A Day in the Life Of

Diving All In With New Habits

July 03, 2023 Eve Miller

hey, what's up, everyone. Welcome back to the day in the life of podcasts. It's easy. And we're so excited to be back. We took a little short break. Um, We know we've been up to getting through school. We have an official wife on our hands. Finally married. Yes. So Manny, you've kind of talked about it a little bit before our last episode, and we just decided that we needed to take a little bit of a break from the podcast so that we could. Okay, this on what we had going on in our lives, because you've just got married at the beginning of June. I'm getting married in September. So we had a lot of stuff to plan and we decided, you know, this is a day in the life of, because we wanted it to constantly be able to change. And so. We decided that we think we're going to do seasons. And so this first time was our first season, and then we took a little bit of a break. And right now we're going to focus on a little mini short series for the summer to gear us up for our season two. That's going to be coming out. Yeah. Um, in our short rake, we kind of realized that, um, we got a little rusty on things and we kind of need to feel back habits to where. We get where we need to be and where we need to be for the next season that we have for you guys. And so we started this short summer series to really, you know, restore and rebuild what we had and even grow on it. And we wanted you guys to join in on it, in with us and, you know, experience. This, um, this adventure and see where it takes us. Yeah. So we realized that if you don't have accountability, it's very easy to backslide. Yeah. We've always talked about like last season was more geared towards finding Jesus and establishing a relationship with him. Right. But after that happens, you know, we're kind of talking about how the newness and the shininess wears off because that initial faith of like Jesus chasing you and you. Having that earth shattering knee buckling experience. Right. It fades away a little bit because the faith is like, Bam. It's so immediate, but how do you cope with continuing to be that high for Jesus all the time? You know? And so we decided that this mini series needs to get us geared towards having habits because. If you're not changing your behavior, then. It's gonna slowly drift away because you can only hold onto that faith for so long, right? Like, like you said, like the shiny and new wears off. And you're kind of sitting around like, well, what do I do now? And then, you know, when you get out of the habit, you start letting things slide and you're like, oh, well, this is okay. And then you slip back into your old ways. And we always want to be transparent with you guys. We, you know, we experienced a little bit of that when we had our break and we're like, no, we need to get back in gear and get back on track. But guess that's what this season, this little mini season is all about. Yeah. We decided that we needed to do this mini series for ourselves. So that we would like. Be qualified enough to even teach on our next season. So we wanted to work on ourselves and this podcast helps us so much just with accountability, because if I know that even you guys are counting on me, Preaching to you next week, then we have to ourselves be working on it and you need to be preparing the lesson all week and you can't just be jumping into it without knowing anything because people are counting on you. And so. It doesn't ness, like staying in the word. Is going to keep you closer to Jesus because it's better to do something. Like a little bit than it is to not do it at all. Right. So even if you're just doing something, like if you're just studying, because you have small group on Sunday and you had homework or something, that's still better than not doing it at all. It's an established, you at least have something established that way. You can grow on it and build on what you already have. I think that was also a huge thing with us starting this, this mini series is because we were doing the little things, but you know, you still have to build on those small things to get to the bigger goal. Like so setting these small things to implement it, to grow into a bigger thing is always going to be the goal. And it's what you, this one's for you because in the end to be your best self, you have to follow the word of God. Yeah. So that ring said. We've done a little bit of research on how long it takes for things to become habits. And it said that if you do something 21 times, then it's going to become a habit. So our little even paid the spinoff of all of these challenges and stuff is that we've decided to pick five things. Because again, if you think of like new year's resolutions and all the time, People don't end up sticking to their goals because they have too high of expectations. And so we decided to just pick five. Pretty easy things that you can do on a daily basis. And we're going to make sure we do those five things for 21 days. And then after we do it for 21 days, we're going to reevaluate and add more to it. Because at that point, those five things are just going to be a part of our routine, right? So we'll eventually get everything accomplished that we wanted to get accomplished much easier than if we just came up with a list of 15 things that we wanted to do today, we're going to do five things. And then in 21 days, we're going to add five more things. And then in 21 days, we can add five more things. And so we've thought that that might be the best way to approach it, even though it's going to be a little bit slow, it's going to be. Better longevity. Yes. Yes. I agree. And like, if you guys want to join in, you're more than welcome to make your own