A Day in the Life Of

Epsiode 1: ADITLO a girl who wants to grow in her relationship with Jesus

February 07, 2023 Eve Miller
Epsiode 1: ADITLO a girl who wants to grow in her relationship with Jesus
A Day in the Life Of

so excited. Well, Hey everyone. Welcome to the day in the life of podcast it's Eve and Peyton, and we cannot wait to share our journey with you all through this podcast. We're so excited. This is episode. So, yeah. So our first episode, we kind of talked about it the other day. We wanted to start where we were and we wanted to kind of. Do you a day in the life of a girl who wants to grow her relationship with Jesus? And so we out, we're just going to jump right into it. And so, you know, we both grew up in Christian homes and we've known Jesus our whole lives. Yep. But we also know that there's a big struggle right now and finding that relationship and, um, you know, figuring out what that looks like with him. So I know for me personally, I went through so many deep dark things that, you know, made me turn to Jesus, but honestly it started in little steps, like for me growing up and then just having little tugs and pools. And then finally, I mean, I still struggle with it today. And, um, I still see glimpses of sometimes where I struggled to find that relationship with him, but I always work at it. And, you know, you can start with small steps and that lead to bigger ones. It always doesn't have to be a big, a big change. So, yeah, I think a lot of times. It may cause I felt like I was alone in this, but the more that I talk to people, the more that I realized that everybody kind of feels this way. When you grow up. In a Christian household, you believe in Jesus, your entire life, you know, like you grow up just knowing stories about him, but there. As you need him. And as you start to build your relationship with him, you see it differently. Like you start to actually have a relationship rather than just believing in him. And so just because your like I'm 19 years old, just because my relationship didn't start with him until I started to like, get in high school. Doesn't mean that I never believed in him previously. And so I think I struggled a lot with accepting. That I finally started my relationship with Jesus because I was like, well, I, I believe like I was scared, you know, I was like, I've got, I believed in you the whole time I believed in you, but I wasn't living my life for him. Right. And honestly, I think that's such a big deal in our generation right now is because honestly, you look and you're like, oh, Christianity. Um, she's that Jesus girl. And you're kind of like, what does that, what does that mean? What does that entail? Like, why is that looked down upon? Because I'm a Christian. And I think that's such a, it's such a fine line in our generation. And honestly kind of prevents us from having that relationship with him because we're still living the way that we used to live. We're still living in sin, which we're never going to get away from, but you can improve yourself and try to be the best you person you can be. But I think in this, this time period, it's almost looked down upon and you almost. I don't know, you get scared and you feel like you're going to be made fun of or embarrassed because you believe in Jesus, which is absolutely insane. Or even just in my circumstances, I'm. I don't want to say a control freak, but like I'm kind of on the line. And so if something starts to go away that I don't want it to, or if something's a mess. Sometimes I'm scared to give it to God because I'm like, what if he changes my plans? You know, like what if, what he has is different than what I have planned and like, am I willing to let that go? You know, But it's, it ends up so much greater. And that kind of brings me to one of the notes that I had made for today. So in Matthew eight, It's when, um, the story of when Jesus is leaving the boat with his disciples and he gets onto land and there's two demon possessed men. And there. Like the demons are just terrified of God or they're terrified of God. And so they're begging Jesus to release them into the pigs that are like hurting next door. And so. Jesus like accepts their wish and he releases them into those pigs. Well, those pigs pretty much commit suicide and just run down into the waves. And so they drowned and the people that were watching over the pigs end up saying. So it says the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region. And I just think that that's so crazy because you read that and you're like, they asked Jesus to leave. Like they asked the savior of the universe to leave. But it was because they were like, those pigs were everything they had and they were scared that since they were now gone, that the miracles Jesus was performing. Was going to have a negative impact on them, but he was able to make blind Mincey and he was able to make parallel Heisman walks. So like, imagine if they approached him differently and accepted him, how much greater that would have impacted their community rather than just dissing him and making him leave? No, absolutely. He always has a greater plan for sure. And I have dealt with this my entire life. I always like thought I was supposed to be doing something and, you know, I would be scared to give it to God because like, honestly, it was a big prevention for me from growing my relationship with Jesus, because I thought I knew it was this, obviously