A Day in the Life Of

Episode 2: ADITLO Trying to Find the ONE

February 14, 2023 Eve Miller
Episode 2: ADITLO Trying to Find the ONE
A Day in the Life Of

Welcome back to the day in the life of podcasts. It's Ian Payden. And today we're joined with my fiance, Caleb and Eve's fiance, Tanner. We wanted to have them on this week since it's Valentine's. And we wanted to talk a little bit about love with you guys. Yep. So we're going to tell you all our stories and you know, how we met them and. Oh, we got here today. So, um, This is probably outside Tanner. Um, wait a minute online. Well, he slid into money and. Um, we met our senior year. I had just gotten out of a relationship, but I told myself that I was not dating anyone my senior year. Until he came along and I usually don't answer DNS. So I don't know what may be. Answer him. In the first place. But I did. And like three weeks later we started hanging out. Yep. I don't know what made you want to DM me. Because that really isn't me either. Like, or it wasn't me, I guess. I wasn't fixing the slot in someone's DNA or. But I don't know it. It was just weird, I guess, because. I don't know. I just felt like I was supposed to. But I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. He took me out on our first date with his best friend. Yeah. Like it wasn't even just me. hang out. Did y'all go to Delaware. You the first time we like hung out was actually icon to him and to coming and buy me a fish because I wasn't 18. So he came there. I was like, Kayla, like. I need you here. They will let me buy a fish because I need someone who's 18. And so he comes over and they didn't even ID me. and then he hung out with me again. But yeah, there were like a few times that like you would bring people and you like wouldn't like any times you'd visit me at work. You'd bring somebody, you wouldn't come by yourself. He was never by himself. For like the first. Three days. I dunno. He's my go to. I didn't want to go alone. Yeah. Um, we like. So we're going on the other double date again. Like, what are we going to actually hang out? One-on-one yeah. Yeah. When we first, I guess when we first met in person, She wanted me to come watch her volleyball game. And so I was like, yeah, I'm not going to somewhere. I've never been born. First of all, alone. So I took Bryce and then we went out to eat after. Like I met your parents at. parents the first time we ever met. It's also just so awkward and fun and not like phase of being like, yeah, you should like, come hang out with me, but like, don't think that I like you and listen. Yes. Well, I didn't even think he liked me because he didn't kiss me until our like fourth date. And I was like, well, I guess that could have been part that he, he brought rice on every single day before that, but. Because he wouldn't kiss me. But then I found out, he said he was scared. Because. Before really? Uh, I don't know. Relationships. I had a, like a year and a half relationship, and that was about the only thing, but I don't know. Never I met her. It was different because. Just felt different. It felt like it was supposed to be there. And it was, and it was real for me, but yeah, he knew. Yeah. He knew on the first day. And I did not, it took me. Uh, long to not a long time, I guess maybe like two or three months. Yeah. Me and Bryce pulled out of the driveway when we were leaving, I looked at him and I was like, man, There's something weird going on with this. You wanted to tell me you love me. that's all it took. It was crazy. And a quick and that. She was in the womb. Yeah, I look back on it now. Like I keep a, a Bible journal and like her prayer journal. And like I said earlier, I had gotten out of a relationship that was not so great. And, um, Or many relationships that were not so great. And I had, like, I was like, I'm done like at Lord. I don't want any more. And steps, unless you send me the one. And like I wrote that down in my journal. And then like two weeks later I had written in my journal. About Tanner. And I was like, looking back on it. It was weird, but I was like a little Godwin moment. Like, Hey, you prayed for him. And so now you're going to get. But I know you guys have kind of a similar. We do have a similar story. So I found out who killed was he was like a senior at our school and I was, it was like the end of my sophomore year. So it was probably like April or may cause it was prom season. And um, one of my friends showed him to me. It was like, you need to go to prom with him. Like he doesn't have a day and all this stuff. And it was like, Sign me up, but don't tell him who I am, because I don't want to get rejected. And then, um, we didn't end up going to prom together and we hadn't really talked or met or like, I didn't think he even knew who I was, but I was mutual friends with some of his friends. And so I kept talking to his friends, but like over the summer, There was like kind of this situation that I had going on. And then I just started to like, feel sick about it. And I was like, God, this is not the guy for me. Just take him out of my life. Like, I'm tired of all of this. I'm tired of dealing with it. Just send