lists. Like. What we've kind of done is like made a long list and picked from five things. That way we always have something else that we want to put on that list. And so, you know, you start off with your big overall things. You can slowly start to add them all, and then they all just become part of your routine. Yes. And they are all, you know, glorifying God, that was kind of the whole, the point of art or submitting series too, is just like, Find everything that glorifies God and what God says that we need to do. And start implementing them so we can be ready. That being said, I'm going to list my five things and then we're going to dive into the Bible verses. That kind of, jump-started why we wanted to do these things. So my first one is that I want to wake up at five 30. Am every single morning, six 30 on the weekends, because I want to give myself a little bit. A little bit sleep in time. Um, and then I want to read my Bible every day. I want to go to church every Sunday. And those are like two things that should be happening anyway. So I feel like those are kind of an easy. Lean in. And then I want to make my bed every day, because on the days that I do make my bed, I just have such a better day, you know? It's a proven fact right now you have a better day. If you skip your bed. You get more done? And then, um, This is one. People are going to laugh at me. I need to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Because I am. Terrible at it. Most important meal of the day gets skipped almost every single day. I'm terrible about eating breakfast and it shows, I feel like I would have a much better day. I've been told by nutritionists that. It's not healthy and that my body will store fat because it basically thinks I'm starting myself and not even on purpose, just because I feel like I'm too busy or. Anything. So we're. I forget my first. It's just like you're rushing. So really if I just wake up earlier, All of the things on my list can be accomplished. It's just the waking up. So if I make the waking up a habit, I feel like all of these things are gonna fall into place. Absolutely. You know, with our work work attire and our work life. Now we're big girls. So we have to kind of add more door or day. You got to start earlier. But I kind of made it a little different. I'm not. I'm not a huge on the waking up early. I'm getting there and getting better at it though. Um, so my goals were, I want to read two pages of the Bible a day and, um, and they told us like, they told us in school to do a number. And that way it's more attainable. It's called smart goals. Like you make it unattainable, you get a number. And so you know exactly how much to do every day. And like, if you do more great, but as long as you meet that number, you're good. And so my second thing, I want to work out at least six times a week. Odd workout, like. Five right now, four or five, sometimes, sometimes less than that, but I would like to make it. Where I have one rest day, probably on Sundays. They say your body heals to. Better. If you have rest days, your muscles are going to grow. Yeah. And then my third thing, I want to spend one hour a day, learning something new, whether that's cooking, whether that's reading a book, whether it's, you know, going outside for a little bit and just walking, just doing something new that I don't normally, like, I want to build a habit. And then four was go to church every Sunday, because I feel like that's just should be a given, but we, we slack on our, we slack a lot. And then five is always going to pray with tear. My husband. Like I want to write once a day, every day, every day with him. Because not only is that going to grow. Your faith with God, but it's going to grow your relationship with Tanner. Yeah.'cause um, I'm sure they talked about this in your marriage counseling, but they talked in ours about how God's here. It's like a triangle triangle. And so God's up at top and then even Tanner down at the bottom. And so the closer you are to God, the closer you get to each other. Yeah. Yep. Hundred percent. And I think like, That to he, I hope he sees a difference in me. If I could achieve all these goals, like I would know that my heart is being pure enough and that would be implemented into more marriage. It's our marriage to be, and then healthier. And even as newlyweds, it it's very exciting and we don't have much issues right now. I know this. Always going to be how it is. Right. So if I. Implement some of these things now, maybe it can make it easier down the road. Yeah. That's why we wanted to focus on the summer too, so that, you know, when fall comes. Because even though we don't technically have a summer break because we're adults and we're working, it still feels like summer is like a little refresh. It does. So I feel like if, cause we also talked about, we have more hours in the day, so you can get more done because you're, it's lighter outside for longer. So if we can establish these habits now, then the fall is going to be. Much easier too. If you guys are going off to school, if you already have these habits, then it's going to be easier to keep them when you go back to school, rather than moving somewhere new, starting a bunch of new classes and trying to be a better version of yourself, it's unrealistic and things are going to slip. I think it's very important. Like you, you do have a lot more time now. I know I do. I mean, even though I am in school, I typically do get a summer break quote, unquote. I think it's still going to be a lot easier for me to implement these things now. And then when school does start back up again, I can still wake up and do all these things. And have my day and I think my day would go more smoothly. Yes. So the first Bible