not. Um, or you're like, God, show me a sign. Yeah. Show me another son. Clearly, that's not what you mean. Yeah, sorry. That's not right. What do you mean? Like we know better. But no, literally that is one of it has been one of the biggest and hardest things that I have had to learn in my relationship with him is that I have to let things go. I literally just had something really personal happened this past week where it's, it's really going to change the rest of my life. And, um, you know, At this point, my, and my heart and soul. And I know now that I need to give it to him and, you know, I keep hearing the word trust and like, okay, I'm going to trust him with what he has planned for my life, because it's not mine. It's his, and I want to do everything I can. To work in his glory. You know. Yeah. But I think that brings up a lot of where. How do you know. If it's God, you know what I mean? Like, yeah. How. Do you get to a point where you can tell that it's God speaking and it's not just like your brain, you know what I mean? Like how so. That's a big struggle. Every day. It like every day it changes too, because it's still like, it's a repeating pattern. You just have to like, Put on your big girl pants and get into the word is like the main thing that I do, if I'm struggling is I'll call people that I know. Have Jesus in their life. And I'll just be like, will you pray for me? Like, I need to know if this is what God has. Please have him give me a sign. And I, a lot of what I've been praying for recently. Is for me to know God's voice. Like I just been like, God, I just want you. Like, I just want to learn you so much that there's no doubt in my mind, whether this is me being a control freak, or whether this is you like giving me that feeling that no paid. And that's what you're supposed to be doing. And so I called you one day, not too long ago, because I had been praying like, God, let me get better about talking to you so that I know what you sound like. But I was still scared, kind of to pray out loud. Like, it was just a thing that I was like, this is just like, I don't know. It feels weird. Like I feel anxious. And so I just kind of put it off and like, I was just not doing, I was like praying in my head, but I'm like, why are you? Like, I don't want to say embarrassed, but like, it's like, you just feel like weird about it. Yeah. And so there was one day that I was getting into my car. And I've never had any problems out of my car before. Ever. And I get in and my music won't turn on, like, nothing is happening and I just moved. So I have like a 30 minute drive to work and I was like, Well, what am I going to do? And then I was like, God wants me to pray. He wants me to pray out loud. I am right now. And I just knew that that's what I was supposed to be doing. And so I started to just pray for every single person I knew. Like I just prayed out loud just to get used to praying. I was just like going down the list. I was like, God, I pray for my sister. I pray for Eve. I pray for my mom. I pray for my dad. And I got so far down in the list that I was naming off every single coworker. I work with. Okay. And so I finally get to one coworker and I was like, Laura. I just pray for her. And I was like, well, I prayed for her son to. And I was saying them by name, I'm not going to say the name, but I was, I was saying them all by name. And then I was like, Lord. I pray for. Oh, What's his name? Like what's her, what's her boyfriend's name? And I was like, why can I not? And then I just go, Lord, tell me his name. Instantly. I just like, heard it. And it literally, like, it gave me chills right now, just talking about it, but it made me start crying because it's like, I just had to stop. Like I needed to get out of my head and do what he asked me to do. Because I have been praying for so long about it, but you can't just pray. You also yourself have to change. And you have to like, Do the things that need to be done in order for your prayers to be answered. Like you can't just be like, God, I want a million dollars and it fall into your lap. You still have to work for things. And so I was praying that I would get better at praying. But I wasn't praying. Made me better at talking to you, but I'm too scared to talk. Maybe that are talking, but I'm not going to speak. And so you just have to, you have to do it. And so as I was doing it, he, he showed me his voice. You know. Absolutely. I think that is one of the hardest things to come by. And, you know, I really had never heard the voice of Jesus or God until I became saved. And I stood still really like, sort of diving into the word. Um, here this past year, certainly I've been able to like discern what is God? And what's not. I get chills down my body. I know what I know. And I'm like, okay. Yeah, that was definitely from the Lord. Um, or if I'm like doing something I'm not supposed to do and the back of a mob. You know, like you're not supposed to be doing that. Like, And he literally just feels like empty or sometimes. Sometimes, like I have a really bad problem with being lazy, like really bad. And so sometimes like, I'll just find myself like wanting to sit there, but then like my self just gets up. I just automatically go and do the thing that's supposed to be doing, except even though it'd be sitting down and I'm like, you, I have just like changed my whole life. But, um, no. Yeah. Uh, it's really hard to discern the