A Day in the Life Of

Episode 3: ADITLO Following Gods Purpose for Your Life

February 21, 2023 Eve Miller
Episode 3: ADITLO Following Gods Purpose for Your Life
A Day in the Life Of

Hey, everyone. It's Eve and Peyton. And welcome back to the day in the life of podcasts. We have a really special episode for you guys today. Yes, we're so excited. We pray over what we're supposed to talk about every single time, like every week. And then we kind of come together. We're like, what are you thinking? What are you thinking? And so this week we kind of talked about purpose and then it was crazy because purpose kept showing up. And our Bible studies and just in, like when we were reading the word and then not only was purpose showing up, but pleases was showing up for me. And so I was watching a sermon, Mike Todd, I've been living in this week. Um, And it was Philippians two 13 and it said for God is working in you, giving you the desires and the power to do what pleases him. And so I was like, Ooh, that's really good because I've already had a whole situation with pleases this week. But then we were just sitting here and I found it in my Bible because I was going to read it for you guys. And I was like, wait, this isn't the same verse, but the. First one that I read was NLT and my Bibles in IB. And so for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. And I was like, Eve. They're interchangeable, pleases and purpose are interchangeable. So your purpose is to do whatever pleases God. And I just think that that's amazing because we've been wondering what we're going to talk about this whole week. And then he tells us, yeah, literally. It's popped up in like a multiple of my, um, daily verses and it had popping up like in my devotionals. And I just think that's such a big, scary thing, because when you're our age, like people ask you all the time. What are your plans after high school? And you sit there and you're like my plans, like for the rest of my life, like what. And at 18 years old, you're not going to know what you're supposed to be doing for the rest of your life. Yeah. You've barely had life experience so far. And so there, I don't understand why there's so much pressure put upon that. But, you know, what is it like, how do you find your purpose through God? Well, God simply tells us to just ask, you know, um, because our purpose is not really for us. Like even though, even then the world tells us, like, it's the rest of our lives. it's really God's purpose because God has a whole bigger picture in mind when he created you for a whole bigger purpose. So how would we know what our purpose is? If we don't ask, you know, Yeah, I think that's really good. Like you said, he created us. And so it's really good to think about. Why did he specifically put me here and, you know, he gave you certain gifts or certain things that you're going to be better at. Yeah to help you do. Work for him. It's not going to be. For your life, it's going to be, how can I live my life for God? Forever. And I think it's important to note that like, Your purpose is constantly gonna be changing. Yeah. So like some people go to college, get this degree and then they start doing what they think that they're supposed to do. And that might've been what God called you to do because. You might've needed to impact people's lives, then it might've shaped you into who you need to be later on, but you don't have to do. What you originally set out to do from the beginning, because your purpose is constantly going to be changing, right? God is also like you have a holy spirit and so God will give you the desires of your heart. And so that will, that will really like, kind of motivate your purpose. But you still have to ask him because it may be what you want and not what God has for you. So you always have to keep him on with like, you know, we usually pray for things like, Lord, please help me get into nursing school or Lord, please let me get into this college. Or please let me get this job, but we never sit back and really ask Lord, what is your purpose for me? What do you have for me so I can go and do it. You know, We are so drilled in the head. Like you have to know what you're supposed to be doing when you graduate high school and it's not fair. Like it's, it's not fair at all, especially because. That's a huge question and that's a huge part of life, but like you said, too, We're constantly changing. So your purpose mountain may not be what it's going to be in, you know, 20 years. God has a huge purpose. So he could give you a bunch of small purposes too, you know? Builds you up to that big thing that you're supposed to be doing, but you have to ask. And so it brings you to one of my Bible verses and it says it's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we're living for long before we first heard of Christ, he had his eye on us and he had designs on us for glorious living. Part of the overall purpose is he's working on everything and everyone Ephesians one 11. So he literally has a purpose for every single one of you. So please don't ever think I have no purpose in life. I know tons of friends, you know, That they just feel like they are stuck and going through the motions. And they're like, I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing with my life. And I'm like, Hey me neither. But we have to sit back and think, what does God have planned for us? And we can start right now by doing small things that lead to our bigger purpose. And, you know, you have to open your heart and open your mind. To be susceptible to hear him. Yeah. We also talked about how it may be. That you haven't like asked how, like, what am I supposed to do for you? Like, as a total, you may just be praying over this one specific job that you have. You may be like, God, is this where I'm supposed to be? Or like, but