verse that stuck out to me was Zachariah five, six. And it says not by my, not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit says the Lord almighty. And that's just, you're not going to accomplish it on your own. But. With God's help. It's like, it's going to be God's spirit. Yeah, that helps you with these things. So like, we've always said you can't fix yourself and then come to God, you have to come to God and then be like, God, let's accomplish this. Use me for your kingdom because all of the things on our list. We're there on our list because spiritually we need them because I know that I'll be a better person for the kingdom of God. Right. So I also saw something that said that you needed to come up with at least one spiritual reason for every goal that you have. Because that makes it come from a pure place. Like if me and Eve want to go to the gym. Six days a week. Because we want to look good. That's not glorifying the kingdom of God and that's not, it's going to be. It's going to drag you down because you're never going to look the best. You're never going to be the prettiest person. You're never going to be the skinniest person. You're never going to be. So if you are like, I want to keep my body healthy so that I can preach longer so that I can lead more people to the Lord so that I can be a good example so that people can see me and wonder why I have what I have. Yeah. If you think about it, as far as how is doing this going to glorify God. It's going to be a much better outcome than I want to look hot. Oh, yeah, absolutely. I completely agree. I think that's you always have taught God and everything you do. I mean, You he's the only way you can push things. And we set these goals for ourselves to know that we can also lean on God when things get tough. But to know that we can do them, like we can do anything through Christ who strengthens us. Amen. Sister. And I would have started that. You're like everything. Um, but like, I think whispering like scripture out loud is very powerful. I. I think we've talked about that before, but. I know I've done this before. Working out, like when something gets really hard, like I literally, um, whisper. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. And I'm not joking, I guess my power rush, like for real, like you can, you can do it because you have God's help. And like I've prayed before too. Like, Lord, please give me some motivation today. And suddenly I'll feel better. Like you have got lean on, like, he's not just gonna abandon you when you're trying to get your life together. Like he can, you can ask for help. That's why, you know, he's there and he wants to help guide you. Don't be afraid to ask. I think a lot of times we do get kinda nervous to ask, but are you think it's something small, but he wants to be a part of the small things, because if you think about it, how many times do you text your best friend or your boyfriend or your husband throughout the day to be like just the littlest things? And they're like, oh my goodness. Yeah. Like, they want to be a part of that things. So the Lord who created you and designed you and has a plan for you, definitely wants to be a part of those things, because everything that you do is supposed to have the glory given back to God. So if you're not talking to him and asking for help through the things. Then you and your brain are not going to think God gave this to me. Yeah. But if you're sitting there exercising and somebody is like, Oh, I can't believe you do that. That's incredible. And you're like, oh, it's all God. Like I pray while I'm exercising. I pray that he'll get me through it. I couldn't do this on my own. That's going to be an opener to talk to other people and it's giving the glory back to God. But if you are just like, oh yeah, thanks. Then it's not the same effect. Yeah. I think you'll feel better in the long run too, like giving the glory to God because he did help you through it. And, you know, I guess. It'll be, it'll make you feel good because you know, like God has helped you achieve something. And you'll feel accomplished yourself, even though, you know, the Lord helps. Because it's also just like, He's our father. And you want to please your father, you want to do things so that he'll be proud of you. Yeah, I guess it's like, you know how you, like, if you help, somebody always makes you feel like the warm and fuzzy. It's like, you're going to feel that every day, if you feel, you know, you're going to feel accomplished yourself. Yeah. Because it goes back to that purpose that we were talking about last season. Um, So you had another structure? Yes, I did. So I have, what good is it? My brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith, but has no deeds can such faith save them suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, go and peace, keep warm and well fed, but does nothing about their physical needs? What good is it in the same way? Faith by itself, it is not accompanied by action is dead, but someone will say you have faith. I have deeds. Show me your faith without deeds. And I will show you my faith with my deeds. You believe that there is one God good. Even the demons believe that. And shutter. I think that shows that. You can't just have faith. You have to have the deeds behind it. So back to what we were saying about. Now. Okay, great. We've established our faith, but how are we going to pursue that? How are we going to keep that every single day and how are we going to work that into our life? Yeah. I got also like, kind of brings the, the statement of like, why, like, if we believe in God and not set up, like, why are we doing all these other things? It's because can you imagine what, even though that you believe in God, like