A Day in the Life Of

ADITLO: Spirtual Battles

March 23, 2023 Eve Miller

hey everyone. Welcome back to the day in the life of podcast it's even painted and. Today we have a really special guest. Hi Malaney. This is our cousin, and we wanted to have her on today because we wanted more input and more voices and opinions on this topic because it's a very interesting topics that people don't talk enough about. So today we're going to be talking about spiritual warfare. We're excited and not excited because, you know, it's kind of a scary thing to think about and to talk about, but it's prevalent and every day that we do, and so spiritual warfare is kind of just like what's going on around you, but in the spiritual realm. So we're talking angels, demons and things like that. They do exist and they're constantly at battle. And a lot of times the demons are sitting around listening to us and like wanting to find out things to say, or they want to find out. What we're saying so that they can go and use it against us. Or they're going to be paying special attention to us if we're doing things for the glory of God, so that they can get us to stumble. It's scary. I really think it's really important that we know, like in Peter five, eight, it says be watchful, your adversary, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. So it literally just shows you like, he's literally out to get you. He's not your friend. He doesn't want to help you out. He he's literally out to make you fall and stumble. And so we have to, you know, really guard our heart and be watchful around us to the things that we, we partake in the things that we watch, the things that we say, like, cause they all can reflect what what's gonna go on in your life. Like, cause he's always looking. You know, looking for you to stumble. And so I think it's important too, that we know that the devil can't read your thoughts, but he can give you thoughts and he can hear what you say. And so it's really, really, really, really important that you watch what you say and watch what you do, because he's going to use that to his advantage. I also feel like the closer you are to God, the more he tries to attack. Yes, absolutely. That's the target on your back. Yeah, I think that's happened to all three of us. Um, you know, here lately, we feel like a pool, like a distance between us and God. And it's like, well, what are you doing to help that out? Like, are you in your Bible or are you just like trying to get away from it? Cause that's one of the hardest things for me is like, I feel like just wanting to know that nothing, like, I just want to do nothing. I don't want to open up my Bible. I don't want to listen to worship music. I just don't want to do anything. And I feel like that's the devil trying to pull me, pull me away from God, but like, what am I doing to prevent that and get back on track, you know? I think it's also important to understand the weight of why Satan hates us so much, you know, because everyone talks about how he's the enemy, but I feel like Hollywood and just the world has done an amazing job of trying to like romanticize the devil. There's a show called Lucifer where it like tries to spin the story as to where he's not actually a bad guy. And like there's so many things out there, but in all actuality, He was God's most beautiful angel and he just thought he was the smartest, but when God wanted to design us in his image, He just could not understand why God would want to make us and why he would want to like lower himself in a sense of creating something in his image. Yeah. And so that's why he was cast out is because of his hatred for us. That's why he fell. So now that he's cast out of God's. Heaven. Like why would he not try to attack us? Yeah. He is the prince of this world. But he still hates us. Yeah. I think I like what you said. I think you said at one time in this podcast that you're God's creation. So it's like he wants to get you to like spit at God space. Because if he has you, it's like, look what I got, I got your creation. Like she's mine or he, or he's mine. And so I think that's really why, like the devil tries to attack us because we're made in the image of God, like you said, and he just, he can't, he can't get over it one of the verses that stuck out to me lately was James two 19. And it says, you believe there is one God good. Even the demons believe that in shutter. So I think that's good because. Like even the demons believe that there's a God. And they still shut her at God, but they've just chosen the wrong path. And so they're just doomed and they can't do anything about it. So all they're trying to do is stall as much time as possible. Before it can reach the ends of the earth and the in time can come because once the time comes they're done for, they can't do anything else. So that's what their goal is. Yeah. And I think today, Like you said, we glorify the devil, like we have worship or not worship. Basically worshiping in Hollywood, they make movies and songs and whatever about him, but I think that's why we are so easily deceived. Into partaking in some of these things. And then we wonder why we have bad outcomes or wonder why we have, you know, stress and all this anxiety and all these other things. But like we're looking into worldly things. We're T. We're partaking in things that aren't of God. And I think it's really important that we kind of like dive in to what are these things? And like, how do we get away from home and why are they bad? Yeah. I want to throw this in there. Since you said we love the world. It says, do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the father is not in them for everything in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Comes not from the father, but from the world, the world and its desires pass away. But whoever does the will of God lives forever. Yeah. It's so good. It's so important that we have. Remember that because we act like there's a gray area, but we've talked about before, you're either living for God or what you're doing is saying like, yeah, no, in between there's no in between, but. The rules that we don't want to do most of the time are going to go against our nature. And what we want to do because we have we're humans and we have sinful nature. And so we don't think about how over half the stuff that we do in a day is probably sin or probably bad and is leading us to death. Yeah. I think that's really important to remember because ultimately everything simple does lead to death. And I think that one of the main things that like people like steer away from Christianity is because I see it as a set of rules. Not, it's not a set of things that can protect you. And that's why people turn to other things than other religions. Like I know we talked a little bit about before the sub, so startling, manifesting and crystals and all this things, like why don't we turn towards them? It's because. We don't want, we want the instant gratification of feel that feeling that high, but we don't want to put in the work. Or we don't want to live by this set of rules per se. Yeah, we were also watching, um, that. Interview of the girl who had her astrology testimony. And so she had been into astrology and then she. I think she was suicidal and she cried out to God. I was like, if you're real, I need you Jesus. And then she was like saved repented and everything. And so she, um, Was. Believing a lot of crazy things. Just because she was explaining it as far as she needed a justification for why she was so sad all the time. And so she ended up believing that there were like star people out there and that she was one that chose to come to earth to bring us all to like a higher. Mine thinking it kind of sounded like Hinduism in a way. And whitened type, but, um, that's kinda what she fell into. And he was like, well, why was it so crazy for you to believe. That there was a God, but it wasn't crazy to think that you came from aliens who knew that this planet was going to be destroyed and you were coming to help. Like, she, she, her logic was crumbling in itself. And so he was just like, why was that crazy for you? And she was like, it gave me a sense of purpose. It made me think that it was me. I was the savior. I was somebody who came from some place to save everybody. And that I had chosen that path and it gave me a reason to understand why I was so sad. And so a lot of times we're doing things because we're sad. But what we don't understand is that if we take those. Leaps and we follow Jesus again, the rules that we're so scared to follow. Like we've said before is a guideline to life. And they're most likely things that are going to keep you safe. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that we use. A lot of these other things in the world as justification for our sins. Like we were talking before too, like we use all the time as our, our signs, our star signs. As a clutch or a excuse to the reason that we did something bad. Yeah, you can probably explain a little bit more on that. I've had some encounters. Some people will be rude. And then they're like, oh, that's just the Sagittarius to me. No. Yeah, it's crazy to like, it's crazy. That really kind of think that way, but it does. It gives us a sense of purpose and it justifies our actions. Yeah. And so I think that's why we cleaned to it. It's because, oh, you know, this makes sense. But does it really, when you really start to look at it, like, does it say in the Bible, but that's, that's the reason that you're doing this know, like, are stars in the Bible? Like, are you supposed to follow the stars? No. Yeah. I think he even has a verse. That was what to say. I think she. The sky and see the sun and the moon and the stars and all the heavenly, right. Do not be enticed into bowing, down to them and worshiping things. The Lord, your God has appointed a ported to all the nations under heaven. And I think it's important to understand why is it a sin because it's an idle. It's of the world and you're trying to make an idol because you're thinking that these things that God placed there. Can determine things about your life or that's why things happen when it's not God, like that is such a slap in the face to God, for him to have created the entire universe. And. I put things here and we're like, The stars. That's the answer when he's the one that created the stars. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's really good. Like crystals too. Yeah. They, that you put your faith into something or you think that you did it. I think that's a big thing in our generation too. It's a very Mimi generation. So we feel like we have the power in our hands to, you know, manifest this. Um, I made that happen. Well, no, you didn't like, yeah. You're either manifesting to the devil or you're, you're just trying to believe that you're a higher power than God and that's not true either. So it's just hard. It's hard to grasp the sense of not being self absorbed. When we re in reality, we don't have that power. Yeah. You had a story about going in to a crystal shop and not feeling. So I'll often to the crystal shop. And as soon as I walked in there, it's just this heavy feeling like on my chest. Like, it just felt often there. And, um, uh, I told her I'd never been here before. I don't really know much about crystals. I think they're pretty. That's all I know. And she was like, okay, well, let's find like the crystal for you. They'll kind of reach themselves out towards you or that's all, she kind of explained it. And so we were walking around and she was like, does anything catch your eye? And I said, well, I mean, this one's pretty right here. She said, okay. So hold it in your hand and hold it to your heart. And tell me if you feel that. And so I do what she says and hold it to my heart. And I'm sitting there waiting, waiting, and I'm like, I don't feel anything. And she's like, you don't feel that? I said, no. She said, okay, well, hold it to the back of your neck. So hold it to the back of the neck. And she was like, you don't feel that either. And I was like, No. And I'm like, are people feeling something from these crystals? Put it on them and feel like healing or feel like the emotion coming out of them. Like, I think a lot of that too can be just like their trust in it. Like whatever. Like, if you've ever convinced yourself, you're sick because other people in the family are sick, you start to actually have symptoms of being sick. And so I think if people are holding onto something to believe in, yeah. Then one there's spiritual warfare going on where. The enemy is going to put things into place to where you feel a certain way or hear certain things. He's going to put that into place one and two. Your brain's going to start to be like, Ooh, maybe it is getting a little warmer near my chest. If you say so then maybe there is, but I think that like in Christians we have this instinctive. Like we may have not read the Bible all the way through, but we can feel, what's why what's right. And what's wrong because we have the holy spirit. So like walking into those rooms and feeling that uneasiness, you're like, oh, that's not me. Right. And that's the holy spirit. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's, that's kind of really true. They teach us in school. Like if we think, or like when we study, they say that. That tell your brain that this is important that you need to remember this and you will. You'll remember it. Yeah. If you trick your brain like saying, well, this is kind of getting hot or this is doing this, or I did make that happen. Like it just kind of gives you that. Justification, I guess, but in reality, it's just your, your mind playing tricks on you and the devil. Yeah, because ultimately it's not a God, so it's not good. I actually bought two. I bought a brain and then I bought a necklace and the ring was called multivite in the necklace was called, like. I don't remember what it's called, but she said you have to be very careful with these two crystals together, because this is going all in. Like, this is going to take you, I've heard multivite makes people break up with their boyfriends. It makes them get. Like, I don't know, just terrible things happen to them. Their car and all this other stuff. And I had that multivite ring and I had the necklace and I'm where all the time and nothing ever happened to me. Yeah. But like, there's so many people out there making videos about and I broke up with my boyfriend the week of, and we're like, I crashed my car the week of it's because of molded by. And it's almost like they get to a point where they're like worshiping these crystals. No, I've heard like. The enemy sits around waiting to hear those things. So if you think that this lady is selling you something and it's like, be careful, don't buy that. You'll break up with your boyfriend next week. You think he's not going to start putting doubts in your mind about your relationship with. That's going to lead to that. I've heard the same thing about, um, like, um, mediums and stuff like that. Like, it doesn't mean that those ladies are full of crap or the dudes are full of crap. It just like it, but it's still not a God. Yeah, there's other supernatural things that are factors into things. And so if they're sitting here and trying to. Tell you what you need to hear to