you're saying like at this specific job, you're not talking, like you're not opening it up to everything because you still might be scared because like, you may be a 30 year old and feel like you need to go to college, but you're just asking God, like, Oh, am I supposed to keep this job? And it's like, you're not opening up what he's telling you to do. And the grand scheme of things, you're just, you're getting one little part to him, but you need to give the entire ness of your life to him. And, you know, God can change your plans. You may have something planted. I don't know if that was you. That was telling me this, about this lady who had decided to go back to college and like become a doctor. And she drove all the way to the campus to go apply. And then she heard God told her to stop. And then she turned back around. Yes. I don't know who is telling me that it might've been me, me, but I thought that was so crazy because God gets stopped you in. In your tracks. And completely rearrange it, but just because you have like, he stops, you doesn't mean that it's going to be bad. It's always going to be good. Like, even though it may be hard to leave something, he's got something so much better and it's going to bring you so much more purpose to your life and you will impact so many other people. Like, there is no coincidences with God. I don't know. Like, and since purpose and pleases is kind of interchangeable. God's not going to ask you to do anything that's like unhealthy for you or that's bad, or that's going to cause anything because he's perfect. And he's like, he's good. And so anything that we. I want a that's of this world is going to be evil, but if we're giving it to God, then he's not going to let you drown. Like it's not going to do anything that you can't one get through. And sometimes it may be a trial. Like he may be checking you and being like, are you doing this? Because. Of everything. Like, are you only worshiping me? And are you only praising me in public? Are you only doing things because of where I've put you in life? Like, are you, I've given you these things and are you only worshiping me because of that? Or are you. I should also going to worship me in the lows. Right? So sometimes he gives us trials, but I think it's important to remember that in the Bible, it says that God gives you trials, but Satan tempts you. Right? So God doesn't tempt you because tempting. Means that like tempting is evil and tempting is like, Coming from an evil place, but God doesn't do evil things. And so it's important to know the difference and it's important to know when it's safe and when it's not safe. Right. He's he's always going to have something so much better and it's always going to be for good. And it will always glorify him. Like, I think we've seen in the past, you know, the past week with the big revival that God's purpose is so much greater and he's moving right now. Like, so if you just simply ask him what you're supposed to be doing, run full force. Like when we started, when we started this, we didn't know what we were doing. Like we still we're still. Every day. And, you know, there's never going to be a perfect time because nobody's perfect and the world's not perfect. So you have to start where you are and just go once you ask him and you're just give it all to him. It will be, it'll become more clear in Tom. Yeah. Cause I know when we first started this, I had like thought about it six months before pain even texted me. Like I was so scared. To start where I was, because I'm not perfect. I was like, people are going to look at me and like, oh, she's still sins. And I'm like, well, yeah, everybody does. So you can't let, like, let that stop you from fulfilling your purpose. If we waited to stop sending to spread the love of Jesus. We would never be spreading the love of Jesus because we're never going to be perfect. And so that's where it's important to have compassion for other people and to not come at them in a negative way where you're just like, Being like judging them. It's supposed to come from a way of love so that they don't look at you and be like, well, who are you to tell me what I can and can't do when you're also sending and doing all these bad things, especially if you're trying to like talk to an unbeliever. You know, well, we were talking about this this week. Like it's so hard to overcome your sin and everybody's struggles with sin. And I think sometimes that hinders us from going to what God has for us, because we're scared. And you know, that also is a part of God's plan. Your sins will always be made for good. So you can't judge others because that's their purpose in life. And they may have a breakthrough and an impact, um, from what they've experienced and God will use that sin to be, to make it good. So if you start where you are, you'll always grow and end up where you're supposed to be. Because one day you're going to be in a situation where your sin that you've made it on. The other end of is going to be a learning experience for somebody else. And. You're going to get to be like, well, this Atlas and like, I was in the same boat as you. I was doing this all the time, but God. Showed me the way. And now I get to tell you about that. And like, I feel so much better. That's what's so great about, you know, God's love for us is because even though that he, you know, We messed up and Adam and Eve ate the apple and they're sending the world. But he's always going to make it for good. Like, there's nothing that can hinder you from that love. And, and from fulfilling his purpose, because if you run it full force where you are right now, you're going to teach somebody else. And then that's somebody who's going to teach somebody. And then that's somebody who's going to teach somebody else and you can reach millions with no matter what you do, you