what you can do. When you establish good thing, you establish, um, healthy boundaries and healthy. Healthy ways, how God's going to bless that and how much greater your life will be. Like, I think that it just kind of goes back to like, why, like he says, um, you can keep your faith and I'll show you what I can do with my faith. Indeed's like, it just shows you, like, you do have to put in work, but you can't just say yes, I believe in God. I mean that may get you. Well somewhere, but not honestly not going to get you everywhere. Yeah. I think I saw, I had something that said that, um, It's not having faith that makes you more like, God, it's your behavior and your, the steps that you take. Yeah. Cause you could be like, oh yeah, I believe in God. But like, If you're not showing. That in your everyday life, then what's the point. You know, It also makes Christians look bad because if you profess that you loved Jesus, but then your habits. Are not godly, then people are going to be like, well, what's the point? Yeah. If you're not producing any good fruits, then what's the point in being a Christian and like, what's your God doing for you? Because I don't see any good deeds happening. And you're hurting yourself. Like you really are hurting yourself because it's going to just tear you down and then you're going to think. I can do everything. And then. I guess you're going to think like it's all because of you. Yeah. It's not because of God. Yeah. Or you're just going to think, oh, I can just believe and that's enough, but it's not. It's not like you have to fully dive all in with Jesus, because a whole, like when I think of being a Christian, I feel like a huge part of it is just obedience. And discipline. He because he wants you. To okay. You believe in me. Great. Now repent. Yeah. Now turn from all the evil that you do and repent. Yeah. I had a verse for that one. I think it was a Proverbs. It was like the Lord loves boot PDU. Or discipline. My son do not despise the Lord's discipline. Do not resent his review because the Lord disciplines, those, he loves. As a father and the son, or as the father, the son he delights in. So just saying like, God loves this one, so we should love discipline. Like, it's kind of like a father, son relationship, like in, you know, between us or mother and child relationship. We want to discipline our children because we know as best for them. That's why I got put things, put, like, put things in place. Like he wants us to be disciplined because he knows it's going to benefit us in the long run. It's going to protect us. And protect our soul. Yes. Um, I think now we're in Peter. If you wanted to read. Yeah. Um, we were kind of going through Peter and like, This was like another thing that was like, why should we live a certain way? And like, why was she, we should live for God. You know, even if we believe, like what's the point of changing our ways, because, you know, if it says like anything. If you believe in him, then you're saved, which. You're is true, but like, Why should we live for God? And this is first Peter four. Um, yeah, for one. And I'm just going to read through it all. So it says therefore, since Christ suffered in his body arm, yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. As a result, they did not live the rest of their earthly laws for evil human desires. But rather for the will of God for you have spent enough time on the passing of pagans. She used to do by living in Dubuque, greed, lust, drunkenness. Orgies carousing, detestable, adultery. Anna testable and. And Audrey, they are not surprised that you're not, they are surprised you do not join in with them. And there were reckless while living the heap abuse on you, but they will not, but they will have. Oh, my goodness. But they will have to give an account to him who is ready to judge the living and this. The living and the dead. For this reason, the gospel was preached even to those who were now dead. So they might be judged according to human standards in regards to the body. We'll live accordingly to God in regard to the spirit. So it's like, essentially like, It's saying that you know how they've lived, you've experienced that way now. Turn and run. Essentially like. We know what we, where we feel like when we send. I know what I do. I feel horrible. And I'm like, why do I keep doing that? Like, why do I keep doing this? Like, And it, like, Peter's just kind of saying that. We know the ways that the world and we know like what they do is wrong. Even when we joined in, like, he's kind of saying, like, even though you're doing it and you know, it's wrong and it's bad for you and you know, how it makes you feel, so turn and repent. And leave them. And he also says to the thing is kind of interesting, like. He says that they kind of questioned. Why don't you join in with them? And I think that's really important to like, why would we even make this list when we can do so many other things? Because I think in the long run, we know it's going to benefit our relationship with God and it's going to help us. It's going to grow us. It's also just a better lifestyle. Living for the Lord is going to be a better lifestyle because everything that he preaches is love and righteousness. And so if you're waking up early and trying to get the most out of every single day that he's graced us with, like, why would you want to sleep in it's? Yeah, your own selfish desires that we think it's like that short term. Um, Like. Hi that you get like the gratification, you like that short term stuff, but anything that's short term like that is not from God. It's from Satan. It's from the enemy. And so that short term gratification. Is things that's actually just leading you to death. And so as Christians, we