get you to believe them as long as you're believing them and not God. The devil is winning. So he's going to actively try and do that all the time. He's going to try and deter you from God. So he's going to make the crystals work or he's going to, I mean, they're not, I mean, they're rocks, but like the other. They're going to be coincidence is happening. That is going to lead you to believe in them because that's the goal of them. And you're searching for them too. You're searching like your mind is like hooked on, like, this is going to happen to me. So you're like looking for it and you're like, oh, it did happen. Yeah. But like it doesn't it. It's not a God. So. It really doesn't matter what you believe. Like it's not true. And so I think it's important to you that goes back to like watching what you like ingest and like what'd you put in your mind because it's gonna, you're gonna reap what you sow. And I know you had a little bit of a story too, about like, And like why that like puts such a, I guess. Uh, I guess it's the demon. Like it almost is like a demon in Iran. Well, I love Halloween and all my scary movies. And I do think that there is a huge difference between scary and demonic. Yes. I love like bats and pumpkin's. And like all the holidays, it's cute, whatever. But then you get to a point where it gets too far and you watch like the conjuring, for example. Yeah. And there are actual crosses on the walls. And then all of a sudden, the cross like turns upside down. Yeah. Or there's like a nun with like blood running down her eyes. And then there's actually this one scene where I can't remember if it was to conjuring or another one of those movies. But the guy is walking up the stairs and he turns back, and this Damon with devil horns is like literally chasing him up the stairs in the dark. And that put that in my brain, the image of that Damon chasing him up the stairs. And I kid you not. I know everybody says that they can't turn the lights off and they have to run upstairs. But like, I actually thought that whenever I turned the lights off, I picked her that Damon got. Running after me. Up the stairs and I couldn't do it, but like that goes to show you that puts all of those things in your head. And that's how the devil comes into your head, into your home. And he puts all these thoughts in your head. Yeah. No. It's scary. Yeah. He wants to, he wants to instill fear in you. That's the number one reason, like you watch a scary movie again. How many times do you have a bad dream that like. Yeah, I had to stop. Like I couldn't do it anymore. And I do. I think there's a big difference between, you know, You know how scary. Well, I mean, God's still made bats and pumpkins. But it's not like it's the devil. Yeah, but yeah, I think that definitely stuff like that happens and even stuff that's going to make us seem crazy, but like, we know what goes on in our house and if something's weird, you're like, so Kayla is out of town right now and I've been staying at home by myself. And so last night I was just so excited because I feel like I've been in a funk where I go to bed. So late. Every single night. And I'm like, no, tonight I'm going to go to bed early. And so I was in bed by nine o'clock and I put the dogs in their crate. My dogs sleep through the entire night and wake up at six 30 or seven o'clock every single morning. Okay. My dog woke up at 12. I get up, have to go let him out. He doesn't even go pee. Like he doesn't even do anything. Goes back into his crate. I was mad and I go back to bed. He wakes up at two. I get up, go let him out. Doesn't pee, nothing happens. And I'm home alone. And. And so I'm just like, why do I keep having to get up? I'm going to see, I don't want to be here. I go back to bed. He wakes up at four o'clock in the morning. That's. I know, and I let them outside and I'm just like, what is wrong with you? You're not even going to the bathroom. I don't understand. I've moved my other dog into the crate with him so that maybe he'd have company and he wouldn't be scared. It didn't matter. He got up three times and then again woke up at six 30 when I had to go to work. And I was just like, Stuff like that happens whenever you're trying to do something good. Like he just tries to make things happen like that. The definitely puts like a downer as well in your life, or he makes something happen to think like it, to make you doubt yourself or to like instill fear in you to make you scared. Like, why am I having to wake up? Like what is happening in my house that I have to wake up three times? When I never wake up ever. My dad uses woman. I'm anonymous little cause like from around here, I don't know if you've ever heard of the boat, which. Well, they would tell us like these stories in elementary school, which why they were telling these stories to elementary school kids. I don't know. But like, I swear I would see her like in my room and like, I swear, I was like, this is weird. Like, this is so weird. And so I would like scream off it off and like ask my dad to come in my room and like, I didn't want to sleep in there. And like, my dad used to tell me he was like, repin it in the name of Jesus. And like, I've heard that so many times. And so I use it now and I'm like, no, that's not right. Not a rebuke you in the name of Jesus. And it goes away. I'm not dogging. Like the thought goes away in like, I hadn't even had to do it today. Like with. Like with the like feeling distant and like anxiety I'm like, Nope, go away. I put you in the name of Jesus and you have to speak it out loud. And it works. Yeah. It's like the Jesus name is so powerful and you may sound crazy, but it works. It's just because his name is that powerful and you're not crazy because he makes the demons shutter, and that's why they leave. Yeah, that's true. Um, Kind of adding onto that. Like whenever you get all these thoughts, especially when you're stressed and you're like, you're in school, for example, you get negative thoughts in your head. Like I'm in school too. And I constantly have the negative thoughts in my head. And now to a point where I'm so close with God, I can stop this negative thoughts because I'm like, that's not, that's not true. Yeah, like that's Satan trying to attack you. Like that's real. Yeah. That's great about having that relationship with God, because you can literally turn those thoughts off and be like, no, you can train your brain into thinking like, no, I can tell which is a God and which is the devil one. This ain't God. And then you can ask it to leave because if it's gone, it's going to come from the Bible and it's going to be the truth. There's a difference between being, you know, feeling I guess. Guilty about something. And then rather being shameful or like, yeah, there's a difference between guilt and shame guilt. It means that you like feel repentance. And you're trying to fix it. And shame is from the devil because that's just, it's trying to make you feel like there's no way you could ever be redeemed, but Jesus redeemed us, right? Yeah. That's the biggest, the difference, because like this past week I felt like. I don't know. I just felt like heavy stuff in my heart. I feel like, I don't know. And I would feel like thoughts given to my brain, like, you know, this is not what you're supposed to be doing. Like this. You're not doing good. This. You're slacking. And then on the other hand, I hear Jesus. Like it's okay to feel distant sometimes. Like it happens, but you got to work towards it and you got to reset your routine. It was really one of my devotionals this morning. I was like, it's okay. I hear you. I see you. Let's just reset and make me a priority, make me your first priority and then everything else will fall into place. Yeah. I wanted to note that while you were explaining walking into the crystal store, and while you were explaining how you felt, you both used the term heavy. Heavy. Yeah. Oh, wait. On your chest. And do you ever like have had a terrible week or something and you go to church and like, you just feel like this uplifting. Like one feeling is heavy and then like the opposite feeling. It's like that uplifting feeling. Yes. I feel that like whenever I'm in church, yes. Yeah. No worries about anything. It just is gone. But that happens when, like, when I was saying like, you rebuke something in the name of Jesus. It feels like a heavy. And it must be over me whenever the heaviness leaves like that's when the chills and the like, lightness. You can feel the way you're leaving your body and you can feel the light. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's just that. His name means kind of so much power to it. That you can speak it in. It'll just be. And so I just think that's really, it's a good thing to remember. Because even if like you have gone and you've gone off into the deep end or using crystals or your, you know, Sprinkle into witchcraft or whatever you can get out. You can there's hope. And even if people say like, oh, well this is like witchcraft. Cause that's a lot of things that we were watching. People like this isn't dark. Like she was saying, this is light. Um, we were just getting together for like a moon circle and we were just like worshiping the moon with me and my sister friends. And he was like, that sounds like a coven of witches to me. And she was like, Looking back. That's what it was, but people get tricked because Satan comes to you as this light and he tries to trick you because he was the most beautiful, like he comes to you. Making you think that he's something good. And then you get so far down the rabbit hole that suddenly it's like, bam, squashed like a bug. That's also like drugs too. That's a little off topic. It's a good analogy though. Drugs it's like they make you feel so. Not that I do drugs. she does not do drugs. They start out. Good. And I make you feel so good. They take away your stress and everything about it. And then you start shutting down. Cause they're terrible for you. Like your body physically starts shutting down and then you get addicted to them and then you can't quit taking them. Yeah. It's like a constant, like it never ends. Yeah. But it looks so beautiful because you do it once. And then it's like, oh my gosh, this is the best feeling ever. I'm finally happy. Like they could be. Like sad and angry for the longest time and do a drug and be like, oh my gosh, this is what I needed. Yeah, I have a verse for that. And it's it says that should not surprise you. Even Satan can change himself to look like an angel who belongs to the light. So doc, so you're not being a surprise when Satan servants do the same thing, they can also seem to be serving God. They may seem to be doing good things, but in reality, what they're doing is bad. So God will punish them in the end. And that second Corinthian sport, 11, 14, or 15. So it just goes to show you like everything can be disguised as good, and then it can actually be bad. Yeah. And it's just, it's hard. Like you have to really borrow your heart and know what the Bible says, because if it didn't come from that book, Then it's not true. Yeah, I also, for some reason, this just popped in my head. And. I want it since we were talking about like light and disguising and stuff like that, the Bible only ever talks about. One ghost. And that was like when God gave this woman authority to like, it was for his will that she resurrected a ghost. So for people that think that they see family members or things like that, like. They don't talk about ghosts in the Bible. They only talk about demons. And so I think that that's important to remember. Well, like you said too, you said the devil can disguise himself. So who's to say that it's not. Him disguised as somebody, even if. I think that's who it is. They're disguising it. Ghosts are not in the Bible. Yeah. Well, this is another thing. A lot of people play like Weegee boards and stuff. And they really get into, they think that they can talk to their say like grandmother and they, some people may mean like good by it. Like. They actually want to talk to their grandmother. Then they open up this door and all these, like a demon comes out. Cause like you're that's the door to Satan is the ones you born. Because you're asking it to come. Yes. You're asking you to inviting. I think it's also for people who don't necessarily believe, but then it's like, oh, but you have to follow these specific rules. Why? Yeah. Okay. If people are willing to believe that there are demons that could follow you back. Why do we not believe that there's a God that created them? Like you can't take one without the other. The debt is not real if God's not real. Yeah, sure. That's what people forget. Yeah. I have a really funny story. I've got a, we do board. Wow. And let me be. You told me that today, so we'll have to have our dads on it. At some point they played the Weegee board. So our dads are characters. If you don't know who they are, um, and they gave. Dad's are brothers. That's how, yeah. So they gave Armine a run for her money. Andy. They brought home a Wiki board. To shallow it, maybe it's solid. And she took it out and she burned it. She was like, Nope, not. The executor, see the boys growing into this. I met. She was so mad. This was funny because if you know, every. and slippers and like thrown it on fire. But it's funny, but yeah, it's crazy that people will acknowledge one thing and dismiss the other. But while we're talking about things that people don't really see as bad, we found out that yoga. Yeah, it's not of God. It comes from Hinduism and like, I guess like the forms or the. Things that you do. We're based off of. Something in Hinduism wasn't gods or. And I'm a little disappointed by that because I did like yoga. And I really did, but the thing is, is the, the video that you sent about the girl who the astrology video. Um, she was a yoga teacher and she said that whenever she would teach a class for one, but this was after she was saying she still tried to keep doing yoga. Yes, yes. This was after she was saying, she said every time she tried to mention God, when she was teaching yoga, it just number one, it didn't feel right. And number two, everybody who is taking the yoga, it was like, we don't, we don't want to use that. Can we say the universe instead? We don't like that. We don't like that word. We want to say the universe instead of God. Yeah. And then another thing is the way she described it is I guess yoga is Hinduism. I think it's what it is, I think is what she said. It could be wrong. So don't quote us on this. We can look it up after and put like a little, this one here. But I'm pretty sure it's based off of like, Idols that Hindu has. The shapes are like the statue or the things that they would do. It's, you're recreating their image. Positions. Yeah. And I'm also. When people used to like. Say that yoga was bad. Like even army told us. And we're like, whatever. It's good for you. Being a Karen calmed down. It's just, yeah, but the thing is, is it's when you're doing your stretches in, you're saying the home, like you're saying all these hymns, that's not for God. Like it's a different religion. Yeah. And then you're doing all these stretches that I don't know how she explained it, but like the stretches aren't, even for God, And they're like, cause it's poses. Yeah. Those. Yes. Yes. Whatever