A Day in the Life Of

ADITLO: Learning to Hold Your Tongue

March 15, 2023 Eve Miller
ADITLO: Learning to Hold Your Tongue
A Day in the Life Of

Hey, what's up everyone. Welcome back to a day. The lipid podcast. It's E. Kayden. And we're honestly a little nervous to talk about today's topic because it's kind of convicting it is because everyone struggles with it, especially if you're a girl. It's even worse. I feel like. So. And it's just like how you're raised. It's what we all do. And so. Today, we're going to be talking about gossip. The hard topics. I know now we lost half of our listeners. But, yeah, so we want it to talk about gossip. And so one of the main things that we needed to do was dive in on what is gossip. And we think that gossip is when you're. Going and either spreading rumors, spreading things that you, it could be true. But you're spreading it for not good reasons. You need to check yourself and be like, Why did I think that that was okay to say or check other people? But, yeah, so it's basically just spreading nonsense. Yeah, I think, and even if it's. Not, you don't think that it's that bad or it's not that hurtful. It could still be very hurtful, not only to your spiritual self. But to other people's feelings and emotions and how they view themselves. Absolutely. I think it's a very, um, toxic thing because not only are you hurting yourself. And the person that told you you're also hurting the person that you're telling, because now that person has. A reason to talk about someone like you're giving them a seed to go spread and, you know, Go tell someone else about something like you're giving them that motive to want to say bad things about somebody. Yeah. It's such a negative, a negative thing. And that kind of like goes back to, you have to know why, why are you saying things like you can't just live carelessly or like speak carelessly because the Bible specifically says not to do that. So like, why are you saying what you're saying? You know? Yeah. We saw that. That was a good way to kind of cope with. When somebody comes to you. If somebody comes to you and start spreading something or saying something and you know that their heart is not in the right place, just be like, why are you telling me this? But don't say it in a bad way. Just kind of be like, well, what are you going to gain from telling me this? Yeah. And then they're either one going to feel conviction and be like, you're right. I'm sorry. I don't know why. I'm even saying this, or they're going to be like, well, I need advice for this, this and this. And it can kind of gear it away from gossip. More of like a heartfelt conversation. And so just like everything that we need to do, we need to guard our heart and be intentional with our words, be intentional with our actions and understand why. We are doing what we're doing and if it's not to glorify God, we need to spin it in a 180 and go the other way. Yeah. I definitely think that seeking knowledge and gossiping are two different things. Yeah. Like, if you were trying to genuinely seek knowledge and guidance and guidance, that's one thing, but you're, if you're out there like slandering somebody's name, like she's wearing a short, short, yeah. She shouldn't be wearing that. I did something like that. I definitely think it affects our high school population. The hardest. But it definitely affects the adult population in a whole nother level, because it's on harder topics. It's on bigger topics. It's on more hurtful things. Or even like parents will judge kids. Yes. And it's just like Google. Yeah. Calm down. It's not that big of a deal. It's hard. You don't need to be talking about a five-year-old is okay. Yes. But it's just, it just goes back to just down the line, how people have been raised and how culture has kind of changed us because. I feel like the more that we get into the word, the more we turn into a quote unquote, Karen. It's a mirror just like. The news. The like social media, all of it is sitting there and. Girls, how many tick talks I want you to challenge. I want to challenge you. See how many tick talks it takes before you see Hailey Bieber and Selena drama? No kidding. It's. It's in our face all the time. Yeah. We wonder why we'd like to gossip so much. And how many of us watched the Kardashians? Or reality TV in general, we feed off of it. And for what? Like does it honestly glorify God? No. Like anything that comes out of your mouth should be for the glory of God. But our minds are trained to crave this, this gossip or this, this juicy stuff. You see headlines of newspapers. It's like the latest juicy gossip, or so-and-so kissed who and who are they going to end up with next? And you're like, oh my gosh, I have to see it. I have to see who he ends up with. Yeah. Like it's. So it's just like wired in our brains and for what, like. There are people that one have never met that are picking sides and yelling at each other over girls that they have never met right over two girls. They're probably don't even care about each other. They're both probably living their best life, doing whatever. And they're like, why are people dragging us into this? Because if I was either one of them, I be like, stop. Yeah. What are you doing? Yeah, because it's never like the person. That it's about that once the gossip to keep going, like. You don't want people to keep