me the man that I'm supposed to marry. Yeah. And so. Like in that moment, I got that. Hey, Paden texts. That guy was done. And I was like, Oh, weird. Um, and then like, uh, two days later, I think it probably was, he adds me on Snapchat and I was like, And so, yeah, we like started Snapchatting and, um, have literally talked every day since then. Yeah, slate. Yeah, my friend. So my friend, um, is his friend's little sister. And so I would always hang out with Taylor and he would hang out with Ethan. And so he posted a picture with Ethan's dog and I slid up on the story and I was like, slick. And that's how we started talking. And we've literally talked every day since then. Um, But yeah, like what finally? Cause it literally took you. We started Snapchatting in. July like July 1st and you did not. Hang out with me until like the end of September. So what took you so long? It was getting out of a three-year relationship. And there's no one to. Restart with somebody else. Cause like you put so much time into a relationship and. It's not tiring, but it just takes a lot of. It takes a toll. Y'all were both scared. But I think the scaredness came from their intentions. Like they knew that man, something's different about this girl. So if I start dating her, my not, I'm not going to say my life's over, but like life, as I know, it's over. My life's going to be around her. I don't want to go through another three years. And I mean, I wouldn't call it a waste cause you know, you're building relationships and stuff, but. But once it's over it. Fisher, like all that for what you've learned things, but like you don't still have that relationship with that person. So Tanner honestly, He went, he backtracked a little bit and her relationship. We dated for what a year. And then I was about to go off to college. ducks. I have a problem for college. Cause he was scared that I was going to leave him first. That segues into our trust. Yeah. Yeah. So if we would've told Tanner back then, And be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much. And whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. You know, since you never gave him reason. To not be trustworthy before, like, I feel like that's a good thing in our relationship. Like I knew he was different because he would leave the house and I'm like, goodbye, like have fun. And I wouldn't really be like, where are you going? Who are you talking to? You're going to see. I'm guilty of that. There are still, she. Struggle with it. But I think honestly, it's from my past, like I have been cheated on and it's horrible. And so like, I think that's where. I'm not distressed because I do trust him. It's just, I think. I don't do it as much as any anymore. Like it used to be bad. And that was part of the reason that he broke up. Um, but with those. I think I've gotten better. You can let say otherwise. But he never asks questions. He's like, okay, just be careful. And I'm like, Well, what am I going to do? Don't. Don't you care? Who's going to be there. How are you going to get there? And what time will you be back? I'm also curious. That is just being a woman and being like, we think about the steps of everything and y'all are like, you have to think about these things. We just had counseling two weeks ago. And they're like, what are your biggest pet peeves about each other? And him not planning was like my number one thing, because I try to get things done in a week. I'm like, I need to know what I'm doing now. Throughout this week, so I can like plan accordingly and he's like, oh, I don't know. Like, I'm just going to have to wait. At all. Uh, if I suppose. I have no idea what I'm doing that night, that next day, the next hour. I mean, my. I was like, even throughout the day. Everything has to be done in such a logical chronological way. Like if you're like, he'll go to just do something sometimes, because that's just what he wants to do on his list. But I'm like, why would you do that before you do this, this, this, and this. Like you have to do this, this and this and this before you can even think about doing that. Like. I already have planned. Waking up what we need to eat for breakfast, because that's on the way to the thing that we have to do for this thing that we have to do. And so like, that's just the way that I think, and he's just like, we'll get there when you get there. I'm not that organized. It's not an organized, it's just like, my brain is not okay if we don't do things the way that they're supposed to be done. I get, I do understand why. I wouldn't say problem, but you do deal with that too. Yes. If things are not, if I have something planned and it doesn't happen, it. Literally burns. If it happens in like the wrong way and you feel like you're backtracking. Like if I would've known about something and I could have picked that up on the way to doing something else, rather than having to go back and like do, like, it's not really that big of a deal, but to me, I'm like, Yeah. Yeah, there was one day I got so upset because, um, I don't know if he was late coming home. We were like, just taking our time, doing something. And then we found out that the gym