they're called the Isles. Or the poses. Like is you essentially doing the poses as you worshiping those gods, essentially. And that's why like, it's so important to really research what you're doing and like what you're practicing, like even with the crystals and the manifesting. And it's so important, what you say to. I know we say all the time, like, oh, the universe must be in my favor today. Like, no, it's not like. And you can't, you can't play shod with the universe because he created it. Like you just said, And why don't we get to a point where we'll believe in the universe, but we don't believe that there's a God. And I think that it's simply because we don't want someone telling us we can't do yoga and we don't want someone telling us that we can't. Do this, and there's this. I want to make your comment on that too. I feel like a lot of I think. Or I've seen this a lot recently that people think that they need to all of a sudden quit doing drugs, quit drinking, quit doing all the terrible things to come to God. Yeah. And somebody said like, uh, analogy of it. They're like you don't get in the shower, clean your dirty. When you get in the shower and the shower clean to you. It's like coming to God. And you're dirty. You're sinful. And then you got a God and he cleans you. Cause you don't have those desires as often anymore. You want to do right by him? That's why it's so important that you come to him with all your baggage and it doesn't matter how imperfect you are. We're never going to be perfect. Right. So if you don't start now and come to God while you're at your lowest. And he can bring it to your highest and don't get me wrong. I still do. I have a glass of wine. A couple glasses of wine every now and then. But, I mean, that's, uh, we're all sinners. Yeah. There's also the Bible where it's like, it's okay if it's a celebration or if it's for. Like a glass for dinner, it's different if it's for a celebration or for certain things, rather than when it's a coping mechanism. It's becoming an idol. Right. You can't live your life without altering your mind because that's not nothing. The Bible says that. That drinking is a sin. It says that becoming drunk is a sin. But in being dependent on that drug is a sin. Like, if you, you know, like she said, use it as a coping mechanism instead of going to God, that's the issue that he's got with it. Like, you can't use it as a clutch or a, you know, I need this to relax. Like you, you should want to go to God for that first. He should be your first phone call, rather than that glass of wine. Yes. I think also like we are not acting like we don't send ever. Yeah, we're just, we are, I do. I know. We're learning with you guys. So we think that it's so important to come and talk with you about what we learned, because we want you to know, because why would we want anyone else to sin? I saw something that was like, everyone isn't going to be held to the same standard, but you're going to be held to what you know, like when it comes to judgment day. And so I don't want it to be like, well, Peyton, I told you this and you didn't go tell everybody else that they shouldn't be doing that. Yeah. So I'm going to share, this is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. Now, if I still slip up and do it sometimes. It's a sin and that's on me, but I'm still trying to. Repent tell everyone and share the good news. I think that's, what's so great about our God is because none of us are perfect only he is. And so that's what we have to be relatable. And just explain that we still sin. Just because we're trying to spread the love of Jesus doesn't mean that we're perfect. And we're never going to be perfect, but that's, what's so great about God is because he is perfect and he can make you in his image and we can become a better person through him. You said judgment day. And this reminded me of that. Um, my pastor said. This, he quoted. Does Satan fear your prayer life? Like, do you pray so much that it scares Satan? And that really stood out to me because I mean, I do, like, I pray about everything, but I've never thought about it like that. Like if you just sit there and talk to God all the time, He's number one, he's going to answer your prayers. And number two, you're going to have a clear, a clear clarity in your head saying, okay, well, number one, I gave it to God and if it's not solved, he solving it. He's going to fix it. Yeah. If it's not in his plan, it's not going to happen. And that's just. Just how it should be. Like, just give it to him. Don't stress about it and just see what happens. Yeah. I saw another good thing that, um, kind of, if we're talking about spiritual warfare and how he's going to attack us, how do we combat it? Right. And so I saw something that was talking about how. If he, if you pray for one yourself and you get closer to God when he attacks you and two, if you start going after your friends, like if I see him over here messing with Delaney and I'm like, Lord keeps saying away from Alania. I pray for Alanie. I pray that she does this, this and this. I pray that she grows closer. He is not going to want to attack any of my friends. I'm praying for him. So that goes to him being scared of your prayer life. It's not just about you. If you protect every single one of your friends, because if God answers my prayers, He's most likely going to answer my prayers about Laney Eve. Everybody. Yeah. He's not just gonna. Ignore us. You just say about the, um, If someone doesn't give you their consent to pray about them. Oh yes. So me and you've got to go. Speak to our first, like, speaking. And it's more like a combo, but it was a really good comment. We decided to have the kids involved in it and they had some good questions. Yes, but one of them was there, you know, we're in a society where we're so worried about other people and like not stepping on anyone's toes and everything like that. And they asked, they were like, well, you keep saying that we need to pray for everyone. Cause I think I kind of use the same analogy that I just said, but. He was asking about forgiveness or something. And I was like, yeah, you need to like, just pray about it, pray for them. And he says, well, what if there's a lot of people now that are saying that they don't consent to my prayer? Like my prayers, like, they don't want me to pray for them. And I was just like, well, I think that what, they don't know, can't hurt them. Yeah, because consent, as far as like we're having sex and somebody saying no is completely different to you in your own time, by yourself doing something that you think is going to help someone. It's not the same thing. If they don't know that you're praying for them. And then their life just works out. You don't ever want to get to a point where you're like, why didn't I pray for that person? And why did they never get saved? And it's like, oh, because I wouldn't pray for them. Yeah. That's also your conversation with God. Yeah. It's not anybody. They're not in it. Yeah. Yeah. And like we said, too, like our costs are, so those time, like God praise for us to like, use this praise for us too. And so like, what I said was like, if you, if you truly don't feel comfortable, give it to God. Like, if you feel like you're a bit like just, or if you feel like you're disobeying your friend by not praying for them. You can give it to God as well, but then, like you said, it's also your private conversation with God. Like he's not going to know. Yeah. And the other thing is, is I feel like people. Pray for their friends, but they also distance themselves from their friends because they're like, they're going through something. I