talking about you. You just want it to be over right. And that leads me to one of my verses it's Proverbs 26, 20 fire goes without wood and corals disappear. When gossip stops. So you think about how many times that you've been in an argument? And it leads up to something so much bigger. And when people finally stopped talking about it, two weeks later, it's like nothing ever happened or it was somebody. That was your friend, like you are upset with. Person a person B comes in and tells person a, something that you never even said, but they're trying to defend you. Like it could be from an okay place in people's mind. Like they're like trying to be your Knight in shining armor, but then it makes you feel even worse because you're like, well, don't put words into my mouth. And so you have to be careful of not overstepping and gossiping and putting words into people's mouth. That one they never said. And two isn't for the glory of God. Because we also need to look at every single person. Life, they were made in the image of God because they were, and so we get so filled with rage and we're just like a flip turns off. And we forget that people are people and that God put every single one of us here. And every single one of us have gifts that he has given us. We were made in his image. And so we forget that and we get upset with people. And it kind of goes with how we always talk about it's you against the problem, not you against the person. You need to remember that. And so if we all remember that we're here to glorify God, half of the fights that we have. Would not happen because it's just miscommunication or rage, or if you're not going to be a part of the solution, then you shouldn't have a say on it because if you're not there to help the personnel and truly get through the situation. Then you shouldn't be talking about it first off. And then second of all, if you're not going to say anything helpful, Like, if you're not there to be, to help them, you're obviously going to be there to hurt them or hinder them or slander their names, or just be like, oh my gosh, did you hear what happened to so-and-so? Like, you're not there to be helpful. Or you're being malicious because you're putting up a front, like you're a good person and you're just so concerned. And then the second she turns around, you're like, listen, Yeah. It's like the stereotypical, like high school lunchroom where it's like, yeah. Have you guys seen Greece where, um, it's Rizzo thinks that she's pregnant and she's like I'm pregnant, but don't tell anyone. And then the Marty literally like walks out the door and she goes late. With the baby and she's just like, are you kidding? And then it literally gets down to her boyfriend. By the time she walks back to the car, like, that's just how crazy it is. Literally like the game telephone. Absolutely. Telephone. And it's just, it's so hard because, you know, in high school, that's what everybody loves is all the drama. And, um, I think also sometimes we cause it to fit in. Because, you know, if your part, if you know something that the kids don't know, you want to know. Like guess what I heard, like you're going to, it's going to make you feel superior, but in the end, is it actually gonna be like beneficial, like, or if you're sitting there and you're the one person that doesn't know and nobody's paying attention to you, and they're all talking about this. It makes you want it, but you should be glad that your heart is guarded and your ears are guarded and you don't know about it. And you're being like, you're living for God. And you're just like, no, I don't want to hear it. And it may. Seem to the popular kids. Like they're not letting you in on it and you're not cool enough to know. But God thinks you're awesome. Because you're not over there. And that's what matters. I think it's important to like, just because you're not saying anything, but if you're listening, you're still part of the problem because you're not shutting it down. Bullies. Yeah. It's bullying one. Um, but to that's what they used to say. Like, if you are not going and telling the teacher. Or if you're not going to the problem, then you are a part of the problem. You're a bystander. Yeah. You're just, you're witnessing something and not saying anything about it. So, you know, if something like that does start happening, it would be brave of you to get up or be like, listen, we're not going to do this right now. Like, This is not okay. Change the subject. I don't wanna hear it. Because you're essentially just hindering your you're not breaking the chain per se, because if you like, how does gossip star, well, people have to put talking about it. Yeah. Like there's gotta be some point where something shuts it down and be like, look. So, okay. Like this, we should be talking about this. Like this is not going to help the person that's going to the situation. Like you got to stop. And it causes so much anxiety. To talk bad about people. Yeah. Because then you're worried about, oh, did they hear me? Who's behind me. Are they going to find out is this person trustworthy? And just, if you hold your tongue, then you're not going to have to worry about any of that because, you know, you kept the only way that you can control something is if you're the only one who has it. And so if you have it and you just keep it, then you don't