will always have an impact on someone and somebody. And I think that's a huge part of God's plan. And God's purpose for everyone is because he always uses the good, I mean, he always uses the bad for the good. And in the end, even though we all send in, we all mess up, he's going to make it so much better. Like it's going to be fine and you're going to teach other people when you're going to prevent other things from happening to other people, because you went through that yourself and you S you told somebody else like, Hey, I've been where you're at. I know what you're going through. Let's get through this together. Yeah. And I think, um, one of the things that we kind of talked about the other day was that. When you are trying to repent and move on, usually your life is like a mess. Like whenever you like, have been struggling a lot. And so I know specifically, like, I complained about a lot of little things, like a lot, a little things, but then the other day I was like, Peyton, you need to like sit back and look at what may be causing all of those little things. Like it's normally one area in your life that you're struggling with. That is making you anxious or unhappy. And that's like a trail for all the other things that's causing you. Right. Because, and that's another thing too. You have to ask God to reveal those things. Like reveal the sin in your life. And so you can try to veer away from him and go a different direction. Because God won't ever give you something that you can't handle. Like, no matter what you're going through, he will always use it for the better and teach you a lesson to teach others. Because it's all a part of God's plan. And like, if you're trying to find your purpose too. This, there's this quote from this book and it's called, what on earth am I here for? And as far Rick Warren. It says you did not create yourself. So there's no way you can tell yourself what you were created for. And I just think that is a huge deal because we don't know what we're created for, unless we ask, I want to add to that. No one else can tell you what you were created for very true, because I know whenever you're a child and a teenager, It's it's normally coming from love, but it's not like they're not God, so they don't know what the purpose of your life is. And so they're just trying to guide you in the right way, but your right way and their right way. Might not be similar. And so you just have to have the strength and the courage to ask God and be like, Nope, we're buckling. I loved when, um, our pastor said like, Your, I don't remember exactly what he said, but he said that it's not a conference call with God. And one other person. On what you're supposed to be doing with your life. Like, it's just a single phone call between you and God. And so no other person needs to be. Like, everybody's going to have an opinion, but like they can't put their 2 cents in until you over God, like what you need to be doing. So you just have to stand up and be like, no, this is what I believe I need to be doing and stick with it. That's another thing that has been kind of like heavy on my heart this week is like, Not coming from a place of judgment. It gets so hard, but you don't know the plans for their life and you don't know what they're going through and you don't know what they're going through with the Lord either. Like I struggle with things. So what am I. Who am I to say that like that's bad. Well, which it could be bad, but like it's not my place to judge and condemn them for what they are doing. Because first off it may not be what God has planned for them, but there are, nobody can tell them that, but God, yeah. Like you can be there to help them along the way, but you can't sit there and be like, oh, that's bad. You shouldn't be doing that. Like, you can be a loving hand and be like, this may not be the best thing for you, but I'm going to love you through it and be there for you anyways, because God knows their purpose. You. We don't. So we always have to keep that in mind. And I think that's such a big problem, this, because today we feel need to just, just be so judgemental and so hateful to one another. And it's over things that we believe. And it's just really nobody's, it's nobody's business, but God's like, yeah, it's God's plan and everything is so much bigger than us. Like the whole purpose of every each and every one of our lives is so much bigger than us. And I don't think we realized that. I think also like you can't hold other people to the standards that you have for yourself because. We're walking in our like, life with the Lord right now, but some people may not have had that yet. They haven't had that earth shattering. I love Jesus experience, but that doesn't make them a bad person. It just means that they're not in that part of life yet. Right. And so you just have to be there, show them love and try and get them as close as you can, without it coming from a judgmental way. Or like you're trying to push your beliefs on somebody or anything like that. It needs to come from a place of love and just you like genuinely. Wanting the best for that person and wanting them to have a relationship with God and not from a place of like, well, that's wrong. Yeah. You know? Yeah. And it's so hard to deal with because we, everybody has an opinion these days. And like everybody, like, even growing up, like you said earlier, We basically have our lives like laid out for us. Like, you're going to go to high school. And then you're going to college and then you're going to get a job and then you're going to have kids and then you get married and blah, blah, blah, like. Yeah, we think I said this last week, too, that we expect. Things to go in such an according to our, like a plan, we have a plan laid on our head. Like we're going to get married by the age of 25. We're