should not be around them. Yeah. Maybe if you love on them more and continue to pray for them, you can get to them more. Yeah. Show them your life. Yes. Showed him your love. And then they come back. Why do you love me so much? Jesus. Yeah. Yup. I think we brought that up too in our conversation was kind of like, you know, when to distance yourself from friends, like if they're doing. Things that you can't really. It did. We talked about, like, if you have a friend group that's doing bad things where you have a friend that's doing something that you don't necessarily believe in. Like when to know when to step away. I think it's important to know that if you feel like you feel tempted to start doing what they're doing, then that's the time that you need. Yeah, distanced yourselves, but doesn't mean you don't go to them and you. Stop being the friend. You just have to learn what you can take and what you can take. Also, you can't necessarily. Play God to write. Like you can't change that person. God can change that person. You can tell them your testimony and you can bring them closer to God. But you can't physically change that person. Yeah, people should meet you and leave being like she has the Lord in her. And she loves Jesus, but you can't force them. Right. You can't force it on them. But I think that that's completely different than praying for people because you love them. And I hate to tell you guys, but if we're worried about cancel culture, Yeah, Christianity is not going to. You're going to be down like. You're going to end up saying something that the world doesn't agree with, but that's the whole point. God says that we're, if we're living for the Lord, We're living for the world and we're not living for him. And so, unfortunately, Kansas, so culture is with the world and we're with God. And so every single thing that we say about the Lord, the world is going to hate. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's why our generation has been. So Mimi me is because they don't like. Like, you know, I'm trying to say like, God. If you're living for God, you're not going to be living for yourself. And our generation lives for ourselves. We think about us and we don't think about anybody else that affects, unless we're worried about being canceled. But once again, being canceled, you're so worried about what other people are going to think of you and what what's going to happen to you. Like, you're not, you're not looking out for the greater good. And we also constantly here, that's not my truth, my truth, my truth, but we were talking about earlier. We can respect that other people have opinions, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Who thinks it's their truth to the truth is the word of God. The truth is that there is one God. And the truth is that Jesus came and he died for all of our sins. So that is the truth. And people can have their opinions, but their opinions are not the truth. Right. And I think that's, what's so important about the Bible is like, we talked about this a couple of weeks ago. Like God gives us the Bible. And that's the only thing we have to go off by. Like, he didn't give us the Bible to be interpreted, interpreted to now today's Tom. Like he gave us the Bible to apply to generations and generations to come. Like it's it's he wrote it. And that's what he meant when he said it. And I think we just, we, we, a lot of times just try to make the Bible say, or we, a lot of times try to misinterpret the Bible or not miss the target, but like we leave out parts. Yeah. So that it can be interpreted for our benefit. Yeah. We only hear the parts that we want to hear. Yeah. It's like, you know, you can read half a verse and it says one thing, but then did you read the rest of the half? Like, did you really read, but it was saying. And sometimes we even do that for the greater good, because I was looking at something earlier that I, I will sometimes read the Bible in like my mind. I'm thinking about what we're going to talk about. So I'm trying to pick out pieces that are going to be helpful for what we're talking about, but when I'm so focused on making it sound like that there was a purse that I was trying to read you guys. And then I was like, That wasn't even what that verse was saying. I can't even use that. What I was saying. Yeah. So if you put your mind in a spot where you're looking for certain things, You're going to find them. You make it. Want to say that. Yeah. Yeah, we, we do it all the time, but we don't mean to. Yeah. But like, as just goes back to our human nature. Like we will do to ourselves. We'll try to justify things in the Bible and then reality where. We know, deep down, it's not right. Yeah, but like, we just got to confess that we're not, we're not perfect, but you know, give it to God and he can make us perfect. Perfect. He can make us better. Yeah. This is a little off topic, but I think I would important thing too, is this society today likes to hold grudges. Like very, very hard grudges, cancel culture. Yes a culture and it's like, say like a friend or something wrong for like something wrong to you or a family member, whoever, and you hold this grudge against them forever. And it just builds up this anger inside of you. And that's not God. No, like you. You don't necessarily have to tell that person, Hey, I forgive you. Yeah. I mean, that's going from night, start a fight or something. Is it always coming from a pure place. I'm trying to be condescending. You know that too, but in your head you can be like, okay, I need to forgive that person and just let it go. Give it to God. Let it go. Yeah, let him handle it. It's off. My brain has gone because in the end to everyone on each side, usually thinks that they're right. Yes. So like it's not really going to do any good to go. And. Like you're, if you're still holding onto something, it's not hurting that person. It's getting you because they think they're right. So there it's hurting them, but in a sense of, not that they want forgiveness. It's in a sense of that? Well, she needs to come apologize to me because she did me wrong. And me wrong and I'm thinking, well, she didn't mean wrong. So if you just keep holding on to that, it's just going to be like two flames, like. You're not doing anything. But, yeah, it's never going to get fixed because you're both wanting something from the other person. But if you're like, I mean, she can be mad at me if she wants to. You have to genuinely believe that. It can't just be like, oh, well, she can be mad. I'm not mad, kind of like you said, regardless of whatever happened. When you are really searching for something and you really want yourself to be right, you will make it in somehow transform it to be like, it's not your fault. Like. He's going to be like, yeah, yeah. And didn't she say it like this? He said this and then like the. Yeah, exactly. It's funny. That's why it's so important to have God in the center of it, because he, he is the truth. And so he's going to take your biases that you have and like kind of throw them in your face a little bit and be like, no, that's not what happened. Like read right here. Remember what you said and remember what you did. Like you have a part to play in this too. Like it's not all her. Yeah. And that's like what I was saying the other day. Like if God's our first call, then we miss a lot of the steps that we got to go around. Because if we get into a fight and I go, Hey God, please show me whether I was right or wrong. Show me what to do, help me forgive her, or let me go apologize. If I started out with that, then it's done between us. Yeah, but if we leave here and I'm like, Listen to what she just