have to worry about that person telling nobody. And you don't have to. It reminds me of, I hate to use this analogy, but. Do you guys remember when they used to pull us into all of those seminars and talk about like when people would send nudes? Like they were so specific about like, they ha they instilled it into your brain that like, once you send this picture, Yeah. It's gone forever and his friends could have it and her friends could have it. And they could use this as blackmail. It's the same with your words, but we don't take it as literally or as seriously, but it is because it's still damaging a person. And so. People don't think they used to say, oh, well, what if they take those pictures? And they send it to your boss one day. Okay. Well, what if I'm sitting here telling Eve something bad about our boss and then she gets mad at me cause I won't do her work later on. And she goes and uses it as blackmail. And tells our boss what I said. It's the same kind of thing, but we don't think about it since it's so normalized. We don't think about all the hurt that it could cause, and it goes back with how we say. God only tells us not to do stuff to protect us. I'm about to say that I was like, he doesn't just give us rules for no reason. Because. If, if he wanted us to gossip, there would always be a good thing to come from it. But you think about it every time that you got. Anything good come from it. No, it brings on game. She'll this trust lies. Like, I mean, it brings on so much anxiety and everything else you have to rev it up to shut it down and. It's because it's just so it's not, it's not a good thing. It's not of God. Like he specifically tells us in the Bible, this is not right. Like, this is bad. And. It does actually say in one of my verses wrongdoers eagerly, listen to gossip, liars, pay close attention to slander Proverbs 17 four. So they're your surgeon. Yeah, like literally evil. Evil is the source of gossip. And also think that like gives Satan that. A gateway into your, into your life? Yeah, because like we've said before, They're just sitting around listening, waiting for us to stumble so that they can use it. So. The devil loves when we're isolated. Right. And so you don't think that he wants that person to find out what you said about them? Yeah, because he doesn't want them to be your friend because they're strengthened numbers. And so he wants you to feel alone and like you have no friends and like everybody hates you. So the more you gossip, obviously he's going to try and. Move everything around to where everybody is going to know that you said that, so that you're an outcast and you think that everyone hates you. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good point. I think that, you know, we kind of know what gossip is and. We kind of know that we shouldn't do it, but sometimes we just do it anyways. It's kind of like how our serving says, like, sometimes we want to stop. What was like, we want to stop doing evil, but we can't. I've got it. I've got it. It says for, I do the, I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep doing. And that is Romans seven 19. And it's like, we just can't help ourselves. Like it's, it's so hard that I think that goes back to like, you have to have. Guard your heart, like you said, and you have to be paired up to no indulge your tongue. I think that's been something that we've both been working on. Just trying to like, not use negative words and like. If somebody is talking about somebody else and be like, like you said, just say something positive about that person. Yeah. Like, like if every time somebody comes and says something bad and you're in a room, be like, well, she does have a lot going on or be like, she has done this before. And that's really great. Or, oh, this honors God or, yeah, she is beautiful though. Yeah. Like just do something to uplift them. That's also, that does need to be determined between saying something good about something and not a compliment sandwich. Have you ever heard of that? it's like where you say something nice about somebody and then you say something negative, but you say something. Oh, yeah, you can't be the one saying something negative. Yeah. You just need to be the one person there sticking up for that person. Yeah. It can't be like. Um, she's done all this to me, but she's still really pretty. Like my main one is I love her, but. In the south, bless her heart. Like. shut up. That's all you got to say. Yeah, I think that's, that's very, we get, we get a confused with being like I'm telling her the truth or I'm telling the truth about, or, or I would say this to her face, but would you actually say it to her face? Yeah. It was one to five of color. Yeah, let me. We'll just get her on the phone right now. Would you actually say that to your face? No, like most of the time we wouldn't and like I said earlier, gossip gets confused with like, uh, ranting. I think we use those interchangeably. And that's now what we say, instead of saying, we're talking about, about. I just need to wrap it. Like I've seen have a little quick rant. And I mean, It's literally, essentially just slandering the other person. Like it ends up being, you saying everything that they did wrong. And not what you did wrong. Um, that's a good thing to remember is that you're always getting that person's best side of