closed at six and I was like, And I'm like, I don't even normally care that much about it. He's the one that got me to go to the gym. And I was going to talk about that, um, about how, like you guys. Just to remind me, bring up hobbies later. But like, it wasn't even like that big of a deal, but like my whole day was just over since like one little thing on my plan. Got like, yeah, dismissed. I think that's one of the biggest and hardest things in relationships is because they were so different like that. And I think that's what I love. Like we love about each other because we're different, but we also have similarities to like our values and like our beliefs and stuff like that. But. Trying to like form. Uh, marriage and grow in a relationship together is hard. Yeah. And I think people struggle with that. And sometimes they almost give up in a sense, and that's why many relationships don't work out. But then you have on the other hand too, you gotta know when to lead to if it's toxic, because if you have a toxic relationship and it's not of God, it's never going to be right. If you can invite God into that relationship, then. You might as well say goodbye because it won't last. Yeah, especially because God wants to be the center of everything in your life. So like, even in relationships with people like us that are just starting out or our grandparents that are 60 years old, like if God's still not the center of your relationship, Then, like he'd rather go up to snotty and be together and be focused on him. Then to not be able to focus on him as a collective. And I think, I think people today, honestly, too, we put so much stress on finding the one, finding that relationship. Like I have to be married by 25. Like I have to be in, I had. I had to have kids by 30. Like we think like that, but it's really not up to us. It's up to God. And if you're not in the right mindset to have a relationship and to, you know, learn to love through God, God's not going to give you a relationship. You, he would rather, you be single and. And he'll give you a relationship because you're choosing that relationship and you're just going to settle and be miserable. You know, But appreciate your seeing the list. That's I mean, that's one of the biggest things, too, even though we're sitting here talking about love and we're about to get married. It appreciate your singleness because you do grow. That's one of the, the biggest growth moments that you will have in your life. I know when we broke up. I had like a lot of growing up to do and. Like in the short. Yeah, both of us. It's that short time span. You know, you, you grow with your relationship with the Lord and you work on yourself and he prepares you to find the one that you're supposed to be with, you know, I bet a part of it also made you guys like appreciate each other more. Once we got together, it was like something totally different. Like we just, I feel like we were in love even more. Yeah. For sure. And sometimes like, To say to if, if one of you girls is in a relationship and you know, you're broken up right now. I knew in my heart that we were going to get back together. I think he did two little dude. But yeah. Yeah. He was like, wait, not take it back. It was one of the hardest breakups ever, because we both knew that we needed that calm apart because we weren't, we weren't growing enough in ourselves. Yeah. Like we were still so young and we're still young now, but we had so much to learn. And I do appreciate, even though it was, it, it was so bad that time, like. I cried myself asleep every single night. Like not even kidding. For like a solid strike three months. You can ask my first college roommate. So. Um, but you know, Like I said too, if, if you're in a relationship right now and you're taking a break, you may just, gosh, they be telling you to know, grow and work on yourself because you have to trust him first before you can love anyone else. Yes. I have a Bible verse for that one. It says. I would like you to be free from concern and unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs. How can he please the Lord, but a married man is concerned about the affairs of the world and he can please, his wife and his interests are divided and unmarried woman or Virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs. Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit, but a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world. How can she please her husband? I'm saying this for your own. Good. Not to restrict you. But that you will live in the right way and undivided devotion to the Lord. So that just shows that like, sometimes you need that time apart. So that you can get back on track for the Lord. Yeah. Like I just, I mean, I can't say this now, but appreciate your singleness. I told my little, this all the time, like. The moment that you stop trying to pursue a man it's usually when he comes into your life. And like, you're not supposed to be the one pursuing him. Like you can put yourself in situations to be more available to him. But like, you're not like it's not going to work unless it's his idea. Right, right. And that's difficult