voice of Jesus. And I think it's something that you really do have to work towards. It's hard, but, um, you know, when, you know, because it's also hard to, whenever things get hard. I'd be like, God doesn't want me to do this. Absolutely. But it's like, that doesn't necessarily mean that because I've been seeing stuff recently that says that the enemy. Doesn't attack people who are already down. You know what I mean? Like if you're not walking with the Lord, Same doesn't care about you because he already has you, right. The Lord doesn't have you. So if the Lord doesn't have you, he has you exactly. That's the only two options. If you're not walking for the Lord. Then you're living for Satan. Um, I mean, that sounds bad, but like, it's the truth. Like if you're not doing and living your life for God, the only alternative is that Satan doesn't care because. He already has you, you know what I mean? And so that's not to say that people who don't believe in God, aren't going to have hardships, but the enemy's going to try harder. On people who believe in Jesus. Absolutely. He's going to work on overtime and he's going to be trying to get you down and he's going to get you questioning God. And like, he's going to get you to question if there even is a God, like he, that's what he's going to be working on because. He doesn't have to work on these other people because he already has them. He needs to work on you. So there's going to be more obstacles in your life sometimes. You just gotta rebuke them. Exactly. Get away from me. I do love that. You said, you know, when things get hard, it doesn't necessarily necessarily mean that you should stop, but you also have to know when it is your time to stop. Like, it is such a fine line to know like, okay, this is not God's plan for you and trying to work harder, but you know, when things get hard as it. I don't necessarily mean you give up, but maybe it's a different direction. Maybe it's a different pathway that the Lord is trying to teach you, or maybe he's telling you to wait. Like it could be saying, you know, hold on, hold off on this for a second. And then, then we'll go and do it. You know, his plan is always greater. And like I said earlier, I had a really, really tough decision to make this past week and I'm still going through it. And it's, it's been a very difficult, very, very, very, very difficult thing for me to do because I mean, it shapes my whole future, like, um, so I'm just kind of, you know, learning. To when, when things aren't going exactly right. Knowing when to stop those things and maybe, maybe rethink and say, you know, this might not be exactly what God has planned for me, or maybe he's telling you to wait, you know, I think it's also important that we talk about, cause we've talked about praying, right. But we haven't necessarily talked about, you know, like reading the Bible and getting into the word. And I just don't think that there has been a single time that I have opened my Bible when I was anxious about something. And like have not left being like, okay, God. Yeah. Like that's exactly. That's exactly what you needed me to hear. Yeah. You know, and like, I was super guilty about like, Just opening my Bible to a random page and thinking that that's like what God has to say. And sometimes. It is. There was one time and I have already like, posted and talked about this, but last year, Whenever I was super anxious about paying my taxes. Like I was crying. I was throwing a hissy fit. Like I was acting like a child. About having to pay in my taxes. And I was like, what do I do? And then I go to do my little Bible study because I'm supposed to be so good. And it says, Pay who you owe if taxes then pay taxes. And I was like, But it's like, he tells you which I'm going to do. It uses accountable. That's why like, just praying isn't enough because like, it's not going to be as direct. Sometimes it will be like me asking for something, but like, Like me asking, what's his name? That's a quick fix. Yeah. He can tell me the second, but another part of knowing when he's talking to you is like guys, he gave us an entire book. Like he didn't do this for no reason. This is literally a love letter from him. We can turn back to any time to see exactly what he wants us to know. And so like, When he was giving profits, like information. It blows my mind to think about like, what if, when he was telling them this, he knew that I was going to go through a situation. Yes. But so many years. You know what I mean? Everything. He knows every part of your life and every everybody's life matters. Yeah. He created you and he created a purpose for you. And I think that's why that, you know, In a part of ourself, we do yearn to be with Jesus and he chases after us. Even if we astray. Like he will leave the 99 to find that one. And I think that's, what's so pertinent in today's society is because, you know, Everybody is, you're not supposed to follow the crowd. And it's, it's honestly, it's looked down upon, if you don't follow the crowd and it's kind of like, whoa, you're not doing what everybody else is doing. What's so different about you. But honestly, you want to be that difference. You want to have that relationship with, with, with Jesus and you want people to know, like, what does she, what does she got in her life that I don't have. It could be a great eye-opener to anyone around you and, you know, so I just encourage everyone to