the story. You're not getting all sides of the story. You shouldn't be getting any sides of the story. Because you shouldn't be listening to gossip. But. Sometimes you do need to hear things like, because it's going to affect a lot of things. And so you have to take in all that you've been given, but you have to work through it. And try and. Take what you're given and produce good fruits from it. And you know, you have to get all of the information. To make those best decisions. And so you have to remember that, like this person is going to make themselves look good, and this person is going to make themselves look good. Yeah. And it's hard to know. It is really hard to know. I think that kind of goes to like, how do you kind of like, kind of prevent yourself from getting to those situations? Well, you got to really kind of look around and see who you're hanging with. Because if you're hanging around something or people that are gossiping 24 7, you're going to join in. Like, like what we said last week, you have to surround yourself with good to expect. Good for it to be produced. It's also, if you're one person that's involved. Is constantly talking about everybody else and doing other people wrong, but then another person. Doesn't then you can kind of be like, oh, okay, well, yeah, that's kind of like in high school, like you think, um, if one person is telling you something and they're talking about somebody else in your group, They're most likely talking about YouTube. Like I know at high school we had a little friend group and I feel like we talked about everyone. Like we talked about each other, we talked about other people. Like it was so toxic. But like, we, we did it to ourselves. Like we would talk about everyone and then wondered why we had issues or wonder why we have drama. Or I was bad about like, I'd have one friend at the time and I would be loyal to that one friend, but we would talk about everybody else. And then the next year it'd be that one loyal friend. And then we would talk about everyone else. And so you still can't. Talk about everybody, but, um, Yeah, I think that that's really good about how you need to. Pay attention to who you surround yourself with. It's like, you have to know what you take in because you're going to reap what you sow. And like we said about reality TV. If that's something that you crave, you're going a great Gosset. Like just, it's just how it is. Like if you crave that type of atmosphere and. You're one, the next big thing and all this stuff, then that kind of goes into like idols to. And Ooh. Yeah, like just being obsessed with something it's like what you're going to produce and it's not healthy. I challenge all of you guys to think about in your conversations, because it's like, it's easy to say don't gossip because we've heard that we know not to gossip our whole lives, but we don't actually live it out. And so I think a good way to live it out is I want you guys to think. After each interaction I have had today, have those people left thinking. I know she knows Jesus. Yeah, that's really good. That's really, really good. Because if you put it like that, If you spend all your time talking about the Lord, then you don't have any time to talk bad about his children. That's very true. If you're talking about all the amazing things that Jesus has done for you, and that's not. Well, Jesus needs to, Jesus needs to help me deal with these folks because that's still bad. You need to genuinely. Loved the Lord and show that, and then people won't come to you with drama anymore because they'll know she's not going to entertain it. Yeah. And I think that's, what's so hard and that's what, like, you know, Jesus says Jesus, because he is perfect. Yes. And we're not ever going to be perfect. And I think that's why it's so hard for us to accept the fact, like not to gossip, because we don't know how to hold our tongue, but it goes back to self control of like the fruits of the spirit. Like if you don't have self control, then you're not going to be able to produce. Anything, like you're not gonna be able to get anything done and. If we don't learn to hold our tongues, then we're going to end up living a life of sin. Yeah, because we say one thing and it turns into something bigger. You take, you take an anthill and turn it into a molehill. Like. How does this hang out and you take an ant. It's an anthill and turn it into a molehill. Yeah. It's like a web of lies. Why do you think they call it a web? Because it just keeps growing. But I think that this versus beautiful, it says too much talk leads to sin, but sensible. But be sensible and keep your mouth shut. The words of the godly are like Sterling silver at the heart of the fool is worthless. Yeah. That's really, really good. I love that verse because, you know, God does tell us till. Tina listen, but not like listen to gossip, listen to the laws, seek knowledge. And like I said earlier, Like seeking knowledge is different than gossiping. Like, if you want to know something and something's happened to you, you can talk about it, but like, is it coming from a good place in your heart? You know, like you actually wanting to seek knowledge or you just wanting to talk about that person. And just be like, oh my gosh, I'll never forget what she did. Or are you being like sincere and like actually wanting to find a