did. And this. And it just goes down the line. Yes. But then days later I'm like, Hey Lord, what do you think about that? And then I got to go do like Eve acted like a fool. So I acted like a full. I mean, I w I want to lay me to a forgive me, but now you've already got them feeling weird. Yeah. I feel weird and you've got us feeling. And so there's just a huge circle that you have to go behind and clean up when it really should have just between you two and God is all that shit. Yeah. Yeah. Because, yeah, you're right, because I'm guilty of it too. Like the offer. Yeah. Whenever you have a problem, the first thing you want to do is call your mom, call your friend and say like you and your boyfriend getting a fight and call your mom's. First thing you do. and like, if you're, you have to realize too, like if you're not ready to terminate a relationship or like something like that, like if you're going and talking about people and they have like done you wrong, all those people in your life, aren't going to support that relationship. More, and you cannot take that back. Yeah. So as long as you hold, you're telling you're good, but. But like, if you let that leave and I'm not saying that like, if somebody is abusing you or something like that, Yeah. If there's a situation, as far as like. And me, and I don't need to go tell everyone about every single tick, me and Kayla path, because they're going to be like, oh, y'all fight all the time. So I did that and it's like, no, he's pretty much perfect, but. and so you can't take that stuff back. Once it's out in the air, people are going to bring it up forever. Endeavor, endeavor. We definitely society too today acts out of anger more than anything. Oh, absolutely. Like you don't really hear about anybody doing good for each other anymore. It's more of like, Did you hear what this person did? So-and-so did this and it's just all this hate and anger. And then it just feeds up inside of everybody. You can even get on social media at any right. Or they make it seem like they're doing the good thing about reposting. The little thing on social media or they're actually doing a good thing, but it just sparks hate. It's like, why? Like partake in some than if it's going to make, you know, other person, man. Or there's even some times where it's like, things are good and we just can't handle anything being good. Like there's that one guy that will go around helping homeless people and people will be like, you're only doing this cause there's cameras. Yeah. Homeless. Person's still got food and a homeless person still like, yeah. Why are we being so narrow? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's cause you know, sometimes we struggle like giving a homeless person money. And my mom always just told me, like, you give what you can give and they're going to do what they're going to do with that money. But in your, you know, in your heart that you gave, what you could give. Yeah. Obeying is like, Just the main thing. Yeah. That's like another thing with social media too. Is there so much jealousy in this world, like girls could or. Whoever could be scrolling through. Like Tik TOK or Instagram and come across a, another like beautiful girl at something and be like, oh, she's really pretty. But she want. Yeah, but she's got this, but she looks like this. Yeah. But she did this the other day. Yeah. She's too pretty for her boyfriend. Too pretty for her or something like that. And it's like, just let them be.$0 to mine. Exactly. Oh, I saw this, um, Where's my phone. I saw this. Little it's a Facebook post, but it was really funny. okay. So I found this on Facebook the other day. It's really funny. It says Jesus turned water into wine, but he did it turn your business into mind, mind it. it is true because nobody, nobody applies. I am too. You'll see of it. Totally understand. I'm a hairdresser, but. I get it. But still it's. Um, yeah, I'm very guilty of that. The devil loves it though. Oh, he does for sure. And it makes you feel good for that time. But then you leave it. Kind of like when you're talking bad about somebody too, it makes you're angry and you're reacting on the anger. And right now you're like, oh, this feels so good. Cause you're just ranting at all. And then you leave and you're like, I probably shouldn't have said that. Yeah. Or like, they're going to go tell somebody or it's going to start this. Or we didn't even really talk about, I don't think whenever we were talking about holding your tongue about how you reap what you sow. Yeah. Bad mouthing somebody else. What's the chances that happens to you. Yeah. Or like, Um, all the people and like high school or in college who would like bashed people and be like, oh, well, did you see that? They, um, like they got pregnant or they did this and they did this. And it's like, Look at yourself. Yeah. And if you can, 100% say that that would not happen to you. That's one thing, but like, don't talk bad about other people because stuff like that has happened to them when it could just as easily happen to you, it just hasn't because you're going to reap what you sow. And if you put that stuff out there, It's gonna get ya. Well, every single time I hear somebody making fun of somebody or something like that. It always happens to them. Like literally you reap what you sow. It happens to them and I'm like, well, That's what you get, but it's hard. One of the things I've been trying to work on too. Like. Like putting yourself in their shoes for a second, like learning to be empathetic because you don't know what you would do. Like you don't know what they're going through. You don't know what their life is like. You can't judge them for what they're doing. Cause you have no idea what the backstory is. Or what you would do if you were put in that situation, you don't have all the details or, you know, you don't know the whole situation, so don't, don't judge them for what they do, because you don't know what you would do, or you've done the same exact things as them, but it just didn't happen to you. I didn't have a bad thing. The consequences. Didn't catch you for some reason. Yeah. And it could be because you're still. Like the devil wants you to keep sending. And so he's trying to. Stuff, miss you so that you still feel like you're doing good and it's not to say that. You're just going to feel absolutely miserable if you're like content, because the devil has you, you may feel fine for a little bit. But it's also, I think. And some of the things that we were talking about, like he wants us to die young because he wants us to die before we have. And it gets confusing for people because one of the questions that we had was like, why does God let. Uh, bad things happen to good people. And so. I kind of compared it to, if you are having, we've watched those movies where people take love potions, and they're like, Ooh, I want to get this person. I want them to have this love potion. But then when they're actually in that relationship with the love potion, They're like, I didn't want this. I want you to love me because you love me. And so that's what God does with free will. He gives us free will. And although he knows what's going to happen in our life. He gives us the option to do everything. So he knows how it ends, but that doesn't mean that he predetermined said, this is what's going to happen because he's a just God. And he's not gonna say, well, I'm gonna make Peyton's life work out, but I don't want Eve to struggle. That's not what happens. He gives us the free will. And so our choices that we make have consequences. And so Bad things are going to happen to good people. And. It's not to say that like you're