though. Like, The man is supposed to, you know, come to the woman and leave his home and joined the woman and he leads the household and, that's how God intended it to be. And so that's how it's going to be most of the time. And. God wants the man to step up and be the leader of the household. And, you have to find that. And man, because. If you're looking at any other way, it's just not going to be like he has to be at the Lord. You know, It's not going to work. Like it's, it's all about knowing him and having that relationship with him first. And then God will create you to be the woman that you're supposed to be for this man. And he's also working on the man to come to you. So you can't force that time period. It will come when it's supposed to come. It also reminds me of like the Bible verse about how, um, if you have like desires for the Lord in your heart, then you're going to produce good fruit. And if you don't, then you're gonna produce bad fruit. Like you don't want to start a relationship with somebody. Even if you don't know that they aren't Christian at first, like, but if you like see that they're not living for the Lord, then they're not going to produce good fruit. And like, you don't want that in your relationship because it's just going to be a bunch of negativity, right. And like when we were talking before we even started this, you know, About, you can't change people like. Tim said this earlier. Like you, no matter how hard you try, like you can't change people like the Lord is going to have to change them for themselves and they're going to have to want to change. So if you're pursuing someone that, you think you can try to change. I mean, you can't, you can't. I've I've tried before. And you can be their friend. And want to lead them to Jesus, but like, that doesn't mean that. I'll do it and show them the way. But you don't want to be stuck in that relationship with them and just be waiting for them to be somebody that they're not. Yeah. The horse to water. I can drink. I think that's, it's so important because. A lot of girls today think that they can change. Uh, boy. And it's, it's just, I mean, I'm, I'm guilty of it too. I tried in high school, like, oh yeah, I can change him. Like I can lead him to the, to the Lord. And maybe you can, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you need to be with them because it's also like you're not supposed to be leading him. Yes. He's supposed to be leading you. So like you can lead your friend. To Christ, but the man for you should be wanting to work on it on his own. Um, but yeah, I was super guilty of that. Like Caleb's the first man that I've ever truly loved because before I think I really just like loved the idea of people, you know? Like I love the idea of what I thought that they could be or the idea I had of them in my head. But then it's like, do you actually even know that person at all? Yeah. I know for me, it was hard to stay single. I don't know. At least like had to like somebody at all times. And I'm just like, yes, you didn't even like them. Yeah. It was hard for me to just be by myself. And I think that's what I needed for a long time, is. I need to define myself first. For anybody else and, you know, I think girls struggle with that so bad today because they want to force a relationship. And, you know, the enemy also tells you lies and says that, you know, you need a relationship right now. And. He throws that at you, like you're missing out on something, but you're really not. Like in the end, God is going to give you the one that you're supposed to be marrying in the perfect time. You can't force it in anything. So, it brings me one of my bowel versus dear friends that has continued to love one another for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God. And does God that anyone who does not, who does not love does not know God for God is love. God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only son into the world so that we might have eternal life. And, you know, God is love and he is the definition of love. And I think today, a lot of people have misconstrued. The, you know, the definition of love of what love is. Like today, and I hate to say this with hookup culture. It's love is can just misconstrued, like it is put upon as something completely different of what God says it is. Valued as much. No. It's not because, you know, with that toxic culture. It's, it's not love. I've heard things too. And it's like, isn't necessarily Bible related, but it's saying like, if you're not dating for marriage, then you're dating for divorce. Because if you have like a bunch of breakups and like you just go be with one person and you're like, they have, they're not for me. Like that sets you on the mindset of like, that people are just disposable and like, it's easier to leave. Cause like, it is not going to be easy every single day. Like there's going to be times that you're like, oh my goodness, like. Yeah, this is hard, but it's you have just like, stayed with that one and you've just been practicing, like staying with one person. Then it makes it a lot, like harder to get up because you're like not used to giving