solution for yourself or, you know, try to help others. But it's not good to just go around and slandering somebody's name just because you heard something about them because it's hurtful and it literally brings so much shame. Like I won't, I can't even begin to tell you, like what high school can Intel, like how much shame from gossip can bring on a person, because it's just so hurtful. Like half the stuff is never even true anyways, but everybody believes it. And so you're sitting there around, they're walking through the halls and you think everybody's talking about you. And it's like every other lunch day to you, you just want to be the center of attention. So you're like, listen to what I heard, but you don't think about how it's going to affect that other person and how they're going to go home. And it's going to be the worst day of their life. They could become depressed because the devil's trying to isolate them. And so. You need to be that person. That's nice to the person that everybody's gossiping about and. I think, you know, you're not missing out on anything. Yeah. I think it's important too, that we, they understand that. Gossip pool ruined friendships. Like it will a hundred percent ruin friendships because they can't trust you anymore. First off and you're literally talking bad about them. And so it's really important. And the Bible, I think he even says it. If you take your neighbor to court, do not betray another's confidence or the one who hears it may shame you and the charges against you will stand. And so. That means that you can't. Betray somebody's confidence, even if it's like. You think you're doing it for not some like these people are at court. Like you don't think that it's that bad, but if you're betraying their confidence and somebody's coming to you. Trying to seek guidance. Yeah. You know, if somebody is coming to you from a good place, and then you turn on them and tell you the first person you see, or you, you tell somebody and it's not for the reason of trying to help them. Then you're betraying their confidence and nobody is going to have confidence in you. And nobody's going to believe in you. Yeah. You literally can ruin so many friendships and, you know, they it's up to them, whether or not they forgive you, but like in the long run, you're the one that caused the pain because they entrusted you with something and then you turn right around and. Blatantly spread around the whole world. Yeah. And even if they don't find out, it's still going to cause a pole and a strain on that relationship, because you're constantly going to be worried about if they do find out because you can't control it anymore because it's not in your mouth. Yeah. So if you're not holding your tongue, you're never going to be able to control. Again. Yeah, I think it goes into too, like if we do do that, like just, you know, Come clean. I think it's a good thing to. You know, be honest, be like, look, I'm sorry. I should've said that. Like I should have held my tongue. And you entrusted me with something and I'm sorry. I did. And if they, they can forgive you or not, but at least you said your piece and that, you know, you can be at peace with it. And it's going to be a better outcome if it comes from you and you actually feel guilty about it, because then like you're repenting and you're like, Hey, listen, this is what happened and I'm sorry. And it even like God says that if you are going to. Solder the sheep to sacrifice right. Turn. And leave the lamb at the alter and run back to your brother and that you need to re reconcile with. Right. And so. God wants you to do that. He wants you to reach out to people and he wants you to apologize and be like, Hey, I'm wrong as much as he wants you to. Tell him that you're wrong. So you need to just reach out to them and be like, listen, I'm sorry. Yes, I did say this. Um, I hope that you can trust me with more because I'm trying to work on it. And so God's. It doesn't matter whether or not they forgive you, you still did the right thing. And. At the end of the day, if they don't forgive you, God forgave you. You know, and that's, what's most important if he can forgive us for our sins. Other people don't have to forgive us and you can't expect other people to forgive you, but you just have to be like, I was wrong. Yeah, absolutely. And like that also says another thing too. Like we're not perfect. And we never will be perfect. And, you know, you're going to accidentally slip up all the time. But like, you just really have to keep reminding yourself and keep your head in the word to keep those things from happening because you probably will end up gossiping again, like I'm sure I will so easily. And it's, it's absolutely so easy. You forget about it. And it's so hard to be like, why am I saying this? Why am I saying this? And then you convince yourself, you're like, no, I'm saying this for the greater good. Yeah. Or are you actually. No, it's just a hard thing to do. I think it's, it's so prevalent in every step of life, because whether you're talking about somebody at high school to, in college, to whether you're talking about how they did something at church on Sunday, Like you, you could take everything and it honestly, it's kinda, it goes back to being judgmental because gossiping is being judgmental. Like you're going to put your input in. And I think