just, you know, you really have to dive in the word and, you know, that's where it starts. You have to, you have to look in there and dive in and find out what he has for you. Yeah, I think that's really good. Um, I don't know if we've talked about this yet. I just, I love the ask. Seek not. In Matthew, um, it says ask, and it will be given to you seek and you'll find knock, and the door will be open for you for everyone who asks, receives, and the one who seek fines and to the one who knocks the door will be opened. That's awesome. So a lot of times it's just asking him. It literally. Oh yes. I have so many stories about that. Like I, I learned that a few weeks ago. Um, so. I had been waiting on this package to be delivered to my house. So this is so simple, but like going off to. Just ask and you shall receive like having that relationship with him, he cares about everything. And so I've been waiting on this package for like a week and it was over Christmas break. And so I was getting ready to go back to college. And you know how you can like track your package and see, you know, the estimated delivery date is blah, blah, blah. So I was supposed to go back on Wednesday and the package was supposed to be delivered on Wednesday. And like, in my mind, I was like, oh, I really wish I could get it to be delivered on Tuesday. And I heard the Lord tell me, ask. And I was like, like, you can control. To feel a little stupid. You're like. Oh, God, I don't want to ask you like. That big of a deal like. I'm just being whiny. Yes. Like the mail. That's just something that, you know, just happens. He was like, just ask. And I was like, okay, fine. So I've heard about it. And I got an email literally that Monday saying you're having Toby delivered tomorrow, Tuesday, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, oh my gosh. He really does care about the small things. It's not just, not just the big, huge life changing decisions. He cares about every of, all of them, even the smallest ones. And I'm going to have to name drop Mimi. You guys will see our Mimi. She's awesome. That woman is the best about if I call her. And complain about something. She goes well paid. And have you asked. Oh, No. And she's like, Well, what are you doing calling me? I'm not going to fix it. So it's just like, I got a new job this past week, but whenever I was like, during the interview stage, It took a while for them to get back to me. And so I was just like, Lord I've lived. I was like, I was like dealing with it. On my own. And then I was like, People were like, have you asked the Lord? I'm a guest. I'm like, yes, I have like, I've talked to him, but like, I've just been kind of praying more just to get the job. You know what I mean? I just feel like, Lord, give me this job, Lord, give me this job. And I, I hadn't gotten it. And so I go. Oh, God. If this is not the job for me, just take it out. Like, I'm not supposed to be doing this. Take it out. I walked back up to pick up my phone and I got the text saying that I got the job. That's crazy. He was literally like, when you say this stuff, I feel like people think that I'm lying. No, no. But it just happens. He was waiting on me to put trust in him. Yep. He was like, you're not getting it because you're getting it like. You know, you're getting it because you asked me if you can have it right. Yeah, no. Literally that's like one of the biggest things like that is such a scary question to ask. I don't know if any of you have ever prayed that question or, you know, if, if it's, if it's your will Lord, then let it be. If it's not getting out as maybe you would say. Um, I've prayed that prayer. I'm. Many of times, and there's many times where you know, it wasn't his will and it's scary. It's really scary. And once again, I'm bringing up what happened to me this past week. Cause it was, it's literally insane, but, um, I literally prayed if it's not your world and don't let it be done. And I've, I've had several indicators that have telling me, like, you know, Stop, but you know, that just happens. It happens in relationships that happens with jobs that happens with your career. I mean like your college career, your, you know, whatever it is. I mean, With relationships and we both have a similar story with this. We want to have the boys on. Sometime, but so. We'll get to hear from them. We both kind of have similar stories where we just like, kind of stopped at one point in our life and prayed for the man that we're supposed to marry. And like, boom. It's locked in our lives and it's crazy. Like. Maybe it doesn't say that she'll be like, did you pray for him? Or like, did you ask, did you ask. Girls that are struggling with finding a man. Did you ask God if that was supposed to be your husband or did you. Like. Do you know, he's not. And so you're just too scared to ask. You know what I mean? Yeah. That. It was me a lot of high school. I was like, I want him, I want him, I want them. I want them. And then it just wasn't happening. And I was like, why is it not happening? But God keeps you hidden. One and two. You can't be too scared because if you're scared to have the Lord in it, then the Lord's not in it. Exactly. I used to deal with that so much. Like I can relate to all of you girls going through things because in high school, like I literally was so scared to have a relationship with Jesus because I thought I was going to lose this boy. And serious. I literally