going to have a job. We're going to have kids. That's not, that's not up to you. Oh, God, because if we did, if we did it on our timing, It wouldn't be right. Like, cause we are, we are in sinful nature and we do everything selfishly, but God. Thinks a whole different way. And he's going to do it selflessly and has a purpose to everything. There is absolutely no coincidence with God. Like we have Godwin modes all at Tom. And something people might call them. Once it is. Coincidences, but I don't believe in their God. They're literally God, like God has a purpose for everything. So he has a purpose for you. He has a purpose for, you know, we actually about like our sermon today. I was about like Noah is sending the dove out and he came back when and all the branch like that does had a purpose. God gave him the purpose of going to get that branch to let know. I know. That the arc was, or the flood was ending and that there was land. Like everything has a purpose, even the animals. So please, I. I just think that a lot of girls now just feel like they have no purpose and they feel like. They're going through the motions and you may be. Quote unquote, going through the motions right now. But those motions are always a part of God's plan. Like you can't do anything to mess it up. So just keep praying and keep pushing. Ask ask him what you're supposed to be doing because in the end, his purpose is our purpose. I think it's also good to think about whenever he sent out, the dove sent out a Raven to. And the right and didn't come back. Yeah, because that, wasn't the Raven's purpose. And you can't get mad at the Raven for not coming back because the Raven might've had another purpose. And he was supposed to go. Exactly. And so that's why like judging people. It's not, it's not a place because their purpose may be to go through something that brings them to God and hear you to say. Oh, well, you're not living for the Lord. Like how can you even do, how can you even fulfill your purpose if you're going to be like that? And people and just do it. I don't understand why. Our culture and our, our generation can't. Just. Except that God is working on them. Just like God is working in you. Yeah, because we're never going to be perfect. And if you don't ask him. Like to help you and guide you. Like it just won't. W happen and you can't. You can't fulfill, you can always will fulfill the purpose. He will come and find you some way in somehow. But it just may be a little harder instead of just being like, God, I give it all to you. Like take it and run with it. And we're here. Like, just like we did with this, we didn't know. What we're doing, we're never going to be perfect. Like I mess up every day, even though that I'm trying to live for the Lord, I still sometimes backtrack and fall on my feet and fall on my face and be like, why did I do that? But God's always there to pick you back up and be like, look, you're learning from the experience. So keep on trucking. Yeah. What song is it that, um, says my hands touch the sky when my feet hit the ground or when my knees hit the ground, that's so good. It literally makes me want to cry every single time, because it's so true. Like God gets you in the Bally's. And the valleys is when you need him, like, and just feel his presence the most. I feel like I'm, we were talking about the song, the casting crown song, your world's not falling apart, but it's falling into place. Yes. So any bad things that is happening in your life? God's purpose for those things, maybe so much greater than what you think they are. Like, even though they may be horrible at the time when you're devastated. Good is always going to come for, come through it. I can not preach it enough. Yeah, like God is good. The enemy comes to kill steal and destroy, but God's plan is good. I've been seeing a lot too about how, like the devil will just like slightly alter what you think is right. And like what is supposed to be good? Like. He'll just slightly alter it a little bit so that you're like, oh, Okay. Yeah. And then like, it also makes you feel good in a time, but it's killing you. Like it's dead. Like it's bad. And so it makes you feel good for a season. Like as soon as you're doing it, there's a high of like, yeah, I just did that. Because it's worldly. And so you'll get like a worldly high, but it's actually killing you on the inside. And then it's just going to keep causing more and more problems and make you just more and more upset and more and more hurt. And so the only way to get rid of that is Jesus. So I've been reading a lot in Romans and, um, I've been really diving in and it was funny that our sermon was about the holy spirit today. If we think about it, this world is the devils. Like you were saying, how Jesus tint or the devil tempted Jesus and said, I'll give you. Everything in this world and Jesus, like, I don't want this world. This world is not this isn't. The world is not in my God. Like, so if we think about it in this way, too, You have to come to God and prepare your soul because we are saved. Jesus came to save us in our soul and save us from our sins. But our flesh is worldly. So it's going to stay here. So we have to work on our soul and our, and our purpose and our hearts to be with Jesus. Yeah. But our worldly flesh is going to die. But our spirit will never die. So if you work on finding your spirit, And then finding your purpose along with your spirit, you're going to live forever with Jesus. You're going to be saved and you're going to go to heaven with him. And your worldly desires will die here. Yeah. It's it's just a crazy thing to think about. And this is something that it's like crazy to me is oven dominant and be like, no, there's actually, you have a holy spirit within you. And that's, what's going to heaven. Crazy. Like whenever I've been feeling it