safe. It's just that. Like those things, like the devil wants you to die young. Because if you don't reach your full potential yet, or if you can't like, if you. The less time you have on this earth, the less time you're likely to hear about Jesus and the less time you're going to repent and you're going to lead other people to Jesus. So he wants you to die prematurely so that you can. Not share God because he wants as many people as he can have. And so that's why. Even though there is freewill, not everybody is going to find Jesus. And then the devil is going to want you to die prematurely. Yeah. That's why it's so important that you start now, like. The devil wants you. He does not want you to be here. He literally wants you to go to hell with him. And so that's why it's so important. Why we can't just keep making excuses first since like, we can't just keep saying, oh, I'll just do this one more time. Or this is just one like last, last time I'll get drunk last time. I'll do this last time. I'll do that. Like, you don't even know when you're going to get like your last time. Like the devil gets snatched you up and take you away. Not to say that if you don't, if you're saved, you will go to heaven. But like, that's why you should want to live for Jesus is because you don't ever know when that lasts going to be, because. You can take you home tomorrow and then it's based off your choices. So even though God can save you. You chose not to. You saved and the opportunity most likely at rose people have probably invited you to church. People have probably shared the gospel with you, but unfortunately you turned. And so, although he does chase after that one sheep, it's still your choice to make at the end of the day. Yeah. Do you all ever see stuff happening? And then you're like, that's crazy that, that wasn't me.'cause like the other day I was on the interstate and literally like two cars down. This semi, we all had slammed on her brakes. And this semi two cars down flipped over on its side. Yeah. And I was like, that just happened. Like that was two cars behind me. Like I just witnessed that. And thank God. It wasn't me. Like they got, I wasn't next to him or like that just happened. So crazy. And it's just, I don't know. Yeah. Sometimes it can also be the opposite. Like if you're doing something and you're just angry, like if I'm angry about something and I start like acting crazy, if you wouldn't have been angry, it wouldn't have been led to that further. Most of the time. You'll get hurt. Cause you're clumsy. Cause you're like slamming doors or something. And you slam your fingers. And then you're like, if I wouldn't have been mad, yeah. But I will say like when bad things do happen, like God has a bigger picture in mind of what he's got planned. And does it, like you said, it doesn't mean that he doesn't want. Me to struggle one Peyton, not to circle. It's just, Hey, this has a bigger picture in mind and he could be saving somebody like he could use the bad thing that you, that. As you're going through and you could use it to save somebody else. Yeah. It's. So Tony also, he could be. I don't want to say letting all these bad things happen to you, but he could be. I say, taking you through the ringer. He could be taking you through the ringer. So say like later something could happen and you're like, well, I got through this point in my life, so this is not that bad. Like. It could be building you up for something way bigger in the future. Yeah. I've read something one time. It was like, you pray to be stronger, but you don't want to go through the challenge. Yeah. Like if you're, if you want to become stronger than God's going to give you the little obstacles to get through, to make you stronger. You can't. You can't expect that outcome and not expect to do the work. Yeah. Because everything that doesn't seem good, isn't always a temptation. Sometimes it's just a trial from the Lord and sometimes he's going to be showing you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a picture. I saw somebody had drawn it and it said my plan and it's too. Pinpoints, and it's a straight line and he's just walking a straight line. And then it said God's plan. And it's two pinpoints and there's like a cave. And there's like a big map. You got to come over and pull you guys on through. And then it's like the end point like that. It is so true because it's not going to be easy. You just. But I think that's what makes you like, appreciate God too. Yeah. Like it, it shows you what he's really capable of. It shows his glory. Yeah. And that's why I think like in one of my prayers every single morning, I'm just like, let me live for your glory. I mean to do what to you have for me to do, because I also said we were on our way to go speak. And we were like, oh, what if the traffic's bad? And I'm like, the Lord's not going to let anything like that happen to us. If we're doing his work, like he's not going to let us be late to this meeting when we did everything we could, like, we were on time, we're leaving. He's not going to let us be late. Yeah, this is for him. This is for his glory. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. It's really important that we remember. That his way is always the best way. Another thing is you can cut this out if you want. But, you know, how nice and had the seizures and have been so crazy about like people having seizures and. It makes me feel crazy and stuff. I just don't want to see it. Well, um, one morning I was coming, driving to school and I was super, super light and it was like the sit still traffic. And it was taking me all this crazy ways and it would just make me super late to school. And then I get to school and there's an ambulance on the way and come to find out a girl had a seizure. Oh, my goodness. I was like, that's God. Yeah like that, it gives me goosebumps. I was like, That was distracting me. And you were angry about it, but. I heard about it. And then I got there and it was a student and the other student was like a girl just had a seizure and the ambulance is on the way. And I'm like, what? Like I just like, thank God I missed that because I don't know how I would cope with that. But it was crazy. It's crazy. It's very crazy. See, and it's like, people might be like, well, why did this girl have a seizure? And it could be so that Delaney could have shared it on this podcast so that people could hear. The story. It's like people saying like, you're close. Like if you, for every six people you meet, like if you talked to six people, then you're somehow connected to every person on the world because they have talked to somebody at some point that was talked to somebody that's talked to somebody. If you think about the seed that you're planting. And somebody might talk about this from what they see. And that's kind of how things get shared on Tik TOK. Like you hear things like that and you tell other people, That's like how we were talking to one of our podcasts saying, like, if you tell somebody about Jesus, they're going to end up telling somebody else and somebody else and somebody else. And like that could spark an idea and then to start a podcast, or like they could start podcasts and reach people that we couldn't, or like, you never know who you're going to reach, but just. You know, spreading the love of Jesus and living for him every day. Well, we've talked a lot and we hope that you guys enjoy. Yeah. It was kind of everywhere, but. I mean, like part six. This is officially our longest episode. Elena gets stuck in traffic. That's so good. Well, we love you guys, and we want you to remember that you are more precious than rubies. Have a great week.