did not tell what about boyfriends? I got baptized like that. Indicator like. You probably shouldn't be with this man. If you're too scared to tell him you got baptized. From him so hard. Are you trying exactly. And it goes to that too. Like having that relationship with him, you can't fully commit unless you just give it all to him. Like you, you truly do have to surrender your life over to him. And, you know, I honestly, when I got saved and baptized, it was one of the biggest things for me. It's like the biggest thing in my whole life. But, um, you know, you really, you start to see a change in, even if you backpedal and you know, you go back to your old ways and your old habits, it happens. Everyone goes back sometimes. And you, you sometimes relapse and you know, but God's still there to pick you back up and be like, no, you're my child. And you know, your purpose. So, I mean, I think, um, growing your relationship with him is like one of the biggest things that I think everyone struggles with, but it's, it's the, one of the most important things to have. So. Um, Do you have any other notes or anything? Yeah. I'm going to just talk one. I do. Um, we kind of wanted to talk about how. You know, there's not going to be a perfect time. Like right now is the perfect time. Yeah. You have to start now because. There's. You can't fix yourself before you have a relationship with Jesus. Jesus fixes you. Exactly. You. I love that. I got the other day. Yes. I did. Um, and so I had, I just came with all the Bible verses today. You know, when I'm confused. And that Bible and tell him to tell me what to say. And so, um, I I've been watching the chosen. It's so good. And so one of my favorite characters is Matthew. So I've been so deep into Matthew right now. Um, and so. When Jesus asked Matthew to follow him. That night, he went and ate dinner at his house and the Pharisees were asking the disciples, yo like. Why does your teacher hang out with all the sinners and the tax collectors and all those people? And Jesus responded to him in Matthew 12 and he said, That it's not the healthy who need a doctor, but it's the sick. But go and learn what this means. I desire mercy, not sacrifice for, I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners. And it's just like, that's the whole point that like, that's why Jesus came. Exactly what I mean, like he came for the ones that were down and that like nobody's righteous. Not a single one of us know, so you can't wait to be righteous. To have a relationship with him. Because you're never going to be that right. You know, and I think sometimes too, we struggle, like if we're never going to be perfect and wide and following the first place. Yeah. And you know, honestly, it's a big question and it's something that you might have to figure out for yourself. But for me personally, I know my life is 10 times better. Like even when I was doing all these horrible things and, you know, living a not so gladly life, like I didn't find like something was missing from me. Like, I felt like a hole in my heart that I couldn't fill a void with, you know, the, you know, whatever it was. Um, there was a hole in my heart that was, I was looking for and, you know, He's he's your conflation. Like he is a part of you. And I, I know that now my life is 10 times better than it was, and I see parts of him every single day throughout my life. And that's another thing when you start now. Like you can, like, like I said earlier, I took baby steps and it took me a long time to fully commit myself. To the Lord, because I was so scared of what others might think of me, or, you know what what's going to go. What's going to happen to me. Am I going to lose this boy? Like, are you sure Lord is really going to be better your way. Yeah. And so it took me a long time to fully commit and, you know, I still work on, on every day. I still backtrack. And sometimes I go back to old habits and I'm like, Hmm, you probably shouldn't do that. But you know, Like I said, the Lord is always there to pick you up. And so if you come to him, as you are now, then you can work your way and make yourself even better than you were just a day ago. Like by listening to worship or, you know, seeing the good things in life, doing good deeds, a smile to a person. Like, honestly, it's, it's it's God is in every part of your life. So there's no way around it. Like you said, you can't hide, hide yourself from the Lord because he's going to find you where you're at. Yeah. And he sees everything and he hears everything and, yeah. Um, I think one thing too, that like, Really hit me. While I was trying to grow a relationship with him was just the whole, like, Living for him, because once you start getting into the Bible, you start saying that he's like, even those who say that they believe in me, like when it comes to time, If you didn't do my work, I didn't know you. Yeah. You know what I mean? So like, you can't fully know Jesus, but not want to strive to be like him. And are we ever going to be like, like. We're no, we're never going to be that class. Absolutely not, but that doesn't mean that we can't share what he says and we can't try and impact everybody's lives. And. You know, just absolutely make the world a better place while we're here. And I fully wholeheartedly believe it starts with Jesus. I mean, If you want to. You know, impact this world, you do have to start somewhere and it is with Jesus. And I