so much lately, like. It's the most amazing thing ever. And it makes me so emotional every single time. Like. Just if you guys have never felt. Holy spirit one. Just pray for it because it is like the most, like, I feel like it's better than, I mean, I wouldn't know, cause I've never taken drugs, but like people talk about this high. Like, I feel like that feeling. Let's do a runner side. Christian high, you know what I mean? As you're just like feeling it and you're getting chills and you're just feeling good. And just like, it's something speaking to you. And so I just feel like when people talk about drugs, I'm like, no, man, you need to. The holy spirit in your life. That's like a whole, you're literally in a different world. Like your, what is of. Heaven. It's coming down and spending time with you and you just get to sing and praise him and just feel him. And it's, it's amazing. It's so amazing. Like you, the holy spirit inside you will awaken something in you. And that's also kind of goes along with like, knowing what your purpose is. Like I knew cause I got chills in my body when Payton texted me that we had, this is a part of our purpose. And, you know, it could grow to something else, but. You will know your purpose when it comes, because the Lord will speak to you. And if you haven't heard the Lord speak to you, ask. I feel like Lord, I want to hear you and I want to see you and I want to feel you. Because when you feel that holy spirit tug on your heart saying to go, you know, And, you know, when, you know, when, you know, Because you can just feel it. Your heart starts beating. We were talking about this at turns. I mean, today, this is our Sarah and Islam. I agree with this. But, uh, your heart starts beating really fast and you know, you have that pool and he's like, yes, Kevin, to me, come to me. I have this plan for you. And it's so good. And I just, I just can't preach it enough, please just ask and, you know, ask and you shall receive. Yeah. And on the other side, the holy spirit convicts you and. Tells you when this is not something that you're supposed to be doing. Like, if you're in a situation that's not good for you, it's not healthy or like it's gonna cause you something evil, you feel that. And you're just like, I can not get out of here fast enough. Like, this is just a bad pit in your stomach. Yeah. I mean, you know, and like we said earlier about finding something you may be in the wrong place and the holy spirit will tell you, or you'll have signs that are like, they point to a different direction. You know, you have to ask and you have to look for. But if you are in your wrong place right now, don't give up. Don't lose hope because just because you're in a bad place right now, doesn't mean it's not going to be good again. Yeah. You have to keep holding on and you have to keep praying and trusting in him. Uh, trust is the big word that's been coming up in my life as well. So with your purpose, you have to trust him that his plan is always greater. Because once again, it's not really our purpose, it's his purpose through us. So if you really want to, you know, And also like the Bible verse read earlier says if you trust in him, his purpose is going to be flourishing. Like your life is going to flourish because you're trusting him and you're relying on him. That doesn't mean you won't have trials, like we stated earlier, but I also think that when God sent you those trials, he's strengthening you in a way. Yes. And sometimes. You know, we ask God for strength. Like if we pray and we ask God to give us strength, or do you let us have more trust? He's going to, you know, I'm not like he's going to put your trust up. He's he's going to send you to the trials. That's going to make your trust. Yes, he's going to send you something to build on that trust because how are you going to learn if you never go through it? You know, if you never go through those hard times, how are you going to know what the good times are? You know, that's like recently I know that, um, I prayed for my finances. I was like, God, help me, like put my trust in you and not be anxious about my finances. Funny how I went without a job for like three weeks after that. Like I thought I was bad when I prayed. And then God was like, no, hold on. Yeah. Like, let's really get through this. If we're going to get, like, if you're going to put your trust in me. We're going to fully do it. And I was like, That's like color with my school. Like he's been sending me things to like, make me rely on him more. And finances was a big thing. When I first applied to nursing school, when I got in. I was like, Lord, I'm not gonna be able to work. Like I'm gonna be working very middle walling. So I don't know what funds I'm going to have. I was like, if this is your will. Then, please. Let me get through somehow. And that very next week must wait. Mainly she gave me something to help me get along. And I was like only God only God would know that I needed this right now. And so you have to trust him to get to the end goal because you are a vessel in the bigger purpose that he has for you. On top of that. I want to add that your desires, like in your heart have to be in the right place because it can't come from you. Can't be like, God. I need money. Yeah. Like I need, I need money. But being like, I trust you. I trust you. But being like. You're going to move me up, right? Like, you're going to give me that promotion, like in the back of your mind, because he knows what you're thinking. So you can't be like, Lord, I trust you. If you gave me this promotion. You know, like it has to be. Actually from a place where you're trusting him and you know that no matter what, like, if you have nothing tomorrow that you're still gonna trust him. You have to, you know, dive right in and start where you are because nothing's