of these high school or middle school, probably some things now, like it's little league and like, does it doesn't really mean that much? Yeah. I need to teach the good morals now. Yeah. It's not worth this with anything that can be on Sundays. Any any, yeah, sleep literally, like we said before, it's anything that can take place of what God has, or it takes place of God in general, that's an idol and that's a temptation. And you should just steer her completely because that's not going to lead you to a good life. It's going to lead to death. Like we say, all the time that anything that is not of God is sinful and it's at the devil. I think there's like a big problem of everyone. Always thinking that since Jesus died for our sins, that God will just always forgive us. Yeah. I can do this because I'll just come back to God when I'm ready. But again, the more you distance yourself from God, the harder it is to get back. Yeah. That's, it's so true because I think we used the analogy last week of building a wall. We keep building brick by brick. Every sin is a brick that you put on there. That that wall is going to be pretty big by the time that you're ready to come to that. And the Lord crush it down. Yeah. But you're not going to be as aware of his presence as you are when you're in it, you can yell, Lord help me. And he can crash the wall down. But if you're standing there, you're not really going to be thinking about it. You're just going to be thinking about how big the wall is. Or a lot of times we're in a very like lukewarm Christian world right now. So you'll be like, well, I'm still more Christian than that person is. So you're not even going to think that you're distant from God, but you are. Yeah. Like it's really, really important that we don't put it off because. It's so hard to get back where you were not to mean that you can't do it because you obviously can, but you have to be aware that you need to. The problem. You're more likely to go through hardships. Like if you think about it, you're more likely to hurt. You're more likely your Mo your mental health might be in shambles. By the time you realize that you need help, like you could. You say, you'll come back when you're ready, but when, when are you ready? You know? Like when, or when do you know this? You're too far gone? To come back and. And be there, which you're never too far gone, but like when do you know. There's like the point where you're desensitized to it and you're not chasing after God, because you think that you're fine because you've had that experience before where you've accepted Jesus into your life, but you're not living for Jesus. So you're not reaping all of the rewards. Yeah. Ah, that's that's really good. And, you know, I have the verse and it's, I have a verse it's Galatians five, seven. It says you're running a good race. Who cut you to keep you from obeying the truth. That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you a little yeast, works through a whole batch of dough. And I think that kind of just shows like a little sin. I can work through everything. So you may think, oh, this is just tiny. It won't hurt anything. Well, isn't that like, when things like wrought too, like you see a little spot and then you see all of it and it's all rotten on the inside. Tomato. Yeah. I see one side of it. It's got a little bad. And it can infect the whole tomato unless you cut it out. Yeah. And that is good. So you got to cut it out. Because if not, you can be infected and then. You can't eat that anymore. It's bad. And. You have throw it out. So. It's really important that you cut out your temptation. It's so hard to do, because I feel like we've just become so used to sending that. You don't realize that certain things are a temptation because it desensitizes you to it. Cause we say, you'll know when it's a sin because you'll have that voice. But there's those times where I feel like the more you do something, the more desensitized you are to it or. Just as a generation. You convince yourself that it's okay. So then it doesn't seem as bad and then you'll keep doing it. And suddenly you're. Not even realizing it anymore. Well, how many times? Like in our generation, specially, do we hear something? Oh, that's okay. It's okay to do this. It's fine. And we slowly start to think, well, maybe it isn't a sin or maybe. You're not doing it, but you see everyone else doing it, then you're like, you still get desensitized. Yeah. Oh yeah. With movies and stuff. We were talking about this on the way over here. Like we are so desensitized to things that should never ever be on TV. Like we think about it. Like we like nudity. Yeah. We're so customized. All the stuff that did not used to be as bad as it is. And even like, I feel like the ratings have gone down. Like things that used to be right at our are now like PG 13, because people are like, Hm, that's not bad. It's just boobs. Yeah. But. But it's, it's not any, yeah, like it's, it's really not healthy for you at all. Like yeah. You water it down to think it's fine. But in reality, that's, that's a huge deal. It's a huge deal. Obey. It, it invades your heart. And you're going to produce, you're going to read what you so. You know, and it's like, nurture, like the way you're brought up, things affect you. Like it changes everything in your life is going to affect the person you become. So. Things coming at you at a younger age. Like some things are even considered child abuse. Like if you show certain things at a certain age to kids, that's considered child abuse. So it's like, All of the things that are desensitizing kids nowadays. Yeah. We're growing up in a generation that's showing so much more. Yeah. As far as like nudity and cussing than like, yeah. I feel like we ever grew up with oh, for sure. And I think it can makes me kind of wonder too, like why God said, or like, it kind of makes me think like, you know why God said have a child like faith. Because he wants us to be pure. And before you knew anything, Yeah. Before you knew that was, you know, before you knew what all that stuff was, because you were happy all the time. You