think growing with yourself personally first, and then you can go out and seek others, you know, start with yourself and. You know, grow to have that relationship with him and then spread your spread, which you know, out to the world. That's what we're called to do. You know, and the Bible specifically says, like, go out and spread my word. And, you know, you can't, you can't mess it up. You can do bad things and you can make bad decisions. What's God's always going to be there to forgive you. You. You know, I came upon the verse of Philippians one six, and it says on, I am certain that God who began the good work within you will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Jesus Christ returns. So your work is not finished, even if you feel like you were completely lost. And then you were the lost sheep and he he's coming to look for you. You know, you will always have a purpose and you will always finish that purpose before he comes before he brings you to heaven. Like it, you, you can, you can still build on what you have, even if you are struggling or you feel like you're living in sin. Yeah. Like it's, it's always, he's always going to be there. So I think it's crazy too. Like we just live, especially in like a part. Like since we're from the south and the Bible belt. Like everybody says. Um, Everyone thinks that they're Christian, you know? Yeah. But. There, if you're not like it. When you have a relationship with Jesus. There's a part in your mind that flips and you start to see. Like, I can't even stress it enough. Because of like how much it's changed, how I see everything, but like your entire like brain chemistry swaps to being like I'm supposed to be living for the Lord. Like. The whole, the whole entire universe was created. For us to be here to worship God. Right. Yes, no. There's actually a God. That. Like I it's, it's pretty hard to wrap your mind around. But like it was all created. And so. When people say things like, oh, well, why are you doing that? You're doing too much like, oh, you're doing too much. We can never be doing enough. He created us. Yeah. And people are like, oh, well, like you don't have to go to church every Sunday. What on earth could you possibly have? That is more important than going and worshiping God. Right. No, it is crazy, but. I Ms. Church sometimes on Sunday. So everyone needs to hear it. Peyton, what do you have? That's more important, right? And calling and worshiping God. And when you do that confliction, you're like, oh, wow. Um, on the hot seat now. Yeah, but we all do it. We all are guilty of it. It's just part of the thing, you know, going back to what you said about your eyes being opened. I know personally, like when I got saved it. And also it goes back to one of the sermons that I just heard at our church a couple Sundays ago about the blind man who began to see. Um, but actually like he tells that story in the Bible, but I honestly think he could be talking to us like we are blind to his people, to what he has for us. And so until we open our eyes and see what he has for us, we won't ever know. You know, and seeing things in a whole different light is when you, you form that relationship with Jesus and you look at every single aspect of your day and you think about him. And that's one of the biggest changes that I've seen in myself in the past year is I put Jesus in every part of my life. Like every part, like I see him as I drive down the road or, you know, as I'm doing schoolwork, like that's a crazy thing, but you do, you see him everywhere and when you form that relationship and that bond. Yeah. So it reminds me of, um, when Sadie Robertson said, you know, like what I do is I start my prayer every morning. And that's a great way to keep him involved in everything that you do. Because it's just never ending. Like there. He cares about the little details. Like. There's nothing that he doesn't seem, or he doesn't see important enough for you to talk to him about. Oh, absolutely. And you know, I think. A lot of us just don't know where to begin and. Because you are. Yep. And, you know, try and read your Bible. Um, get a good devotional, literally like. I am reading one. It's a Jesus calling. I don't know exactly what the title of it is though. Um, and I read it every morning and I literally am like conflicted each morning. And I'm like, this was made for me. Like he is. To me. And, um, so like just having those little reminders honestly, is something that can keep you going throughout the day and, you know, Starting that relationship with Jesus, or just pray and ask him me, like, I want, I want to start a relationship with you. I want it to be good and I want it to be pure. So, you know, open my heart and open my mind, you know? We, I can't appreciate it enough to just start where you are, come as you are. He says to come as you are. And honestly too, he will always use anything that you've ever been through in life for good. Like he take what, the enemy, like that song, he takes it to him and he uses for evil and he makes it for good. And so, you know, I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and he, his reason is always better. So make that jump and. No, what no. Whichever is them, or there's also like different things that you can do. Like if you want to use that, you're not a good reader as an excuse, like our cousins Cintas, um, On Spotify. There's like a lady who goes through the Bible. And speaks