ever going to be a perfect timing, but you have to fully trust in him because it always is going to work out for his good. You know, you won't ever. You won't ever be at the perfect place at the perfect time, and he's always going to trust it. Like he's always going to make you want that trust and gain that trust because. You ha you have to rely on him to get to his end goal. It's kind of, it's just, it's scary. I know it is because you're like, oh Lord, are you actually going to argue? Through this one, because I don't see her right now and you may not, but you have to trust him that his purpose is greater than yours. I also wanted to go back to what you were saying earlier about timing, because. We do not have a say in timing at all. Like it is all on God's timing. And so you have to obey him. And if you're not obeying him, because you're like, oh, I'll start that tomorrow. Yeah. I'll do that tomorrow. I'll do that after I become a better Christian, I'll do that after this. I'll do that after this, you don't know if you're going to wake up tomorrow. You don't know if something's going to happen to you tomorrow. And so I wanted to read this story in the Bible because. I was reading it the other day and I was like, Say what. So, um, it's an ax five and it says now a man named Anna Niaz. Together with his wife, Sapphira also sold a piece of property with his wife's full knowledge. He kept back part of the money for himself, but bought, but brought the rest of it to the apostles feet. Then Peter said, and, and I asked, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart, that you have lied to the holy spirit and have kept yourself some of the money received for the land didn't I belong to you. Didn't it belong to you before it was sold and after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just as human beings, but to God's. But to God, when Anna Niaz heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. Then some young men came forward, wrapped up his body and carried him out and buried him. About three hours later, his wife came in not knowing what had happened. Peter asked her, tell me, is this the price you and, and I S paid for your land. Yes. And she said that this is the price. Peter said to her, how could you conspire to test the spirit of the Lord? Listen, the feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door and they will carry you out also. At that moment, she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. Great fear sees the whole church and all who heard about these events. That's insane to me. I didn't even know that story was in the Bible. Yeah. So you told me this week, like, but God knew the desires of their heart and they were keeping money. And. They died. And so their last thing that they ever did. Was wrong. God. Yeah. And so you just never know. When your last time to disappoint him maybe. And you don't want to do that. You want to live to please him. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that goes back to like, you know, we're talking about bearing good fruit. Like you reap what you sow. So if you're putting all your purpose and Tom into something, that's not of God. Then you're not going to produce good fruit and that purpose is not going to work out because it's not God's. And that brings me into another one of my verses. And it says a life devoted to things as it did a life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump. It God shaped life is a flourishing tree. Proverbs 1128. So if you're like trusting and all these worldly things to fulfill your purpose, then it's not going to flourish. You're going to produce bad fruit. You're going to have anxiety. You're going to have depression. You're going to have all these other things in your life because you're reaping what you sow, but you're reading the bad things. Yeah. You have to open your mind and open your heart and be like, is this what I'm supposed to be doing God? Or. Is there another way, because I'm not seeing it right now, but you have to look at your life and be like, am I producing good fruit? You have to look at the things that you're doing in your life. You had to look at the things like what, like what is going on in your day to day life that is producing this fruit that you're getting? Is it good or is it bad? Because if it's bad, then you need to run. Yeah, because the enemy is lying to you. And he's telling you, these things are good in reality, they're not. So. It's also been heavy on my heart lately, about how like the timing and choosing when you're going to obey God and when you're not going to obey God and you're like, ah, No, I'll start tomorrow, but I have been convicted about how none of us treat Sundays, like the Sabbath anymore. Yeah, like we do not at all. We're like, oh, I can't go to church. I have to work. What. Like, no, and I did that for years. I'd be like, no, like I have to go to work and it's just like, He does things for our own health and for our own good. So if the creator of the universe. Had to take a rest day. It's no wonder where all miserable and depressed. And like, if we're not resting, when the creator had to rest, what are you doing? That's so good. Like. Even if you just sit there because like in our, like, it's not very, and I don't want to say it's not realistic because the people back then had to work a lot harder than we do now. Like, it is not that hard to take a rest day nowadays, but back then, like, Farmers would just like, let their stuff go bad and they'd be like, oh no, not today. Like we can't. They couldn't do anything except rest and like, love the Lord. And so it's just been so normalized to not worship on Sundays or to not take rest days that I feel like that's a lot of the reason that we're also anxious as if like, if you're treating every single day of your week. Like it's just every other