that's why Christians get labeled as judgmental is because sometimes we can be, we don't mean to be. But sometimes we can be. And I think that's where we're going to have to really have a self-reflection check. And really evaluate our hearts to, you know, stop letting the world know that or stop having that stigmatism that the world gives us or how many times we cover it, because we're like, oh, gossip's bad. Yeah. We cover it with the. Oh, I'm just trying to seek guidance. Or how many times has somebody started a session of gossip by saying, I really need you to pray for this person because yeah. They did this, this, this, this, this, this, and this and this. And then it don't even turn. It's not even about the Lord. Yeah. It's just an open liner. But there's a difference between genuinely seeking prayer and yeah. Trying to just talk about somebody and like, we always say to like, God knows the intentions of your heart. So if you're lying to everybody else, God still knows what you're doing. Like he still knows what you're seeking and what you're actually trying to get out of that conversation. And you will have to answer for answer for it one day. You brood of Vipers. How can you speak good things when you are evil for the mouth speaks out of that, which fills the heart. The good man from his inner good treasure brings out good things. And the evil man from his inner evil treasure brings out evil things. But I tell you on the day of judgment, people will have to give an accounting for every careless or useless word they speak. For, by your words, reflecting your spiritual condition, you will be justified and acquitted of the guilt of sin. And by your words rejecting me, you will be condemned and sentenced. That is Matthew 1234 through 40. Scary stuff. Yeah. Like. Okay. If does she know Jesus? Doesn't get you think before you speak. Do I want to explain the God. Just set this. Yeah, because I don't. Yeah. Yeah. He's going to be like Payden. Why'd you say you didn't like her skirt and I'm like, I don't know. But we were talking about that earlier. It's so true. To just keep your mouth shut because I am the world's worst person about putting my foot in my mouth. It never fails, dude. Like. A lineup of a million people. And I could just be like, Um, yeah, I just hate the color red. And then the person, one person down for me would have like red hair or something. Yeah, it's just how it is because I just, I don't pay attention and I just it's, it's just how it is. And. I don't even know, man, but I've definitely shaped. And you're like, then you're like starting to cover it up, but like, But, you know, it looks good on you. No. That's great. Yeah, but it's, you're like, oh gosh. So bad every single time, like, I'll be like, oh, I hate that sport. The person's like, I play that. I'm on my way to my soccer game right now. And I'm like, I honestly think that's God. The karma. I think that what you, so yeah. Not that he laughs that we sin, but like, it's just kinda like, well, Yeah, you did that to yourself because it's also like, okay, if you want to be your own person and you don't want to rely on God, then get out of this mess yourself. Yeah. But if you're like, God, hold my tongue. You never would've said he didn't like his hair, but now. You just happened to say it. And you have to get yourself out of it. And these people think bad things of you now, and you didn't even necessarily mean anything by it. But now you're like worried that you offended this dude because he has red hair. And you said you hate the color red and you're just like, It goes back to all the anxiety that it gives. Like, just keep your house. It's so hard though. It's so hard. I want my FBI agent on my phone to show all of you guys, how many text messages I've deleted today, or how many times I've gone back? Because it's like, I'll be on Facebook and I'll be like, this is funny. I need to know I'm actually not. And the most humbling experience ever is just watching those words disappear and you just are like, I really didn't need to say that because you're like not really sad that it's leaving and you're rereading it and you're just like, wow, Pedro, why would you? And it's like stuff that I would've thought was funny. And I just, you comment on everybody's Facebook post, but it's just being more aware of like, hold your tongue. Why do you have to say anything? Yeah, you don't have to put your 2 cents into everything you see. Yes. And I feel like, especially with social media now, People feel like they always had to put their 2 cents. And like, they always want your opinion. Well said. That's not right. Like holding your tongue goes for holding your comments to like, You can be on your phone and still comments of the nasty that you shouldn't have. And it's still words that they still can impact just the same as talking. Yes. And they can literally stay up there longer because they're traceable. Like, I don't know. It's just so hard. It's because our generation just thinks that we can hide behind a screen. And not seek the repercussions of what's going to happen. That's still gossip. If you're, if you're texting about somebody that's still gossip, like it doesn't have to be spoken from the tongue. It can literally be on the phone. Yeah. And it's so important that we have to remember, like that's not helpful and that's not going to help