see that this is wrong. So we're able to say no, whereas other people are like, no, you do you boo, like live what you want to do. No one can stop you from what you want to do. Self-love like everything like that, it's all geared towards me. Me, me, me, me. But I challenge you to look at people that live that way. And are they happy or are they the ones that are depressed and struggling with a lot of stuff? Because if you're. Entire world is centered around yourself. I don't think you're going to be very happy. Because we just, we strive for like, Others, like we want to live and help others. And so I think that that also gives us a sense of. Duty to. Be responsible and set that example so that. Cause there's also verses about like, when you're fasting. Cover up your like, cover up the shadows, like show to everyone that you're doing good. And that the Lord is feeding me. Like, if you're fasting, I don't need food. The Lord is feeding me and you're not supposed to complain about those things. You're just supposed to show the good of what's happening from those. And so that brings me to Peter's five. And it says to the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of the Christ of Christ's sufferings, who also will share in the glory to be revealed, be shepherds of God's flock that in under your care, watching over them. Not because you must, but because you are willing as God wants you to be not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve, not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And I wouldn't say that me and Eve and you guys watching. Or necessarily elders, but if we're pursuing the Lord, then we're a step above people who don't know God. And so they're going to see you and they're going to be like, Oh, okay. What's she doing? And so if people. See you as someone that's more into the faith than they are, you're going to be that example. And so there's a sense of responsibility as far as living your life to the best of your ability. Yeah. For the kingdom, you need to be doing the things that you can for God. To be a good example to lead the flock. Oh, absolutely. And I think that's, that's really great. That's another reason to have a list. It's another reason to keep growing, because even though. You're learning, we're learning, everybody's learning. You can still influence somebody and you're also, it could be somebody. Entrance into God, because you are the example. And if you turn away to what you used to do, then people are going to look at you and be like, why. And I know sometimes. When we turn away from sin, it can also be like looked down on because we're doing a new thing and it's like suddenly abrupt and, you know, people were questioning. Why? Like, why would you stop doing this? Why, why don't you keep partying with us? Like, why don't you keep doing this? While you're doing that, but like at some point, You're going to have to look at yourself in the mirror and be like, no, I want to be better. And I want to live for the Lord because I know that's, what's going to glorify him and myself and help me lead others around me. Yeah. And I feel like specifically, like, In the world as a total, if you think about it. Being a Christian and living our lives this way is not the norm. It's not what people try to do. As far as social media. It's like the opposite of what is seen as what you're supposed to be doing. Everything right now is about self-love and everything like that. And so. It's a little bit more common in the south. I feel like too. Want to live for Jesus, but it's still, everyone is not truly living their life for Jesus. Like it's okay. Let's go to church. And then people will still go home and talk bad about another person or there's a lot of that. And so. It's. Not going to necessarily be the cool thing to do this, or people are going to say that you're doing too much, like. Oh, you don't have to do that. But. It comes from. Sometimes, I feel like it comes from shame on their end of where they're not doing that. And so they want to embarrass you and bring you down and think, make you think that what you're doing is wrong when they. Don't feel good about themselves, right? Like people that aren't feeling good about themselves. You might not even be doing anything to them. Like, I feel like you could be like, oh yeah, I've decided to wake up at five 30 every morning and people will be like, why. Yeah. Like it's automatically going to be an attack thing on you, but that's just because they feel a certain type of way about not being able to do things like people would rather say that what you're doing. Isn't hard or like they would rather put you down than work on themselves. So I feel like you just need to go in there. With God on your side and be praying because if you do try to change people, People are more worried about selves right now. And so they're not going to understand why. You're doing the things that you're doing. Absolutely. We're very Mimi generation. And people won't ever understand why you're doing things, but the good thing is you can always, you know, Give it to the Lord and be like, I'm doing this for him. Because that's the way that we're supposed to live in this way we're designed to live is because this book is literally a guide book on how to live life. And how to prosper. And so why wouldn't we be doing the things in this book? Like, why wouldn't we want to do everything in this book? But it's also hard too, because you know, sometimes we may feel defeated in a way, like we messed up, slip up, like we do all do it. We're human, where we are sinful sin lives within us. We're actually slaves to sin because we will never stop sending. But, you know, we can try our hardest to become. A better person and establish habits