day, then you're never going to have rest. And you're constantly going to be on overdrive and working because. You're just like trying to play catch up, but God's going to bless the things that you're doing for him. So if you just take a seat back and you're like, even if you just start is like, I'm only going to do things that I want to do today that aren't work. Like if we start there and we're like, I'm not going to work today because. God said rest, like if you just take a day to enjoy life and to enjoy God, I feel like it would change us so much. It really would, but I think that's also, the enemy has a huge role in that. He has corrupted this entire world to think that we have no time to rest, that we have no time to rest because we're going to be short on money. We're going to be short on time. We're going to, we're not going to get this promotion that we want. If we don't work 10 times harder or we're not going to succeed. And I think that is such a, it's a such a trick that he's played on this entire world. The thing that we're not ever going to be good enough if we don't work and not to say that hard work is not a good thing, because you know, the Bible says it's good. Yes. It is a great thing to, you know, put in that time and put in that work and, you know, working for your purpose, you have to put in the time of what you have to learn. You have to read your Bible, you have to pray, know what God is trying to say to you, because if you don't put in that hard work and trying to do these things, it won't succeed. And if he's put something on your heart, that is a bigger thing than yourself, then you have to work on extra time because. Um, you're trying to fulfill what he has for you, but that doesn't mean that you don't take rest days. The status they're supposed to be. Holy. And they're that they're like that for a reason, like you said, like if God had to take a day of rest, that imagined what we need. Yeah, because he's the creator of the universe. And I think that's a great point that you brought up and it really kind of ties into, you know, your purpose is because a lot of the times on the other hand, the people that think that they know their purpose, they're working on overdrive. And then maybe just for now, yes. And so they may, like, you may start to think that your purpose isn't your purpose, just because you're working too hard in it. Yeah. And so like don't disobey God and don't disobey keeping the Sabbath holy and not doing stuff like that. Don't disobeyed that just because you're trying to work harder to fulfill his purpose because his purpose for you is not going to go against his word. And you can not forget, like who gave you your purpose? You could work so hard and, you know, feel like you don't have time to spend time with the Lord, but in reality, he gave you that opportunity. So it's not going to work without him. Yeah. So you're going to have to spend time in your word and do all the things and at least have a day with him. Uh, to be successful because we can't fulfill his purpose without him. So. No matter how hard you try and things like that, but you just, you have to always trust him and rely on him or it won't work. And I think that's another thing that you could kind of look at too pro God never promises that there won't be trials. And so if you have a bump in the road, It doesn't mean that's not Scott purpose for you. It could just be that he's telling you to slow down. White on him. And, um, or he's like making you rely on him more, you could be working overtime and you're not relying on him. And so that's why he sent you a little bump in the road and be like, Hey, slow down. And I've got you. I heard something recently, that was like, it said anything that is world main or world made also has to be world maintained. So like, if you. Yourself, and of this world tried to achieve that. Don't come to God and be like, oh, please bless me. Now. You. He wants to be in it the whole time he wants to. Yeah. He wants to help you give it to you. Cause if he's giving it to you, it's going to be so much greater than whatever you could achieve on your own. Yeah. He's gotta be there from the start because he gives you the idea in the first place and he gives you that purpose. So he wants to be along for the ride because all in the end, it's all the horrify, him, everything we do in life should be to glorify him. And if our purpose in life is not that, then it's not it. Yeah. If it's not going to glorify God, then it's not your purpose. So if you're relying on worldly things and doing worldly things, You're going to receive death, but if you rely on the Lord, you're going to receive life. Yeah, I think it's important too, that like, he's not just your God in a fraction of your life. Like he's not just your God, when it comes to work and you want a day off or you want. To get a race. He needs to be your God in your relationship. He needs to be your God in all of our relationships and trust in patients and all of that. Like, you need to rely on him for everything, your finances, your house, everything needs to be put to him. It can't just be the part that you're struggling with. Yeah. I think another thing too, like how something that kind of prevents us from finding our purpose is that we hold on to it. Like, we're like, no, don't take it away from me because I know it's best. Well, no, you don't know its best. You have to let it go. And that prevents us from doing so many things because we're too scared. We're too scared to let it go. And I'm guilty. I've done it my whole life. I'm like, are you sure Lord, like, I don't know about this. And so to find your purpose, you really have to just let go and let God do what he's going to do in your life. You have to pray and work to find out what he's got for you, but you can't, you can't just sit back and hold onto