up. So like w we, we saw it was on Tik TOK actually. Um, to not use the word divorce, like they. I said, do not bring it up at all in your marriage, because if that thought enters your mind, do you think that there's a chance of giving up and why? Which ended up in marriage. There's, there's no room for giving up. And I think, you know, It's hard. Like, yes, like God doesn't promise us that there's not going to be storms and troubles, but I think in the end it makes your relationship stronger with your person. Like if you overcome those big battles, then you appreciate each other more. Like we were talking about earlier. So. You know, You just always got to keep pushing on. Yeah, that brings me to one of my Bible verses for like, when you have arguments. It's James. I can't even tell what that is because I haven't worked it up. 19, my dear brothers and sisters take note of this. Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, speak. Or because, human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. And then I'm also, um, there's Bible verses about how like the wise or slow to speak in the. So I think it's like, just sometimes you need to stop because you're going to say things that one you might not even mean, or like two, you're just thinking of, because like you're in anger, but like if you replayed that, you'd be like, that did not come out of my mouth. Yeah. Yeah. If you just stop and like sit on it for a little bit and then come together. I think a lot of what we've been working on too is like, you're not fighting each other. You're fighting the problem. Because like most of the time you're still on the same page and you're still trying to get it fixed, but it's just like the one problem. Yes. That needs to be attacked with both of you. So like come up with a solution, not mad at each other, cause we didn't most likely cause the problem. It's just like a problem. Yeah. And the enemy since a lot of your issues. And see when he wants you to get divorced, he hates marriage. Yeah. And I think once again, that's why we have such the biggest UNR Savi. He is because he hates marriage. But that versus so good to, you know, teach other that it, relationships are never going to be. You know, easy, but it doesn't mean that you should give up and you are on the same team. Like I love Alison to say to you, Barbara. Robertson. And that's what she always says about her and her husband that they're on the same team fighting the same battle. And so we've had to learn to like, not yell. Well, I yell he's. He's never yelled at me. I try to keep my composure. Um, Kim's yelled at me one time and it was just like, If he never yelled at me. It's like a stern talking to. I've never like raised my voice. Like one time, I was like, Yeah. It showed, but like, I wasn't learning. But then I was like, Ooh. It's funny though. Cause it's that thing where it's like the woman can be like, And then you put us in a place where like, Yeah. The one time that I think he ever tried to raise this. You left the situation. I hate when that happens, because I just, I don't know. I need time. Space space. So me, I see it as like, oh, so you're just going to leave. It's bad, both ways, but I don't know. That's how I deal with things. Cause I need time to think alone and I don't what you're doing, what the Lord says to do. Yeah, but, um, we, so we. To be better about that. Yeah. No, it convicts me a lot because I would rather us argue it out until we have an issue. Cause I hate when he goes silent on. The other thing too, is like, they're not necessarily just like peacefully going and doing, like, they're still like walking around it. And being mad, but they're being quiet, but you're just like mad. Cause you're like, oh, so you're just not gonna talk to me. And you're just going to like stop around, you know what I mean? So stuff around when he won't say. And slim, can it solve? Like, he goes solid and I'm like, I don't know how else to. zip. Zoning out like. Yeah. I'm like, okay. If you keep cleaning. Yeah, no. I'm the opposite. I'm like, I'm trying everything. And I might to make him see to me, like, Ah, this is so badly. We come down and I'll start pitching him. They won't talk to me. Or like, Turn the lights up. He's trying to nap or something. Uh, I don't know. I show up whenever I get mad. I used to do that bad for awhile. Cause I don't wanna say something. Because I'm angry. I used to just have a really big problem with like expressing my feelings. Yeah, I just like, couldn't talk and he'd be like, talk to me. Cause like, I think at first, whenever we would start to have arguments, like every time I would get upset, he probably just thought I was going to break up with him. Cause I just be like silent for hours, but I was just like going through it in my head, like just like upset. I have a bad problem with that. Like, uh, get in the head too much. Like if we fight. And I'm like, do you still love me? Like, do you saw. All the time. Just because we're fighting doesn't mean I don't love you. Yes. Or disagreements, but yeah, it's because I love you. That's what I told Kayla too. I'm like, if we ever stopped fighting, you need to be scared because like, Your neck. If you love somebody and you're with them all the time, like you're never not going to care about what they're doing, or like, they're always going to be able to say something that like makes you upset. So. It's because you care like. Like you care about what they think of you and you're going to be like, well, why would you think that about me? And you're going to feel bad or something? Yeah, no, that's how we've had. A difficult time trying to figure each other out, but I think everybody does. And. You just can't get up. Like we said, like you have to keep going. And you have to realize, like, I would not want to do this with anybody else. Like we literally get to spend our lives with each other forever all the time. And that's crazy. 