and, you know, try to break the chains and. Get back into the groups of things. Because we're always going to be dealt with temptations. And, you know, I think who, who was saying, who. Romans Hoover. Romans Paul, was it Paul? Paul? While we're at. You know, We were reading in Romans earlier about, you know, Paul wrote like, Why do I keep sending, why do I keep doing things that I don't want to do? But like, it's literally because we're slaves to sin. Like, uh, I just, we don't never get away from it and you can go. It's kind of is that discouraging, but it gives us hope in a way, because we know there's a better place for us. Yeah. But I think that it does discourage people or it's like that little loophole. Because I know I get on Facebook all the time and I just see people that are like, Um, we're all sinners or. No one can judge, but they've, they twist the Bible to make themselves feel better about sending. And so they say like, oh, well we're all centers. It's like, yes, we are all sinners. But if you post about all of us being sinners, you're enabling people to continue sending. So, this is why we're doing what we're doing to be like, yes, we're all sinners, but how do we try to achieve being closer to the Lord? Because like we were talking about earlier, the more you sin, the more this brick wall between you and God goes up, you know? And so eventually you're like, how do I get back over there? And once you realize what's going on, and then you have to start. Doing the deeds because you believe in God, but your faith, the newness has worn off, you know? And so you're like, how do I get back over there? And so you have to start working on your habits and being more like, God, To be back in the presence of God. Yeah. It's. Kind of like climbing, like you have to have all the equipment start calling back over that mountain. So you gotta, you know, work your way back up. Keep giving, keep feeding yourself a little bit of a time and eventually you'll get where you want to be. And then you can even have more. Like you believe there's another side of the mountain, you believe in the other side of the mountain, but you have to still work towards getting there. Yeah. You can't keep making excuses for yourself. Like you can train as much as you want to talk about training as much, as much as you want, but until you. Take that first class, or you buy your first pair of shoes. You're not going to do it. Like you may talk about it all you want to, but you're enabling yourself. You just have to, you know, have to make a list and do it and, you know, make it. Uh, keep it, we'll do it a little bit at a time. That wording reminds me of a sermon that I watched today that said stop trying and start training. Because I feel like most people, whenever we talk about our new year's resolutions or things that we're doing, it's like, I'm trying to stop cussing. I'm trying to wake up earlier, but saying, trying already gives you an out. To not do it. So if you start training, if you start actually doing all of the things, you're going to keep doing it. But if you already say, I'm going to try to read a book, but I have a lot going on, but I'm going to try. Yeah, it's also like, what are you doing to try like, What are you doing? Like if you're trying like list out some things like, okay, if I want to do this, how do I get there? And said, instead of saying, I'm trying to do this and be like, okay, I want to get here, but how are my steps to get there? Like you have to, you know, you have to trick your brain. Like for real, you have to make your, make your list and make it achievable. Because if you're trying all the time, then you won't ever get there. Yeah. And like the. Um, sermon said, and like you were saying, as far as the numbers. If you set up yourself, say I want to do three pushups every day, or like three jumping jacks every day. And if you do those, you're going to at least do the three. Some days you might do six, some days you might be 10 and pretty soon you're just going to keep progressing. But if you say I'm going to try to do a pushup every day, but you know, something happens and I won't. It then you won't do any pushups. So if you don't do any pushups, then you're never going to get to your goal. But if you stay, like, if you stay consistent with doing three, one day, you're going to feel like doing six and then you're just going to progress. Simply get stronger and everything that you're doing. So if you read your Bible every single day, then worst case scenario, you read your Bible every single day, best case scenario, you read a chapter. You know, and so you're just going to continuously get stronger. Yeah. Like my goal is literally to read two pages of the Bible a day, firing five great fairy to hope chapter. Wonderful. Like at least I'm reading something every day and getting a little bit of knowledge every day because I can at least use it throughout my day, you know? I'm at least learning something that I can use for the glory of God. It's not nothing. And it's the living word. So even if it's a day where you're like, I'm so tired and I don't want to read this. It's about the discipline of doing it for God anyway, doing it for your relationship and sacrificing things. And it's going to jump into you and you're still going to have something that sticks out to you. Oh yeah. You're going to have days though, like you are going to have days where you're not going to want to do anything at all. And I think we, you know, we kind of experienced a little bit in our break of not wanting to do anything. Yeah. And once you stop, it makes it that much harder to start back up again. Yeah. I really, really does. And so. I mean, you just gotta do it. Like, I don't know how you can make it. In, uh, or