it. Yeah. And. So like you can listen to podcasts, you can listen to. You can watch the chosen, if you like TV shows, that is like, it's so good. Like insanely amazing. But like not sponsored. Yeah. Um, watching him perform these miracles and like actually seeing what Jesus did. Like it's. It was also like human. He just like cracking a joke or like, But he was so like in the show, he's very like, I don't know, almost sarcastic. sense of humor. Yes. And I love it. It just gives you a whole different perspective of, of God. Like. You're like, wow. Like, It's not as scary. Like we're supposed to fear God, but we're also supposed to love God because. You know, he's, it's like almost like it's a father type relationship. Like you're scared of your dad, but that doesn't mean that you're like, just. Terrified of him. Like you still joke around and you still get to like have fun times with them. Oh yeah. I think that, I think the, you know, father relationship is, it's a good, scared, like, it's not like the respect. Yes. It's a respect. It's a mutual, a mutual relationship. Like you want to do good because you want to please him, you know, why wouldn't, why wouldn't you want to please him? Because he literally. Like one day, we're going to go to heaven and rejoice with him. Like, you know, it's just, why wouldn't you want to start and do good for him. And then. It's just, it's totally awesome when you do, because your whole mind at whole heart is open to what he has planned for you. And I just feel like I've had such a like more optimistic look on life. Yeah, you don't let the little things get you as much because you give the little things to Jesus, right? You. You know, like. If you give everything to him because you know, you don't worry about which of course we're human. We're all going to worry about things, but, you know, When you give it over to him and you just surrender it to him. It works out. Yeah, every time. Every single time. Like, I don't think I can look back on my, uh, my life and, you know, think of a time where it didn't work out. It may not be what have wanted at the time. Like it works out in the end. Like I have something better like that. Boy, I told you that I couldn't even tell that I got that ties to. But, you know, and you know, God, since you something better, like. Tanner off fiance. I couldn't ask for a better person. Like I'm like, thank you, Lord. Thank you for sending me him. And it's because you prayed for him. God picked him, not you. Exactly. You know? Pray that scary prayer ladies. Pray it. What do you have to lose exactly something bad? Like. That's all it is. And you're only getting something, but so much better, even though it may seem scary at the time and it may, you know, break your heart at the time. Just, just trust him because his way is always better. Every time. Every single time. And I think there's a lot of too, we should deep dive, maybe even like its own episode on like, How. God has a plan for you, but there's also free will. Yes. You know what I mean? So like it's a fine line, but they always end up meeting up together. Yeah. Because usually your passions are what God has planned for you. Sometimes they're not, but you usually find out a better passion, something that you found out you were even more passionate about with this plan. It also goes along though with what we're talking about, how like you have to get up like. It's not necessarily that like, God, God, hasn't. Chosen. He just knows how it's going to end. Right. You know what I mean? So like he didn't sit there. And choose for me. To come to him. But he gave me all the tools to be able to do it. So like, my life could be different right now. Like my life would be different if we didn't start this podcast, my life would be different if we didn't. If I didn't like, if, if the first things didn't happen, like it's like a domino effect. So like, even though there's a plan. That he already knows. It doesn't mean that like he didn't pick out each piece of the puzzle because. Like you still get the choice, right. To do things right. And you know, he may give you. You know, freewill and he gives you options and maybe they'll all those options could lead to what he has planned for you. But, you know, in the end he he's got you. He's going. To catch you, if you fall, he's going to pick you back up and you know, you have to ask, you do have to ask. And it all starts with a relationship with him. Honestly. Yeah. Is there anything else that we want to add or no, I think we've spit a lot at them and it's probably, we're going to watch it all back and it's just going to be random stuff. It's own episode, but you know, kindness. Relationship with Jesus means everything. Covered everything broadly, but. But honestly, it's the root of everything. Like. Literally, you have to have a relationship with Jesus to start growing on any of the other things. So if we could leave you with anything, it would be to, you know, start reading your Bible. We encourage you to. You know, seek a friend and then you guys can do it together. Like. Um, grow in the Lord together, you know, pray those scary prayers because in the end. And if he tells you to get down on the floor and pray out loud, do it. Do it or he'll break your car. But we really hope you guys enjoyed our podcast today and we hope to see you all soon and we can't wait for so much more. We'd love you. And remember that you're more precious than rubies