10 of us all the time. Like I cannot imagine trying to date anyone else. Like I can do it makes me sick to my stomach. Like I told my friends this whole time, I was like, I don't know how y'all date, like, especially in this world. I just like, I don't know, not know how y'all date, like. Power to you, but there's just so much out there. I'm like, I don't even want to think about trying to go out and date again. A lot of like what people say about us since like, we did get engaged kind of young and like, they blame it on like, oh, well you're just Christian. And that's why you're getting engaged so young, but it's like, why. Like I see it as a waste of time. To go out to parties and date a bunch of people.'cause like, I would rather just have my one person. That's my best friend that I get to do everything with then go out and like, Have a bunch of random people break my heart. You. Yeah. He doesn't want you to. The most people. I honestly think that might be why he said us to each other, because we were living, you know, In that way, where it was party, you know, This and that like, you don't have to stay tied down, like, and it was, uh, it was a big, you know, sin in our, both of our eyes. And, um, I think that's honestly my inmate and why he sent us at the time. And like I said to, I kept getting burned and I was like, I'm done, I'm done. I just, somebody edited already single or just somebody, somebody else. And, you know, I think that's honestly too, when you. Give it up to him is when he's going to send you that person. And I just like. It wants you to try and find it out the whole time and be like, yeah. Yeah, literally all of high school, I just like tried to find the one, try the father one and I wasn't asking him. And I was like, finally, I'm just done. And then it's like, how do you think it's a new one every week? You're just like, oh, Yeah. This is the one. My dad used to tell me all the time he was like, you just fall in love, too fast. And I was like, what do you mean? He goes, you just think everybody's the one. My dad called Caleb that boy for months. Like I would have boys over because my house was just like the hangout house. And so like they met so many guys because like, I would just have friends over, like, I'd have guys over. And so he started calling him that boy, but then he was like, you sticking around Amy. Well, it's funny. Do y'all have like a certain definition of love. Do you think. Or do you like, do you have any advice for young girls? Or a young guy that. You got given advice for young girls? Like, what do you see? Yeah. Like what. You were a boy. What would you like intentions of like how to know that a guy's not serious about you or like, Yeah. How do you know that a guy's not being serious about you? Or how can you tell that? Like maybe you guys needing a little more from me, you as far as like, you're not. I don't know. Yeah. Like if you, if you know that like this guy likes you and you kind of like him, but like you're still hanging out with other people or like, what would you give. I feel like a lot of the times now, like girls just throw their shift for the guys. And that's not how it's supposed to be. Like we talked about earlier, you know, the guy should pursue and. Lead the situation, I guess. Yeah. Nowadays, it seems like the girls, you know, kind of just throw their stuff. But yeah, it shouldn't be like that. I don't say, yeah, my mom knew, I always used to tell me like, oh, you're growing up. Like you don't text the boy first. You don't call the boy first. Like they call you. Yeah. Like at the time, I was like, everybody else texts the boy first, like. And it would never work out and you're just like sitting there texts and texts and you're like, man. And my mom was like you and all that. I do not text them first. They're supposed to text you first. And I was like, Like, that's not even a real thing. Like you don't, but it is real because they liked you. They would text you first. They really would. And you know, you see it all the time out there and, you know, everybody has their own. Definition of love and like what fulfills them in their heart. But if, if you're needing such something from them and they're not giving it to you, then. You know, maybe you just need to look somewhere else because it don't wait for them to put it together. Because like we said, you can't change somebody. They're never going