you could pray, like ask God gave me some motivation because if you don't stop that's within, if you get distant. Even praying as hard. It is because you don't feel that like closeness at the time. So it's hard to pray for help. Because if you were feeling that close, then you'd probably just do the thing that you're wanting to do. So, yeah. You just have to stay in it. Like you got to just make it an everyday thing. Yeah. And just, you know, Grasp when you feel. When you feel like you're starting to pull away, just be like, God, put me back in. When we like in like 10 patients are always going to happen. And I think that's really hard for us because for like, we don't want to do this. We don't want to sin, but it's, it's going to happen always. But I did have a first. About, you know, to the patients. And it's like, it's first Corinthians 10 13, and it says the temptations of your life are no different from what others experience. God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand when you're attempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. And I think that's a wonderful verse because it kind of shows that. She's done with the same temptations that I'm dealing with all the daily. We're not alone. And God will always provide, provide a way out. I think that's very hopeful because sometimes we think, oh, well, I just can't help myself. Or it's harder on me. She has it easier than I do. Yes. We all have different things that we're attempted with, but we're all going through the same things. You know, if that makes sense. In a way. Well, there's always a way out. He always gives us an opportunity to go the other way, because he doesn't want us to fail. Like he wants us to call on him and succeed. It's the devil that is. And I feel like too. When we were recording every single week and I was deep into the word. I could see the other side because it's like, it's either of God or it's up Satan. But you kind of lose that mentality if you're not in the word every day. And you don't realize that if this isn't glorifying God, then it's not for God. Like you kind of forget about that. If you're not reading the Bible every single day and the Bible is not in you. Will you slip back to old ways because you're not being reminded of what you're here for. Like you're not being reminded is Rama. Mine did that. Your purpose is to live for God and glorify him. You're more focused on what you want to do at the time, or, you know what? This is going to benefit you. Not, not looking out for others and looking what is going to benefit. You know your purpose in the whole world. And we get started at sometimes by Satan. And it's just horrible. Somebody here. I didn't hear anything. But you get tempted by Satan. And you always kind of making an excuse for yourself. In a way, and I think it's very helpful that kind of got it gives you a way out. Can I go for the other Bertram? Even though sometimes we don't take it. Yeah. So I'm super excited. For. Getting these into action. Um, seeing how it can affect my life. Uh, hopefully it'll, we'll see some changes and. You can add more. Um, You know, We want to hear from you guys always yes. Be very interactive because we would love it. We would love to see. Like the things that you guys want to change, or the goals that you have. I cause it might give us more ideas that we haven't even thought about. Yeah. Even though this is a mini season, you know, this, this can be something that can be applied to your entire life. Yes. Even though this is a short period of time of two months. What can you accomplish in those two months? Like you can do anything you want to do. There's 21, there's more than 21 days a month. So you could already accomplish 10 things. At the end, the band new person. Yeah. And imagine what those 10 things can do. And it's all for the glory of God. Yeah. So that's the craziest thing is just that we need to remember that everything that we do needs to be for the kingdom of God. And that we're here to be servants for him. We're not here. For our own personal reasons because we get super hung up on like, that's not what I want my life to look like. And that's that. We need to remember. Why he created us and that he has a purpose that's greater than what we could come up with. Yeah. And I think like, if we could leave y'all with some hope too, like don't, don't compare yourself to other people's like goals either. Like you start where the Lord wants you to start because everybody grows at different paces. And everybody has she's things in different ways. Like the whole, the whole point of this is to grow a better relationship with the Lord and to get your body and your mind and soul back on track. To. You know, glorify the kingdom. And to not live of this world, but to be holy. And so I kind of wanted to leave you guys with a Bible verses or lists. Do you have anything else that you wanted to? No, I'm. Okay. So I kind of want to leave y'all with a ball verse it's first Timothy four eight, and it says physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better than promising benefits in this life and this life deacon. So we're trying to achieve all the lists no matter what, no matter if we want to be healthy working out, you know, those all things are super great. And yes, we have, we have to have those to be beneficial. In this life, but in the, all it are in the end, you want to glorify God. That's that's the, the number one. So just think about that when you're making your goals. Um, if you choose to do this with us great. If you don't, you know, Sit back and watch. And then our lives are transformed. And then wish you would've done it. Yeah. But we will see you guys next to me. We love you. And remember that your more precious than rubies.