didn't think about that stuff. You didn't. You didn't want to do bad. And if you did bad, you didn't know what you were doing. And I think that's why it's so important that we really like, even if you haven't been exposed to things that you can still cut that out of your life. And start fresh and new. Like we really, really want to invite you to completely start fresh this summer and, you know, knock those temptation walls down because you can, and you can do it through rod. And you can start at any time. It doesn't have to be exactly when we start, because that's another excuse. You can be like, oh, well they're already a weekend. I can't catch up. Yeah, you can. Yeah. Just. Be a week behind. Yeah. Sometimes you have to, you know, you do fall and you have to get back up again. That doesn't mean that you're completely hopeless. That doesn't mean that you're completely lost. You can still repent and turn from it. And I think that's so important to do. And God knows what we're facing every day, too. Like, I want to read this verse. It's Hebrews four 15. And it says this priest of ours understands our weaknesses, or he faced all the same testings we do yet. He did not sin. That's good. So we can do it. Will we do it is the question because there's always a way out and that's, that's encouraging, but it's also kind of disappointing in a way too, because you think about every time we've ever attempted. We could we known there's a way out. We just didn't do it. But I think it can also be very helpful. Yeah. If you know, that it's been done before. Oh yeah, for sure. Because you know, Jesus was perfect and he did it. When he did it. And he stayed away from it. So. I think it's something that we can always keep in the back of our minds. Because it's hard as we go through our daily lives. We, we sit up here every day and we are every week when we talk about these things too, we still struggle with it every week. Things that we talk about are the main things that we struggle with. That are sticking out to us because that's why they're. That's why they're being brought up. They stick out to us and we're like, oh, people really need to hear that. Me being people. Yeah. For sure. Or we see it, we see it in everyday lives. Like. I see it out in about, and we're like, what in the world is going on? Another thing I saw that was good today said that the second that you. Are, it kind of goes up to being so high, like you think you're so high and your faith, that the second that you stop listening to a sermon for yourself and you think. Oh, I need to send that to so-and-so. That's so that's bad. Because you're thinking that you're above them and you're thinking that you're above it and you're coming at them in a condescending way. Whereas if you're just like, that was a really good message and it really opened my eyes. I think I should share that with Eve in case she picks anything up from it. Yeah. That's completely different than like, knowing if I know that each struggling with something in particular. And then I see that sermon and I'm like, Well, I know who should read this one. And send it to her. That's not from a good place and that's not from wanting to obeying glorify the Lord. You know, that's coming from a place where you think that you're up high, that you're probably gonna stumble because you're watching for everyone else and you're not watching for yourself. You're kind of playing into what everybody thinks of Christianity. Like everybody thinks that we think we're. Better than everyone else per se. But if you're doing it like that, you're just proving them. Right. But if you come at it with a pure heart, then. You just need to do everything with a pure heart, because that's the only way that you know, that it's from God, because it's not for your own selfish desires, but it's for the Lord. And if you can always put the Lord first, you're always going to be selfless. Instead of selfish. Yes. So if we can leave you anything with this week. We just want to encourage you guys to, if you've been doing it, keep going. If you haven't been pleased, start. And please pray that mean Eve can continue with what we've been doing, and that will just have the strength and that we won't. Slack at all, because if we slack. The walls come down. Yes. They do come crumbling and we won't be able to start back up again. I think that this is a great, um, What's like the word that I'm trying to think of, not dedication, but, um, Not conviction, but it's like a. I know what you're trying to say. It's like a, uh, accountability. Accountability. That's great accountability for everybody. Yeah. Because you know that we have to do it, then we're going to be more likely to do it because when I'm sitting there in my alarm's going off at five 30, my brain is going to be like, well, I can't let Eve. I can't let you down. I can't be like, oh, how'd your week go. Yeah, but I'm sitting there. And snooze. Yeah. Um, I kind of thought about like videoing this week to see like how my week goes. We do like a little check-in. Yeah. Like a check in each week. Or if you stay and see how things are going, then it could really keep us accountable. That's good. But also, it was kind of funny because if I don't know if any of y'all are doing this with this, but I saw on Tik TOK is so bad. Tik TOK where another girl did the same thing. She's doing the same thing, the exact like 21 days. Well, she's doing. She's calm at the 75 hard like this, this was kind of like our inspiration was like, have you guys seen like the 75 hard challenge or whatever, but that was our inspiration. And, uh, but I did see a girl and she said that she was doing her own seventy-five hard, which was kind of funny because it was just kind of what this is based off of except. We're just trying to get ready for the fall. And this is 21 days and we're going to add more. So work out to our 75 hard. We're just starting with 21 1 day. Because all is more than none. It's hard enough. Yeah. But we love you guys always, and we really hope you all enjoyed this episode. We will see you guys next week. Remember that you are more precious than rubies. Bye.