to just like, be like wake up one morning and be like, oh, she's the one when they've literally like you've had to text them first. Every single time you've had to ask them to hang out every single time. Like he don't want you. It takes too. Yeah. Yes. A relationship. And can I have. I have one person trying to mourn, not trying to. Yeah. I think, you know, If we just struggle with it and. It's honestly, like I said earlier, it's misconstrued the definition of love. And it's so sad to see in our society because we wonder why we have anxiety and all these other things, but we're not looking to God and asking him who he has for us. Like we're confiding in the world, two things we're going out and, you know, Trying to find that vocal for Sue and that boy, because he's super cute or he's, um, you know, whatever. But we're not looking back and thinking, you know what. What does he live Fu or like, am I ready for a relationship? Do not, am I portraying myself in the best way? For, um, my husband to come. Like, are you looking for those signs to say, Hey, maybe he is the one or Hey, maybe I should step away, you know? Yeah. I think that also is like, To think about in high school, like, why do you want this boyfriend or girlfriend, like. Do you want them because. You're like, cause like you're not ready for marriage at that age. So like, what are you thinking about like, what are your intentions, if you are. Like just trying to live for the Lord. Maybe you can have like some friends or like a not super, super serious relationship, but like, you're not like your freshman year. You should not just be like, so ready for a boyfriend. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like you need to like, Ask God for the timing, because he's not just gonna, I think so I think, you know, Even if you do get into a relationship and later on you find out that they weren't the one in your heartbroken. That will always be a lesson to you and you'll always grow stronger. Like I know for myself. Like in high school, I was, you know, boy crazy. I mean, every middle school girl is when they get to high school. It's not an uncommon thing, but you know, you, you step into this relationship thinking, you know, I'm going to be with this one forever. And in reality, you may like my parents were. You may not. And most of the time, those boys are not ready for an everlasting relationship. And. Breakups are good though. Cause like, In the relationship. If you like arguing a lot or whatever. You don't really see it. Whenever you get out of it, you can kind of sit back and reflect and see where you were. Yes, you can fix yourself for the next one. Be better for the next one. Yes, love is bond. And then that, from that personally, And your mothers are always right. You're always. Uh, but I mean, looking at. And they were like every little thing. They would see a difference in me. And I'd be like, y'all are just jealous. Don't like him. Y'all just, y'all just don't want me to be with him. There has to be a reason they don't. Yes. And they, you know, their intuition, they ha they know better than we do. Or like you tell them stories, you'll be like, oh yeah, this way. And they're like, He did that. And you're like, but it's fine. And they're like, no, it's not. And, you know, like makeup, you know, Maybe better. And once again, you're like, oh, but I can change him. Yeah, but like, I'm going to be the kid in. Yeah. I'm going to be the good influence in his life. And you know, my parents were so. They were so mad at me all through high school. They were so frustrated with me until I found tater, because they were like, you are just so blind by love right now. Like you were so blonde and there's so many people out there right now. That are completely Loveland. They just can't see what's right in front of them. And we talked about that last week too, about, you know, how, when we ask God to come into our lives or sometimes that blond, that blondness has lifted. And then, you know, when you asked the Lord for a relationship, you can just, you know, pray that scary for her that we always say, is he supposed to be my life or get him out? You know? And then it will happen. And you're going to be heartbroken at first because you're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. And you might even forget that you prayed that prayer. You know, cause it might happen a little bit later and then you're going to be like, wait, what happened? But something better is going to come along. You just got to keep praying. Yep. It always felt his plan is always best. But do y'all have any closing remarks that y'all want to say any other advice for our viewers? I know you guys had so much fun. That's great. Yeah, we'll have to have them on again. And maybe they'll talk a little more. We wanted you guys to get, to meet them and know a little bit of the backstory. Because some of the people may know me and some of the people may know Eve, so yeah, we just. Go ahead and introduce them and what other perfect week then Valentine's. We have, y'all enjoyed watching this week and we can't wait to hear from y'all soon. We love you. And you're more precious than rubies.