that one thing just because you're too scared to let it go. Because if you're too scared to let it go, it will never be. Yeah. And it's just like, at the end of the day, you have to come to terms with, if I lose everything tomorrow that's of this world, I still have the Lord. I still have the holy spirit in me. Like we're going to be fine. Yeah. And that's a really hard thing to do. And it's something. I think every single one of us in the road struggle with. But, you know, Like Arthur and said today, you have to trust him with everything and let him know, like, he's going to let us know that everything's going to be okay. Like you can't have that worry in the back of your mind. Like, is this going to work out? Like you don't know because you haven't tried it. You're too scared. So when you fully let go and let God do it, you see things start to move and it doesn't mean it's not going to be, you know, easy. But it's good. It's going to work out because it's God's plan. And he's always going to have the best plan in mind for the entire world. Like he knew your purpose before you're even born. He was, had a whole bigger picture. And so please don't ever think that your life does not have purpose because God would not create anything without a purpose. Yeah. You've granted everything for it. So true. That's crazy to think about it. Every little thing has a purpose. Literally. You think about like so multiple purposes because they're going to impact multiple different people. Yes. You are like everything in life has a purpose. And it truly is not our purpose. It's his, our purpose is his purpose. And so. I think. I think some people are feeling it right now. Yeah. We just really encourage you to, you know, step out. Use your faith and come to Jesus because we see it going on in the world today. And we think that there's a tug on everybody's heart. And if it's the tugging on yours, please reach out to us, reached out to your pastor. And we can help you fulfill your purpose and by praying Just letting the whole holy spirit guide you because we don't know what's good for your life, but God does. Right. And. We can be there to cheer you along. So we really, who we just encourage you. If you feel the holy spirit tagging in you, follow it and say, God, I am ready to take the next step because wouldn't you rather. I do. What God asks you to and obey. And just know that at least I did this and I feel good about it. Then to constantly wonder what could have happened if I would have done that. Yeah. It's hard because you know, you, you wonder and like I've done this before too. You feel the holy spirit tugging on you. And you don't do it. And like Armenia says all the time, do it because you don't know what you missed out on. And so if the whole experience is tugging on your heart, go. Because it's you're like, if you don't, you're sitting back wondering what would have happened. Yeah. And if you do sit back because we've all done it. It doesn't mean it's not gonna happen again. Yeah. So the next time it does happen run, I struggle with this so much in church. I'm trying to run to it, to it. Yes. Sorry. Away from it. But I struggle with that in church. So I got to like stand up. If you feel the holy spirit. Then you're also like, no, you're not. And you're like battling with the holy spirit. You're like, you're not telling me that. Just hearing that. People are gonna think I'm weird. And I think that's such a big lie too, that the enemy tells us, like we're going to, we're going to fail or you're going to be with. Also just like nobody is looking at you. Like, everything seems so much more intense than your brain, but like, Everyone's not just like staring at you and wondering what you're doing the whole time. We're like, is she going to stand up? They're worried about themselves. And I said, it's gonna look weird when I stand up. Like I'm not worried about you. They're worried about how they're going to be perceived. And you could also be that leader. Like you could be that encouragement for somebody else to stand up and be like, Hey, I'm ready to go. When I'm ready to follow the Lord. So you never know who you're going to impact. You never going to know what your purpose is because God's purpose is so much bigger than ours. Yeah, but you just have to go, you have to do it because it's going to be great, whatever it is. So just be excited for that. I think too, sometimes we get scared and are kind of nervous about what's going to happen. Benefits of God. It's going to be great. I think also like people aren't really as scary as they seem like, if you feel like you need to go like. Say something to this person, like the chances are she's going to be like, what. Yeah. And like be into it. Like, I feel like it's very rare that people are like, get away from me. You know, like a lot of times people are going to be receptive and like talk to you and be like, oh, that's cool. Even if they don't understand or believe they're going to be like, Okay. Yeah, I really think so too. Um, I think I kind of want to close this out with a Bible verse. Okay. So it says and we know that in all things, God works for. Good of those who love him. And who have been called according to his purpose. So if you love God and you have him in your heart. And you ask him, he's going to give you a purpose. That's filled with love and it's going to flourish. That's such a good, it's going to be all for his glory and it's going to flourish you. And you're going to learn so much. So, if we can just encourage you with anything today is to just go and ask him. What he has for you. Because it's his purpose, not ours. Yeah, just Lord, how can I please? You? Yep. Absolutely. Well, we love you guys, and we want you to remember that you're more precious than rubies. Thank you all for watching this week. We hope you all have a blessed week.