the situation. Like if you are not part of the solution, then you should not be putting your input in. At all. Um, And she supported. It's just the seek where your heart is, and it doesn't even necessarily have to be. For bad. But if you're just indifferent, like these things that I'm leaving, it's not like I'm being some mean person trying to leave mean comments under Facebook posts, but I'm just like, Trying to add in stuff. And then it just like, I start explaining it too much. And then I'm like, whoa girl, why are you even saying that? Like, Neat. Like it's gone way too far deep into you don't need to write a paragraph because then you it's like word vomit, your. You're like, oh, well, that doesn't make sense. And then you're like trying to add on more to it. And the more you add on the more you're like. This was supposed to be like a two word joke. And now I have a whole paragraph. And then I just delete it because I'm just like, okay. Yeah, you're right. Oh, God, I didn't even need to say that because. Especially with social media, you post like one word. Like. Say it's a post and I comment. Wow. At least one, person's going to be like, wow. And take my tone in a different way. And they're just going to think that it's a certain thing. And so they're going to be like, well, you didn't have to say it like that. And it's just. Say the things that are bam glorifying. The Lord otherwise. Hold your tongue. And I'll never steer you wrong for sure. Like you can always, you know, if it's not to glorify God, then it probably shouldn't be spoken out or whatever text. Because otherwise what's the point? No, there's definitely. You know, there's, it's a worldly thing. If you're trying to impress somebody else, rather than God. Like, if it's for the world, then probably shouldn't be spoken. I hate to say it. Hate to say it. And that's just one of these things that gossip is for this world. And it is such a hard thing because each and every one of us do it and we do it every day. Whether we mean to, or not. And that's just where we have to go back and be like, Lord, please search the intentions of my heart and help me home in time. Give me some self-control because it's hard. So hard. Today, there was somebody that like sent an email back to me at work, and I wanted to go talk about it. And then I was like, Dude. I'm going to have to get up. Walk across the street to where the girl I want to go talk to is, and then walk up the stairs. Why would I go through that much effort to say a few words to get it off my chest, but it's not because it's a sin and it's just going to keep leading to death. But it's like, why do we feel that we need to rant so badly and just talk down about another person. When in this case, I didn't even know that person. You know? Yeah. I think that's it. We struggle so much because we literally confused the word rant. With gossip and we try to make it sound better saying we're just ranting. That's just, it's just not how it is. Like you're slandering there. A person's name. And I'm guilty of it. I do it all the time. And. It's hard. It gets you like, I just need to write for a second. I just seen your aunt. Like I'll call her and just be like, I need to rant because it's over something dumb that doesn't matter. It won't matter. For the next two day and the next two days. But like, it's just, no, it's just so hard because it's so convicting, it's really wanting to go. I feel like it's probably one of the hardest, easiest things that we do all the time, because it's right here. We're just like, listen to this. That's what I was saying earlier. I said, imagine if, instead of calling. The first three people you call you call God because you're like, good God. This happened and you saw it and you know what happened. And so give me the strength to get through it, or tell me who I need to talk to. I guarantee he's not going to tell you to call nobody. You're going to feel like. I don't need to talk about it. I just, I don't need to talk about it. Or if you call those three people, This has been me lately. I'll call these people before I call God. And then I'm like, Hey guys. Um, Well, you know what happened and one, I need advice and two, I need to repent for just talking. Every body I know about what just happened. Because if you would've just called God, you only would've had to do that and you wouldn't have had to repent. Yeah. But then it's like, You call them. And then you call God and then you need to go apologize to them because you made them fall. And then you need to, because God says, don't just repent to me. Like, you also need to tell other people, like I did this. Yeah. You know, because other people need to hold you accountable. Yup. Yup. That's so good that God needs to be your first call or your first person that you. When he be because. If you haven't studied for your test, you're like, Jesus, help me. Jesus. Help me. Jesus. Help me. Why do we sit there, but why don't we do it? We're like we use him because we know he's all our almighty card. We use them for these certain situations. But then other ways we want to be like, nah, I got it. I got it. I'll just call even she'll tell me exactly what I need to do. Yeah. No. Oh, God. Yep. That's so hard. It's so hard. Can you, and like it's our first instinct is talk about, somewhat talk about it with somebody else, but like, God should be our first, like first instinct. This should be. First responder. He should be. He should be our first responder. I was going to be sure. They could Jesus as my first responders. Yeah, I love it. But, yeah, I don't understand why it's such a natural thing to do. I think it's one of the most natural things is to go and talk about somebody. The second that they've done something to make you upset. Yeah. Even if I go to the grocery store and somebody like says something, I'll get back to the car and I'll be like, I didn't like the way thing. And it's like, just stop. Yeah. I'm just like, there's no reason. And we all just have to remember that they are a child of God. They are. And he made them just like he made you and we all make mistakes. So there's no point to go running around talking about, about somebody because. You might be in that situation one day. And do you want somebody talking about you? Like you're talking about them. The golden rule. Go on to others as you want done onto you. It's so important. And we just have to remember that they are God's children too. Just like you are. Yup. Yeah. That's like one of the best things. Is to look at people and know that you're like still connected. You know, like even if this person is really mean to me, Uh, challenge you to think there's something that God put inside of them to reflect him. Yeah. And so we may not even be similar, but hopefully just start praying that, pray that God. I pray that you will just make this person find their. Their strength and what they need to do for you and for your work. Yeah, because it can be hard to like people yeah. Pray for your enemies. And it can be hard to not talk about the people that you don't like. And it's just like, Ugh. Like. Oh, this is like, I can't do this. Like I gotta go rant and I gotta go talk about them. That's what everyone needs to do this week. And I guarantee you will feel more peace. We need to. Talk to God, the second that something doesn't go our way and we're upset. And then we need to pray for that person. Because we say we do it, but none of us do it. You know, that's something that I've been trying to work on is like praying for the people that have wronged me. Yeah. Like, it's hard to do. It's so hard to do. And you're like, why am I, why am I even asking for something to benefit them when I don't even like them? It's just hard and it's something that we all have to work on and we can only get through it with Jesus. Like also, if you think about it as like, it's not necessarily that it's benefiting this person, think that it's benefiting the kingdom of God. Yeah. It's like, if God can use this person, then it's for his good, it's not necessarily for the good of this person that has wronged you. You're just trying to turn them. Yeah. Cause if you're showing them kindness, they're going to ask what's in you. That's not in me. And that can lead to salvation. Like you never know who you could say by being kind to someone. So, if you just like, or the one that stands up for people and. Starts understanding that gossip is not okay. And we shouldn't, we shouldn't treat people like this then. You could potentially lead somebody to Jesus because of your kindness. Yeah, it also goes with good fruits. Yeah. Like if people see that you're not in the gossip. And you're just chilling over there. They're not going to want to be in it cause they're going to be like, oh, you don't have to. So it's going to be tough at first. Especially if you're still in high school. Yeah, but you've just got to. Remove yourself from the situation, pray to God and pray for them. Yeah. And I guarantee you you'll be happier. Like a hundred percent, you will not feel like you have a burden on you every single week. I know that's one of the best things. When I got out of high school, it was like, I'm free of. Living this constant battle. But, I mean, not that I don't struggle with it still, but it's more, I'm more aware of what I'm doing and what I'm saying. Because. It's it's easier to pray to God and be like, listen. This is what's going on and I need help. And I'm sorry, I did gossip, but like next time it's going to be better. So you just kind of have to remember that and, you know, grow your relationship with him because he will give you the armor to handle it. He won't ever give you a situation that you can't handle. And I think a lot of us don't understand that God knows every single sin that you commit, because we don't want to repent because we don't want to admit that we send. But we all send constantly. And so it's better to repent. And apologize, cause it's gonna one grow you. And two, you're not going to have to like answer for it as bad. If you already acknowledge that, you know, that it's wrong, you know? Yeah, it'll bring you peace because you're just kinda like, yes, I'm not perfect, but this is what I'm going to do to make it better. You're going to change. You're going to repent. And that's what that's, what repentance means is to acknowledge it and change because that's the only way we can. End up trying to live like Jesus is the repentance. So, if we could leave you with anything this week, it would just be, you know, try to try to steer away from that gossip and let God be your first call. Yeah, we love you guys. And remember that you're more precious than rubies. We hope you'll have a great week.